God-level Base

Chapter 498: Assassinate

Shengxie Mountain is located fifty miles northwest of Qinglong Lingcheng. Under the Shengxie Mountain, 20,000 elite psionic fighters of the Qianyuan Republic are stationed.

On the top of the holy slough mountain, there is the slough holy pool refined by Qianyuan Republic with countless resources!

In fact, even if you don't use the Sacred Pond, you can advance to the Spirit Saint. However, the foundation and strength of the spiritual saints who use the sacred pool to advance will far exceed those who have not used the sacred pool.

The five great spiritual sages of the Qianyuan Republic shook the world, and their strength far surpassed other spiritual sages.

A black car galloped from a distance and stopped at the foot of Shengxue Mountain.

The door opened and Shu Feng walked out of the black car.

"Brother Shu Feng!"

A sweet voice sounded from the side, and Shu Feng followed that voice, and saw a girl wearing a white dress who looked very pure and beautiful, smiling and walking towards this side.

"Sister Ji Bingyun!"

At a glance, Shu Feng recognized the girl as Ji Bingyun, the daughter of the original Taoist leader Ji Yuan.

"Brother Shu Feng, I'm here to cheer for you. Come on, you can definitely succeed in entering the Spiritual Saint! This is the [Holy Spirit Pill] that I asked my father for a long time. With this Holy Spirit Pill, you The probability of advanced spiritual saint can be increased by about half."

Ji Bingyun jumped to Shu Feng's body and handed Shu Feng a jade bottle.

Among the blue stars, it is extremely difficult for a half saint to advance to the spiritual saint. Once the attack on the spiritual saint fails, there is even a danger of falling. That [Holy Spirit Pill] can promote the half-time hope of advanced spiritual saints, and it is definitely a precious treasure of invaluable price.

Shu Feng smiled slightly and accepted the bottle of [Holy Spirit Pill] directly: "Thanks!"

That [Holy Spirit Pill] is a priceless treasure, no matter how much Ji Yuanyuan loves Ji Bingyun's daughter, she will not let her give it away. Obviously Ji Yuanyuan also intends to show his favor to Shu Feng through Ji Bingyun.

Ji Bingyun smiled and said: "Brother Shu Feng, how did you cultivate? How did you cultivate so fast? He is still just a spiritualist, and it feels so difficult to cultivate."

Shu Feng said: "It is already amazing to be able to cultivate to the realm of spiritual master at your age. When I was as old as you, I was only a spiritual master apprentice."

The two chatted for a while, and the relationship became closer.

Li Xuanyi also walked over from the side with a chuckle and said, "A Feng, you guy, you are going to be an advanced spiritual saint, and your cultivation speed is so abnormal, so you can't let people live?"

After several years of experience, Li Xuanyi has also transformed from a young man to a young man with extraordinary momentum and beautiful appearance. His cultivation has also advanced to the Spirit Sect realm.

Li Xuanyi had just entered the Spirit Sect, and Shu Feng was already about to enter the Spirit Sage. This gap made Li Xuanyi, who has always been a genius, a little jealous of Shu Feng.

Luo Feng said: "A Feng, this time you can no longer retreat after you have advanced to the Spirit Sage. Whatever, you have to get together with your brothers!"

Jiang Chao smiled and said, "I know where there are fun places, and then everyone will relax together."

Zhao Zixin was dressed in black, just like a black rose, and came over quietly, looking at Shu Feng, a complex color flashed in her beautiful eyes.

At the beginning, Shu Feng's cultivation base was far inferior to Zhao Zixin, and his family background was even inferior to Zhao Zixin's fraction. However, in just a few years, Shu Feng has already advanced to the spiritual saint, becoming one of the few big figures in Blue Star, which naturally made her mood a bit complicated.

Li Xuanyi and the others came this time to observe Shu Feng's advanced spiritual saint.

Different from the basaltic world, once the blue star powerhouse has advanced to the spiritual sage, various visions will appear. Observing the sanctification vision is of great benefit to the blue star powerhouse.

"Shu Feng, you guy has finally left the customs."

A clear voice sounded from the side. Shu Feng turned around and saw Fang Yao smiling and standing aside. Standing beside her was Fang Long.

Shu Feng said enthusiastically: "Master, you are here!"

"Of course, your advanced spiritual sage, but a big event. How could I not come? And your advanced spiritual sage, vision is destined to be extraordinary. Observing your advanced spiritual sage vision will be of great benefit to my future cultivation."

Fang Yao looked at the cheap disciple in front of him, her beautiful eyes flashed with pride and pride. She also didn't expect that a disciple who had been accepted in the struggle for spirits would become a spiritual saint.

It is precisely because of the existence of Shu Feng that Fang Yao and Fang Long's status in the Fang Clan has also risen. Those various dangerous tasks do not have their share. There is no shortage of various offerings.

In addition to Fang Yao and Fang Long, many geniuses from various gate lords and aristocratic families also gathered here, preparing to observe the vision of Shu Feng's advanced spiritual saint.

A loud eagle sounded. A golden eagle with a wingspan of 30 meters and full of golden feathers flew from a distance. Standing on the back of the eagle was a burly figure with short black hair and an extraordinary momentum. A middle-aged man with dark skin, a tall man with scars on his face and a fierce look on his face.

As soon as the golden giant eagle appeared, everyone's eyes were drawn over.

A hint of doubt flashed in Fang Yao's beautiful eyes: "Golden Eagle Spirit Saint Sagu! Black Panther Spirit Saint Anda! Why are they here?"

The Golden Eagle Spirit Saint Sagu and the Black Panther Spirit Saint Anda are the two spiritual Saints that are not affiliated with any country among the Blue Stars. Both of them are geniuses in casual cultivating, and they finally transformed into spiritual saints after all kinds of adventures. Their strength is naturally inferior to the top powerhouses among Wu Zhongchao and their spiritual sages, but they are also far superior to ordinary spiritual sages.

The golden eagle fell from the sky, and fell in front of Shu Feng.

"Are you Shu Feng, the head of Yuanhaishu's family?"

The golden eagle spirit Saint Sagu with short black hair jumped down from the back of the giant eagle, and came to Shu Feng's body.

The spirit saint is the top powerhouse among the blue stars, and each spirit saint is a terrifying existence that overlooks sentient beings from above. Sagu's arrogance is also normal.

Shu Feng said: "I am Shu Feng, I have seen Sagu Lingsheng!"

"Since you are Shu Feng, it is easy! You have offended someone who shouldn't offend, so go to hell!"

A cold light flashed in Sagu Lingsheng's eyes, and a terrifying golden eagle phantom appeared behind him. He suddenly violently blasted his claw towards Shu Feng's head.

A fierce light flashed in Anda Lingsheng's eyes, and he took out the semi-divine artifact [Black Magic Mirror], and shone towards Shu Feng.

Shu Feng's figure was reflected in the [Black Mirror], and a trace of strange black chains shrouded Shu Feng's body, entwining him tightly.

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