God-level Base

Chapter 500: Shock

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Countless black magic qi churned, Shu Feng blasted on the black magic claw with every blow, and soon the black magic claw was bleaked by one point.

In that base space, the bodies of the dragon hounds continued to explode, and ten heads exploded in succession before it stopped.

The black claw also collapsed directly under Shu Feng's bombardment and disappeared.

Shu Feng frowned slightly, thoughtfully: "I can't use Supreme Demon Body, my strength has dropped too much!!"

If it urges the supreme demon body and uses the power of divine nature, Shu Feng can contend with that black magic claw. But in that case, he would be suppressed and rejected by the Heart of the Blue Star World.

The more powerful people use different supernatural powers in different worlds, the more they will be suppressed and rejected.

Since Shu Feng understood this truth, he seldom used the extraordinary power of the alien world in Blue Star.

Shu Feng stretched out his hand and grabbed the half-artifact [Black Mirror] in his hand. This semi-artifact [Black Mirror] is very weird and powerful. It can become his collection, and it can also become one of Yuanhaishu's heritage.

Each of the eight gate lords of Qianyuan Republic and each of the major first-class families are extremely powerful, even the spiritual saints dare not easily provoke them, because their families generally have semi-sacred artifacts or top sacred artifacts to suppress air luck.

Some powerful semi-sacred artifacts can even kill the spiritual saints as long as they have several spiritual deities who sacrifice their lives.

Of course, those semi-sacred artifacts are the foundations of the great powers and families, and they will not be easily used until the critical moment of life and death. Otherwise, once the semi-sacred tool is lost, a family may decline.

"The two spiritual saints were killed by him!! Too cruel!!"

"A half saint killed two spiritual saints, and also took away a semi-sacred weapon, it is really cruel!"

"Shu Feng is really terrible!!"


When the geniuses among the great families and family members saw this scene, a look of jealousy and envy flashed in everyone's eyes.

"Even the Golden Eagle Spirit Saint Sagu and the Black Panther Spirit Saint Anda teamed up to not kill him! This Shu Feng strength is so powerful!!"

Among the crowd, an ordinary-looking, very ordinary-looking young man flashed a shadow in his eyes.

This time, the two great spirit saints joined forces to assassinate Shu Feng in spite of a face attack, and also used a precious semi-sacred weapon [Black Magic Mirror]. Such a lineup assassinated Wu Zhongchao and other five spiritual saints, and there is hope of success.

Shu Feng was able to kill Saint Sagu the Golden Eagle Spirit and Saint Anda the Black Panther Spirit. His strength was simply shocking.

"It seems that only the last resort can be used!!"

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the ordinary-looking young man, turned around silently, and disappeared into the crowd.

After Shu Feng killed the two spiritual saints, he chatted a few more words with Li Xuan and his party. After passing the inspection of the troops stationed under Shengxue Mountain, Shu Feng boarded the top of Shengxuan Mountain.

There is a mysterious cave in the top of the holy slough mountain.

As soon as Shu Feng entered the cave, he saw that there were countless mysterious runes inscribed in the cave. In the center of the cave was a clear and transparent spiritual pond with a diameter of ten meters and a hint of spiritual mist.

That spiritual pool is the sacred pool, a peerless spiritual pool that can increase the chance of an advanced spiritual sage by 10%, and the power of the entire Qianyuan Republic has only cast this spiritual pool.

If you want to use this sacred pool, you must make a great deal of feats for the Qianyuan Republic, and you must protect it from the first-class family and eight gates.

Shu Feng also made a great deal of feats on the battlefield of Void Demon, and only with the protection of Fangshu and Zhushu, can he successfully apply for the right to use the Sacred Pond.

"The world of Gulundo has five gods and other extremely powerful and terrifying existences comparable to the gods. It is too dangerous over there. The world of Andosas is the next world I will visit."

"The world of Andosas is a world of skills, and you can't go wrong with more skills."

"Magic!! The magicians in the world of Andosas rely on various magical skills to fight. The origin and understanding of magic is far from the opponent of the world of Gulundo."

"However, for such a noble profession as a magician, no matter which world you go to, you will not be a weak person! My next evolutionary direction is the magician!"

With a thought of Shu Feng, he directly entered the space of the base.

Click! !

In the Source Energy Evolution Tower, a large egg split open, and the Beast of Steel walked out of the large egg and knelt in front of Shu Feng on one knee.

"Evolution is complete at this time! Let me see how far you have evolved!"

An unexpected color flashed in Shu Feng's eyes, and his thoughts moved, and rows of data immediately appeared in front of his eyes.

"The Beast of Steel."

"Strength 2000 (+1180), Agility 1800 (+1005), Defense 2100 (+1050), Constitution 1900 (+1035), Intelligence 310 (+100), Mental Power 1800 (+1032), Badge Power 4.02 million, Spirit power 1 billion (+950 million), charm 20 (+15), holy soul 7."

"Divine life body. Dark divinity 11, strength divinity +3, sharp divinity +1, agility divinity 1, defense divinity +1."

"Divine characteristics: dark enhancement, fixed increase in strength performance by 150%, agility performance by fixed increase by 50%, defense performance by fixed increase by 50%, sharp reinforcement and fixed increase by 50%. Divine resistance +7, immunity to mid-level lethal spells !"

There was a hint of satisfaction in Shu Feng's eyes: "Yes, although it's not as good as me. However, my subordinates have one more spiritual saint-level combat power."

The various values ​​of Beast of Steel are far inferior to Shu Feng. However, it also possesses three transformation skills, once it breaks out, it is also an extremely powerful combat power.

Shu Feng's strength is very strong, but he also needs a variety of helpers to expand his power. With that powerful steel beast, Shu Feng's power in Blue Star can quickly expand and can do more.

"Before entering the Spirit Saint, I have to plant a skill seed! The skill seed of the magician system!"

Shu Feng strode into the source energy evolution tower. With a thought, he was wrapped in countless mucus and turned into a large egg. The huge source energy poured in and began to implant one after another in his body. Seed of skills.

Middle Legendary Fire Magic, Middle Legendary Wind Magic, Middle Legendary Earth Magic, Middle Legendary Water Magic.

The four magics of wind, fire, water and earth are the mainstream magic in the world of Andosas. Once the four seeds of legendary magic skills were implanted in Shu Feng's body. He can easily use the four-attribute magic in Blue Star.

However, the magical power of the skills in the world of Andorthus is inferior to the magical power of the world of Gulundo. Unless a specific skill is used, the power can exhaust the magic of the world of Gulundo.

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