God-level Base

Chapter 175: Blood ghost man (plus more)

The mountain forest had just returned to silence, the red-haired and black-eyed pupil, with a mysterious magic pattern engraved on his eyebrows, the young man exuding an evil atmosphere all over his body strode to the foot of the mountain. Behind him, followed by fifty assassins wearing black cloaks like ghosts.

"It's amazing. The young people nowadays are really getting more and more amazing. Junior Shu Feng, the team of assassins I sent even the great spiritual masters assassinated no less than five, and they were completely wiped out by your design. It's really amazing. Psionic!! I want to kill you more and more!!"

"Your head, your blood, your internal organs, your bone marrow, you can definitely sell for a good price!! Hahaha!!!"

The red-haired and black-eyed young man's eyes flashed with craziness, and he laughed loudly.

boom! !

An extremely crisp gunshot sounded, and a black light that blended into the night blasted toward the red-haired and black-eyed young man's eyebrows.

when! !

A crisp sound rang out, and the young man with red hair and black pupils pinched the sniper bullet with his fingers.

"So strong! This guy is too strong, far surpassing the ordinary spirit sect. Is it a great master or a spirit lord?"

Above a big tree, Shu Feng looked at the red-haired and black-eyed young man, his eyes narrowed slightly, and a trace of jealousy surged in his heart.

With Shu Feng's strength at this time, that ordinary Spirit Sect realm powerhouse can avoid his sniping by virtue of his extraordinary spiritual sense. But it is impossible to clamp his sniper bullet with two fingers!

"Tier 4 sniper spirit gun [Bailong]! Junior Shu Feng, if you have the cultivation base of the Spirit Sect realm, it is possible to kill me with a single shot. You are too weak now!!"

When the red-haired and black-eyed young man raised his head, his eyes directly locked on Shu Feng, who was two kilometers away, hidden on a big tree, and smiled evilly.

Heads of goblin kings suddenly appeared carrying a pair of anti-tank rocket launchers and blasted at the red-haired and black-eyed young man and the fifty cloaked assassins behind him.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

There was a terrifying loud noise, and the rocket bombarded the ground, blasting out many large and small caves.

The fifty cloaked assassins all jumped for the first time and escaped the bombardment of rockets.

"School Shu Feng, your life is very valuable. Killing you, I can get the illusion transformation ritual, become a true illusion nobleman, can go further on the path of evolution. So for me, please die Come on!!!"

The red-haired and black-eyed young man smiled evilly, swaying slightly, and rushing into the forest like a ghost.

Behind the red-haired and black-eyed young man, fifty cloaked assassins flashed in their bodies and rushed in.

The dense swarms of life eaters, black dogs, phantoms, and black iron sparrows gush out like a tide, toward the red-haired and black-eyed young man and the fifty cloaked assassins behind him.

"This is your ability to summon monsters? It's a pity, no matter how many these miscellaneous fishes are, it is useless, because your location has been exposed!! This is the biggest weakness of your ability!!!"

The red-haired and black-eyed young man smiled indifferently and wandered in the forest. Those lifestealers, black dogs, phantoms, and black iron demon birds who approached him all had a big hole in their chests, and their hearts disappeared.

Shu Feng retreated violently, and with a thought, he directly summoned the beast of steel.

As soon as the steel beast appeared, he completed two stages of transformation in an instant, and transformed into a seven-meter-high slaughter beast full of steel blades. It suddenly violently rushed towards the young man with red hair and black eyes.

"This is your summoned beast that can kill the strong of the Spirit Sect realm? It is really strong! I really want to fight with it. Unfortunately, the transformation ceremony of the imaginary nobles is too precious. I can't waste time! Red Butterfly, Black Bull, you two stop it."

The light of excitement in the eyes of the young man with red hair and black eyes flashed faintly.

"Yes! Your lord!"

A woman with a butterfly mask on her face held a small silver ball tightly and threw it vigorously.

The silver ball flew out and turned into a silver cage, blocking the steel beast that had undergone two stages of transformation.

when! when! when!

The steel beast frantically swung its steel blade to slash on the silver cage, making loud noises, cracks in the silver cage, and then quickly healed.

call out!

An arrow that completely merged with the darkness shot towards the red butterfly wearing a butterfly mask like a black moonlight.

Wearing a black armor, holding a black bull with a heavy ghost shield in his hand, he showed up, holding the heavy shield in front of Hongdie, and a hideous ghost head enchantment emerged directly.

when! !

That black moonlight blasted above the ghost head barrier, collapsed, and the alloy arrow also collapsed and shattered.


Sen Han, a young man with red hair and black eyes, smiled.

A man in black with a cloak burst out a spiritual pressure from the Spirit Sect, holding a spirit gun and shooting directly at Camilla a few miles away.

After Camilla fired a shot, her body twisted slightly and rolled directly behind a huge boulder.

That arrow twisted like eyes, and blasted on Camilla's left shoulder, and was directly blocked by the Tier 4 spirit armor [Black Demon] on her body.

Although curved shooting is weird, its speed is slightly slower than straight shooting, and its power will be weakened by more than 70%.

The bat flickered, like a ghost, sneaking in the direction of Camilla.

"School Shu Feng, your strongest steel beast and dark elf hero Camilla have been blocked by my people. You are dead this time!! If you kneel down and beg for mercy now, you still have time!"

The red-haired and black-eyed young man smiled swiftly and moved leisurely towards the place where Shu Feng was. There were countless blood splashes wherever he passed, and the distance between him and Shu Feng was constantly shortened.

"Blood ghost man! Thank you for holding Shu Feng's two big killers, his head, I accept it!!"

Accompanied by a silver bell-like laughter, a woman dressed in a black tights, black long hair shawl, is hot and sexy, with gorgeous makeup, looks like a ghost, and flutters towards Shu Feng.

This gorgeous and coquettish beauty is the notorious Yanhu Shangguanyan in the magic way, a strong man in the spiritual sect, who is proficient in the art of collecting yang and replenishing yin. I don't know how many strong men have fallen under her pomegranate skirt.

"Sao Fox, Shu Feng's life is mine!! If you dare to fight with me, I will tear you out!!"

A bald head, a burly figure and a ferocious face, the magic master with a Zen wand, Etotuo, stepped on the void, exuding the spiritual pressure of the spirit sect, and rushed towards Shu Feng.

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