God-level Base

Chapter 174: Ambush (add more, ask for subscription, monthly pass)

A look of anger flashed in Lisa's beautiful eyes, and no one had ever dared to speak to her like this.

"Lisa, you mean bitch, dare to steal people behind my back. See if I won't kill you!!"

A fat man with a fat body and a top brand entered the carriage and saw Lisa who almost squeezed half of her body into Shu Feng's arms. She was furious, and made two steps in three steps, rushing towards Shu Feng, ruthlessly Slapped hard at Lisa.

Just when the fat man was about to slap Lisa's face, his big hands rose up all at once, and a faint blue light appeared, exuding bursts of nasty stench. Suddenly The direction changed, and he patted Shu Feng's head.

"Sure enough!"

Shu Feng smiled coldly, and a big sun palm shot out directly, like a big sun lifted into the sky, directly hitting the fat man's right hand.

boom! !

The fat man spit out a **** arrow and slammed into the Rocket. He was flushed with a hint of smoke, coughing up blood, and trembling.

"Killed! Killed!"

Lisa let out a terrified scream and fled out quickly. She was just a high-level prostitute who took money to act, and she did not expect to be involved in the murder, which made her heart full of horror.

Shu Feng stared at the fat assassin and said coldly, "How did you know my whereabouts?"


The fat assassin just opened his mouth, his body twisted, and with a bang, a thin golden thread pierced Shu Feng fiercely like lightning.


Shu Feng drew out the Tier 4 Spirit Sword [Rainstorm] and slashed it on the golden thin line, and split the golden thin line into two. A small golden snake that had been chopped in two fell to the ground.

Shu Feng snapped his fingers, and a lifespan swiftly stepped forward, touched the fat assassin everywhere, and found a black dagger.

"What a poor ghost!"

A touch of disgust flashed in Shu Feng's eyes, and he slashed the high-speed rail window with a sword in his hand [Heavy Rain], smashing the high-speed rail window directly, and leaped forward from the high-speed rail that galloped at a speed of 250 kilometers per hour. Jumped from above.

"No, he escaped!!"

The high-speed rail camera in that carriage moved slightly, and the face of the monitor of that camera suddenly changed.

Three assassins wearing black cloaks, masks, and holding spirit guns broke into this car, looking at the cut high-speed rail window, staring at each other.

An assassin said: "Report your lord immediately!"

Fifty kilometers ahead, on a hill, an assassin wearing a black cloak and a mask respectfully reported to a young man with red hair, black pupils and slightly raised mouth, exuding an evil temperament. Said: "My lord, the target jumped off the car and left. Will the plan continue to be implemented?"

"Of course continue! Except for us, all human beings are maggot-like lowly species. How can anyone care about how many maggots die? Hahahaha!!"

The red-haired and black-eyed young man with mysterious magic patterns on his forehead smiled evilly, and squeezed a remote control in his hand.


In front of the galloping high-speed rail, a terrifying explosion suddenly occurred. The front of the high-speed rail was blown up directly, and the huge body twisted and turned crazily along the inertia.

"Hahaha, the hunt has begun!! My good schoolboy!! Heavenly psionicist, I am so jealous!! I am so jealous that I want to make your head into my wine glass!!"

The young man with red hair and black eyes, with a trace of mysterious magic patterns on his forehead smiled cruelly, his figure shook, and flew down from the hill like a wild goose, sinking into the darkness.

A strong man in a black cloak followed the young man with red hair and black eyes.

Shu Feng galloped in the darkness alone, and under the strengthening of the [Lord of the Night Lord], he was like a fish in water, his body was extremely light, and his eyesight was several times stronger than during the day.

"They still blew up the high-speed rail! These beasts are really vicious."

Suddenly, Shu Feng acted for a moment, and glanced in the direction where the high-speed railway was broken. A cold murderous intent flashed in his eyes, and then he moved on and fled into a forest full of trees and a hundred meters high.

Five minutes later, twenty strong men wearing black cloaks and masks also came to this mountain forest.

boom! !

A crisp sound of a sniper rifle suddenly sounded, and the head of an assassin wearing a black cloak burst open, red and white splashing all over the ground.

"Sniper!! There are snipers!! Beware of snipers!"

An assassin wearing a black cloak screamed, shaking his body, rushing into the mountain forest, and rushing behind a big tree.

A lifestealer lying on the ground suddenly violent, and one claw digs into the heart of the black cloaked assassin.

The assassin in the black cloak spurred his spiritual power, bursting out the spiritual pressure of the great spiritualist series, and a layer of spiritual power like a snake scale appeared on his body, and his body was in the mid-air. There was a twist in it.

The lifestealer slammed its claw on the membrane of spiritual power like snake scales, abruptly tore a crack, and barely tore a claw wound on the body of the black cloak assassin.


The assassin in the black cloak abruptly avoided the sneak attack of the lifestealer, and shot the head of the lifestealer with a backhand shot, and exploded the head of the lifestealer with a single shot. .

call out! !

An arrow shot out like a meteor, piercing the head of the Great Spiritist-level black cloak assassin for an instant, nailing him to the ground.

boom! boom! boom!

There was a burst of gunfire. As soon as the assassins in black cloaks entered the forest, they were attacked by the lifestealers lying on the ground. Four people were killed directly, and the rest of the assassins were also injured one after another. However, they were all masters of the spiritualist level, and they fought back one after another, fighting with those life eaters.

Almost at the same time, on the big trees, heads of black iron devil sparrows descended from the sky, and their sharp claws rushed towards the assassins in the black cloaks.

The black dog phantoms hidden in the grass also rushed out, frantically attacking the assassins in the black cloaks.

The assassins wearing black cloaks and holding spirit guns were all directly lifted their skulls by the black iron sparrows and turned into corpses and fell to the ground.

Before long, twenty top assassins were killed directly.

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