God-level Base

Chapter 176: Kill the evil head

In normal times, neither the Yanhu Shangguanyan nor the murderous evil head Tuo would dare to provoke the blood ghosts. But the bounty for killing Shu Feng was too tempting. It was a life span of more than a thousand years, and the ticket to enter the virtual world and escape the end.

In order to be transformed into the nobles of the Nether Demons, both Shangguanyan and Etouduo took a risk.

A sneer flashed in the blood ghost man's eyes, and he still narrowed the distance with Shu Feng unhurriedly.


Shu Feng held [Bai Long] and fired a shot directly at Shangguan Yan, and a beam of light blasted directly at Shangguan Yan.

"Little handsome boy, you dare to shoot at someone! It's really necrotic! People wait a while, they will definitely castrate you, use your words to make wine!!"

Shangguan Yan Gege laughed, her delicate body twisted slightly, her posture was graceful, like a flying fox that could only turn and fly in the void, and easily avoided the shot.

"not good!!"

Almost instantly, Shangguan Yan's heart was full of warning signs, and with a wave of her jade hand, colorful ribbons immediately wrapped around her body, her body twisted and her figure retreated violently.

A Hasna wearing a [Dark Demon] spirit armor and holding a Tier 4 spirit sword [Storm Sword] suddenly appeared, using the Tyrannical Sword Technique, and slashing out with a single sword, the sound of terrifying dragons rang out. Long Xuying appeared behind Hasuna and slashed towards Shangguan Yan.

A burst of cloth tearing sounded directly, and the colorful ribbons were directly cut off, and a blood line appeared in Shangguan Yan's body, and countless blood sputtered out and scattered on the ground.

"Little bitch, you **** it!!"

A flash of anger flashed in Shangguan Yan's beautiful eyes, and with a sharp roar, the colorful ribbons blasted towards Hasina from incredible angles like snakes.

The colorful ribbons are filled with incomparable spiritual power, which seems to be light and fluttering, but contains terrifying power. Even if a heavy armored vehicle is hit by a colorful ribbon, it will sink into a big chunk. This is the horror of Lingzong-class spiritual power.

The cold light flashed in Hasina's beautiful eyes, like a human-shaped tyrannosaurus, using the Tyrannosaurus sword technique, opening and closing, slashing towards Shangguan Yan frantically.

As far as the sword light reached, the colorful ribbons broke one after another, forcing Shangguan Yan to retreat steadily.

"Okay!!! Good!!! Very good, Shu Feng, this is your assassin, great!!! You can go to death!!!"

Evil Head Tuo smiled grimly, and the shoes on his legs burst out with a layer of blue light, appearing in front of Shu Feng like a teleportation, casting his thirteen wands, like a guardian King Kong that swept away the demons, one stick pointed towards Shu Feng banged.

Spirit guns are rare, each Tier 4 spirit gun costs more than 50 billion, and there is still no market. Only those aristocratic families above the middle grade can equip the strong ones in the family.

Spirit sects such as evil head tuo and Yanhu are wild spirit sects. There is no backstage support. They can only practice spiritual martial arts and improve their spiritual abilities.

when! !

Shu Feng held the Spirit Sword [Heavy Rain] and slashed fiercely on the Eiduduo Zen Staff, making a terrifying loud noise.

The evil head was shocked and flew tens of meters away.


Shu Feng stayed there, a terrifying aura rushed into his body, shaking his internal organs with severe pain, and large and small wounds appeared.

In terms of strength alone, Shu Feng's victory over Eiduduo, but his spiritual power quality was two levels worse than Eiduduo.

"Amazing!! Worthy of being a celestial spiritual ability person!! The power is greater than mine, really an amazing genius. Unfortunately, your cultivation is too weak. Today you will definitely die in my hands!!"

Evil Head Tuo smiled grimly, and his spiritual power boiled, like a guardian vajra, his rod blasted towards Shu Feng.

Shu Feng waved his hand, three-headed giant polluters suddenly appeared, holding the extremely thick steel pillar and swept toward Etotuo fiercely.

"Trash, die!!"

A fierce light flashed in Eidutuo's eyes, and he roared sharply, casting his thirteen wands and blasting at the three giant polluters.

boom! boom! boom!

The steel pillars in the hands of the four-meter-tall giant polluter fought with the Zen stick of the evil head, and then their bodies were impacted by the terrifying spiritual energy of the spiritual sect, and they were shattered and turned into countless pieces. Scattered all around.

"Shu Feng, what else do you have, just use it!! Today, you are dead!! No one can save you!"

The evil head Tuo laughed wildly, like a fierce guardian Vajra, rushing towards Shu Feng.

With a wave of Shu Feng's hand, the three-headed giant polluter suddenly appeared, and together with the eight-headed Devils, they rushed towards the evil head.

Eidou Tuo let out a sharp roar, as if using a thirteen wand, urging the terrifying spiritual power of the spirit sect to fight with the synthetic warriors.


A cold light flashed in Shu Feng's eyes, the spiritual power in his body disappeared crazily, and he stretched out his hand.

The steel beast trapped in the silver cage disappeared instantly, appeared in front of Shu Feng's body, suddenly violent, waved the steel sickle, and slashed at the evil head with a single knife.

"not good!!"

The Evil Head Tuo's expression suddenly changed, and after a stick shattered a giant polluter, he directly lifted it horizontally, blocking him in front of him.

when! !

A terrifying loud noise sounded, and the evil head was smashed into the air more than ten meters away, his hands were numb, his blood was tumbling, and his face changed drastically.

A look of jealousy flashed in Eidutuo's eyes: "So strong! This little bastard's summoned beast is really powerful. No wonder the Dark Night Church of the Thunder Republic can be taken away."

An afterimage flashed, and the steel beast reappeared in front of Etotuo, slashing as fast as lightning, and slashed at him fiercely.


Shu Feng glanced at Etotuo, madly urging the power of the badge, and a trace of weird and unpredictable magical power shrouded Etotuo's body at once.

Eidutuo's body trembled slightly, his eyes were blurred for a moment, and the spiritual power in his body was turned, and he regained his sobriety. A trace of unknown premonition surged in his heart: "Not good!"

In that instant, the beast of steel slashed at Etoduo's body, splitting the body of Etoduo to two parts.

"How is it possible? How could I die here!!"

Etouduo's face was unbelievable, and his strong vitality made him struggle for three breaths before he died.

The evil head Tuo is a powerful person in the spirit sect, and also a master of magic in the dark world. He even escaped from the hands of the Heavenly Sword of Qianyuan Republic, but he did not expect to die in Shu Feng's hands.

After slashing Etouduo, the steel beast suddenly violently rushed towards the direction where Yanhu Shangguanyan was.

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