God-level Base

Chapter 166: Kill Suhamu III


Thirty seconds later, there was a crisp sound from Hasna's body, and cracks quickly surfaced on her body. Even with the support of the magic circle, she used a human body to perform god-level magic skills, which was still unbearable. .

"What's the matter? Where's my lord's arm? Why didn't my lord's arm come back? Shu Feng, what exactly did you do to my lord's arm?"

Suhamu III looked at Hasuna with cracks in his body, a flash of fear flashed in his eyes, and he roared heartbreakingly at the steel beast.

The arm of the Lord of the Night is one of the most crucial props for his resurrection, once there is no such prop. His resurrection is a farce.

It is precisely because of this that Suhamu III will spend a lot of time to invite Shu Feng back to the palace for a banquet. He was just to make sure that Shu Feng was still in the city when the ceremony was carried out.

A look of compassion flashed in Shu Feng's eyes, and through the mouth of the steel beast: "Suhaman III, your master's arm has been refined by me."

Suhamu III looked terrified and desperate, and roared ferociously: "Impossible! That is the arm of the gods! Unless it is a powerful person at the spiritual level, no one can destroy the arms of the gods!!! You are lying!!! You must be lying! You are lying to me, right?"

Shu Feng said: "I didn't lie to you! I really can't destroy the arms of the gods, but my spiritual ability can destroy the arms of the gods!!!"

"Impossible! You are lying to me! You must be lying to me! Can destroy the arm of the gods, is it possible that you are a person with heavenly spiritual ability?"

"Yes, you are a person with heavenly spiritual ability, and only those with heavenly spiritual ability can refine the arm of a god!!"

"Haha, how could I be so unlucky. I actually met a heavenly spiritual ability person!! Haha!! Why am I so unlucky!! Why!!!"

"What am I doing all this for?"

"I can't fail, I will win! I must break the curse!! I must lead the family more brilliantly!"

Suharman III was crying and laughing, crazy, gibberish, and desperate.


Hasuna could not search for the arm of the Lord of the Night, and finally fell from the sky to the ground, spouting a mouthful of blood, and fainted.

As soon as Hasina fainted, the steel beast suddenly violent, and appeared in front of Suhamu III in an instant, and the steel sickle in her hand was madly chopped towards Suharman III's neck.

Suhamu III looked at the steel sickle with a clear flash in his eyes, and sighed faintly: "Shu Feng, help me take care of Hanani and Hasina!!"

With a flash of light, Suhamu III's head flew high, blood splattered. His headless body fell to the ground.

When Suhamu III died, the idol of the lord of the night dimmed and turned into an ordinary idol.


A complex color flashed in Hanani's beautiful eyes, struggling to move in front of Hasuna and grabbing her shoulders.


The moment Hanani met Hasina, she was shocked by a force of force, and flew more than ten meters away, spewing a mouthful of blood, and her internal organs were tumbling.

Hanani looked at the steel beast, and a pleading flashed in her beautiful eyes: "Shu Feng, save Hasuna, save my sister! She is my only relative!!"

The Beast of Steel said: "I am coming here!"

Hanani felt a little at ease now, except for Shu Feng, she didn't know who to rely on.

After a while, Shu Feng came to this underground plaza, walked directly in front of Hasina, squatted down, and put a hand on her nose, his face suddenly changed.

Hasna had no breath at this time.

Shu Feng pressed Hasna's heart, but she didn't feel her heartbeat, and her body had already begun to become cold. He could also feel that a trace of spiritual power was escaping from her body, which was the process by which the spiritual power dissipated after the death of the psionicist.

Hanani looked at Shu Feng with an iron face, her eyes flickered with fear and expectation and said: "How is it? How is my sister? She must be fine, right!"

Shu Feng muttered to the central analyzer, "Can you save her?"

A transparent tentacle gushed out of Shu Feng's hand, pierced into Hasina's body, and began to analyze her physical condition.

"Yes, but her body is close to collapse. It takes most of the divine power, source power, soul power, and 1 point of dark divinity to stabilize her body that is about to collapse."

"Do you want to save her? Every second, the resources needed to save her will increase by one point."

"Save her!!"

When Shu Feng thought of these days, the endless aftertaste kisses every day, he gritted his teeth and brought Hasina into the Source Energy Evolution Tower.

As soon as Hasina was admitted to the Source Energy Evolution Tower, inside the Source Energy Evolution Tower, tubes stretched out, spraying out countless mucus and enveloped her, forming an egg.

The immense source power was continuously poured into Hasna's body at once, and a little golden divinity was directly submerged into Hasna's body, strengthening her body and soul.

Shu Feng sighed slightly in his heart, with some regrets: "My divinity is gone again!"

The greater the number of divinities, the greater the various resistances Shu Feng possesses, and the stronger the evolutionary potential. If it hadn’t been for Shu Feng to possess 2 points of divinity in his body, he would have been dissipated by the combination of fairy juice and Manro’s facial grass. Even if he signed a blood contract with the 9 Goblin Kings, it would definitely be a dead end. One.

Hanani looked at the disappearing Hasina, a touch of fear flashed in her beautiful eyes, and couldn't help but question: "Shu Feng, where is my sister?"

Shu Feng said: "I am using my ability to treat her. Don't worry, I can definitely save her."

Hanani just breathed a sigh of relief.

A line of prompt sound appeared in Shu Feng's mind: "Found source energy, coordinates North 23 and East 34."

"Yuanneng, great!! You can make up for my loss!!"

Shu Feng's eyes brightened, and he strode to the front of the Lord of Dark Night's idol, stretched out his hand and pressed it, and the transparent tentacles invisible to the naked eyes of mortals were inserted into the idol of Dark Night Lord.

An endless source of energy gushes out from the idol of the Lord of the Night and sinks into the mysterious base.

"Source energy +17000 points, supernatural power +18734."

A reminder sounded in Shu Feng's mind.

"17000 points of source energy, this time is really a big profit!! Hahaha!!!"

A flash of excitement flashed in Shu Feng's eyes, so much source energy was enough to make his strength soar.

"Hasna's life has been saved. She has absorbed a lot of the blood of the gods and the energy of the Lord of the Night, and has huge evolutionary potential. Does it consume 13,000 source energy to strengthen her body and retain her power?"

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