God-level Base

Chapter 165: Angelization (add more, ask for subscription, ask for monthly pass)

In Leiyin Republic, in every city, black beams of light have risen.

The entire Leiyin Republic formed an incomparably weird magic circle among the black beams of light.

"What's going on, so tired!!"

"I want to sleep!"


In the cities of Leiyin Republic, many people felt as if their bodies were taken away by something, and became exhausted.


A car slammed into the rear of the car in front and made a loud noise, but the driver in the car had fallen asleep.

Inside a classroom.

"No sleep, this is in class. No...sleep...sleep!"

A middle-aged classroom was reprimanding the pupils, but his eyelids were fighting, and eventually the textbooks in his hands fell, and the whole person fell weakly to the ground and fell asleep.

when! when! when!

The steel beast slashed the black giant's open barrier frantically, faster and faster, more and more crazy.

Dozens of life eaters also rushed out of the elevator, rushing towards the black barrier, and frantically attacking the opened barrier of the black giant.

A very fast black dog phantom also gushed out of the elevator and rushed towards this black enchantment.

No matter what kind of enchantment, once it is opened, it needs to consume power. Once too many attacks are taken, it will collapse.

"It's useless!! Shu Feng, how could the arrangement that our family has spent countless efforts to complete be destroyed by you!! The only chance you can destroy our family's arrangement is to immediately abscond and leave after taking the arm of our master? Leiyin Republic."

"Now, please revive my lord! I will offer five million people as a sacrifice, and become the material for the great recovery of my lord!"

A frenzy flashed in Suhamu III's eyes, and he crawled right in front of Hasna.

From the idol of the Lord of the Night, a black beam of light jetted out into Hasna's body.

Hasuna opened her eyes at once, suspended in the void, surrounded by a terrifying black light, with a pair of black wings spread out behind her back, her eyes indifferent, looking down on sentient beings like a god.

A terrifying coercion, with Hasna as the core, spread in all directions.

Shu Feng saw Hasina's changes through the eyes of the Beast of Steel, and his heart sank slightly: "Angelization! It's terrible!!"

Angelization is a stage in the evolution of human wizards of the Gulundo world into gods, which is also called a demigod. An existence between mortals and gods.

The pair of jet black wings behind Hasna were not flesh and blood, but were constructed of pure high energy.


There was a crisp sound, Hasuna's pretty face had more cracks, and there were also a few cracks in her body. She only has the cultivation base of the spiritualist realm. No matter how talented she is, she will have to pay a huge price to advance to the demigod in one step.


With a thought of Shu Feng, Camilla jumped out of the elevator, eyes of the moon appeared in his eyes, and his whole body was surging, poured into the bow in his hand, and the pupils were injected, and a dark moonlight arrow was directed towards the black one. The enchantment shoots away.


The dark moonlight arrow shot one arrow on the black barrier, pierced the black barrier at once, and shot straight towards Suharman III.

That arrow was extremely powerful, and even if a powerful person in the Spirit Sect realm was shot, there was only a dead end.

A touch of indifference flashed in Hasina's beautiful eyes, and she reached out her hand and pointed, a black feather flew out of her jade hand, and fell on the dark moonlight arrow like lightning.

The arrow that Camilla shot with all his strength was so fragmented and turned into ashes.

With an arrow shot, Camilla retreated sharply and fled the place along the elevator very sensitively.

The beast of steel, lifestealers, and dense black dogs and phantoms all rushed towards Suharman III.

Hasna's beautiful eyes were filled with coldness and indifference, and the jet black energy winged behind her, and the black light in the sky blasted towards the steel beast, the lifesaver, and the black dog.

The Eater, the Black Dog and the Void Demon were bombarded by black lights, and they all screamed, and their bodies turned into black smoke and disappeared directly.

The Beast of Steel opened a huge steel shield, barely resisting the black light in the sky.


After killing all the life-stealers, black dogs and imaginary demons with one move, there were more cracks in the body of the high Hasina again, like a broken porcelain doll.

"younger sister!!"

Hanani looked at Hasuna with more cracks in her body, and a touch of sadness flashed in her beautiful eyes.

"Haha, it's useless, Shu Feng! Lord, come back to life!"

Suharman III laughed loudly, took out a bottle, opened the lid and sprinkled it forcefully, a piece of golden blood of the gods flew out and turned into a little golden light and sank into Hasina's body.

After absorbing the bottle of god’s blood, Hasna’s eyes were eroded by the endless darkness, turning into a pair of creepy black pupils, a terrifying, desperate pressure from her beautiful body Diffuse out of it.

"It's over!! This time, it failed!!"

Inside the palace, Shu Feng peeped through the eyes of the steel beast, and his heart sank slightly.

A resurrected god, even if there is only a little power left, it is not the existence that Shu Feng can contend at this time.

A life-stealing demon holding the body of Shufeng deity, quickly fled towards the direction of the Gurejana River. The Gurejana River is the escape route that Shu Feng prepared.

The steel beast shook slightly, retreated violently, and fled toward the elevator exit.

Countless black rays of light diffused out of Hasna's body, forming circles of black ripples rippling in the void.

The Beast of Steel was rolled by the black ripples, and his body trembled, and both the power of the emblem and the spiritual power began to be disordered, as if it were stuck in the mud and could not move.

"Shu Feng, now only the arm of the Lord in your hand is left. As long as you have the arm of the Lord in your hand, the Lord can be fully resurrected and regain his strength with the lives of the five million people of Leiyin Republic. Haha!! "

"As long as my lord's arm is still in Leiyin Republic, he will definitely be found by my lord. Do you regret not escaping early with my lord's arm? Hahaha!!"

Suharman III laughed loudly, unspeakably cheerful in his heart.

Once the Lord of the Night is resurrected, with the power of a god, not only will the curse of Suhamu III be eliminated, but the broken arm can also be quickly regenerated.

Suharman III made such a great feat, and he will surely be rewarded by the gods.

A strange color flashed in Shu Feng's eyes: "God's arm? It seems to be the one refined by me!!"

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