God-level Base

Chapter 167: Lord of the Night Lord

"Hasna, it seems I must owe you a lot of money in my last life!"

Shu Feng smiled bitterly and said decisively: "Yes! Strengthen!"

The immense source of energy gushes out at once, sinks into Hasina's body, and begins to strengthen her body and soul.


A crisp sound rang, and the idol of the Lord of the Night cracked open, and a black ring exuding strange charm rolled out of the idol of the Lord of the Night, grunting, and landed at Shu Feng's feet.

"It's too obvious! This is a naked temptation!! When I am a fool who can't resist the temptation?"

Shu Feng looked at the black ring that rolled in front of him, a little speechless.

There are six gods in the world of Gulundo, namely, the sun god, the war god, the moon god, the dragon god, the giant god, and the dark god. Among them, the God of Darkness is the one who descended to the Blue Star and was killed by the Seven Holy Spears manually by the Blue Star Spiritual Alliance.

However, it is extremely difficult for any **** to truly fall. As long as the believer is immortal, the **** may still be resurrected.

In the myths and legends of the world of Gulundo, the two gods, the **** of war and the **** of darkness, have fallen, and then, with the help of mortals, resurrected again and reached the top of the gods.

The God of Darkness is an evil spirit who likes blood sacrifices and various evil rituals. Even so, the mortal who helped him resurrect also gained tremendous strength, wealth, and lifespan, and became the king of a country. The mortal family also gained a powerful and extraordinary bloodline.

The **** of war also protected the mortals who resurrected him to the pinnacle of life and became the king of a country.

Those fallen gods will generally arrange pieces of magical treasures containing extraordinary powers in many places. Once a mortal gets those secret treasures, he will gain strength and bear the curse of the gods at the same time.

If those mortals do not lift the curse for the gods after obtaining the secret treasure, they will die very miserably one by one, and their descendants will also be cursed by the gods and will not live long.

Because of the curse of the gods, the Suhamu III clan could not live to fifty years old, so he would be so crazy. In order to lift the curse, he would kill his wife and son.

"Try it out and see if you can get rid of the trap inside!"

With a move of Shu Feng's heart, a lifestealer walked over and picked up the black ring and put it on his finger.

A mysterious black light flashed on the body of the Devourer.

Shu Feng stretched out his hand to press on the lifestealer, a transparent tentacle pierced into the lifesaver's body, and began to quickly scan the body of the lifestealer.

"[Lord of the Night Lord], can absorb the free power around, strengthen the cultivation qualifications worn. It has five special abilities. A curse!"

"Legendary stealth technique consumes spiritual power, magic power and other power to become invisible. If there is no spiritual power and magic power, it will consume the life force of the wearer."

"Epic Son of the Night, in the dark, you will gain even more powerful power."

"Epic natural charm technique, the wearer of this lord ring exudes the charm of natural charm, which makes people unconsciously feel good."

"Epic-level dominance, the followers of the Lord of the Night cannot disobey the wearer's orders."

"Epic listening skills can hear the mysterious voice left by the Lord of the Night."

"The curse of the Lord of the Night: The wearer of this ring must work hard for the resurrection of the Lord of the Night, otherwise he will die miserably. The curse will continue to the bloodline descendants of the wearer until all the bloodline descendants of the wearer die. "

Shu Feng glanced at [Lord of the Night Lord]: "It seems that the first ancestors of the Leiyin Republic acquired this [Lord of the Night Lord] to rise all the way and become the founding ancestor of the Leiyin Republic."

Shu Feng asked the central analyzer: "Can the curse of the Lord of the Night be lifted?"

If it can lift the curse of the Lord of the Night, that [Ring of the Lord of the Night] is definitely a top secret treasure, and the legendary invisibility technique is really too practical.

The higher the level of invisibility, the stronger the strong can be deceived. The legendary invisibility technique means that even the powerhouse of the spiritual saint level may not be able to sense the person who has performed the legendary invisibility technique.

"Consuming 3000 source energy, you can get rid of the curse of the gods on the [Lord of the Night Lord] and retain the rest of the powers of the ring. Do you want to get rid of it?"


Shu Feng was overjoyed and ordered the lifestealer to throw [Lord of the Night Lord's Ring] to him, and then put it into the Source Energy Evolution Tower at the moment of contact.

A pipe stretched out at once, spraying out a stick of mucus and engulfing the [Lord of the Night Lord] into it, forming a black egg.

The immense source could rush into the black egg at once.

A mysterious curse imprinted on the black egg, black smoke suddenly rose up, and bursts of creepy muttering sounded out of the egg.

The weird whispering sound is the sound of the curse of the gods. Once a mortal hears it, he will become a madman or a monster, lose his humanity, and fall directly.


A tube carrying mucus broke directly under a mysterious force.

The two source energy pipes for transporting mucus were once again formed and pierced into the black egg.

A huge source of energy poured in frantically, suppressing the curse of the gods in the black egg.

The source energy pipes were broken, and then regenerated. In the end, the black egg returned to calm. The countless weird whispers disappeared, and the curse of the gods was directly removed.

With a thought to Shu Feng, the [Lord of the Night Lord] appeared in his hand, and then put it on directly.

As soon as he put on the [Lord of the Night Lord], Shu Feng felt a trace of pure and incomparable spiritual power rushing from the [Lord of the Night Lord], submerged in his body, nourishing his body and soul .

"This [Lord of the Night Lord] level is probably comparable to the sacred artifact! If someone knows that I have such a treasure, I am afraid that the great masters of the spiritual realm will be tempted."

Shu Feng looked at the [Lord of the Night Lord] in his hand, the corner of his mouth raised slightly, revealing a smile.

The holy artifacts are the secret treasures second only to divine artifacts among the blue stars. Every sacred artifact is the foundation of a powerful force. The background of the saint's celebrity. The seven holy spears that once killed the gods are recognized artifacts among the Blue Stars.

[Lord of the Night Lord] This secret treasure, a legendary invisibility technique, is enough to make the top powerhouses among the blue stars go crazy. After all, this is an invisibility technique that even a strong spiritual sage can conceal.

Of course, if those spiritual saint-level powerhouses cast spells such as the cracking invisibility technique, or use powerful pupil techniques, it is still possible to see through the invisibility of [Lord of the Night Lord]. However, even so, that [Lord of the Night Lord] is definitely the top assassination treasure.

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