God-level Base

Chapter 164: Sacrifice (add more, ask for subscription, ask for monthly pass)

"His Majesty!!"

Afefu smiled miserably, opened his mouth and squirted, a mouthful of blood turned into a black snake, blocking his right side, and retreating violently.

The Beast of Steel stepped forward and chopped it down, smashing the black snake that Afefu had condensed with one knife, and slashed it on Afefu's body.

A layer of twisted spiritual power emerged on Na Afefu's body, like a snake scale, removing most of its power. The beast of steel slashed down, only to cut a wound with deep bones on Afefu's body.

A sharp sword-like tail ejected from the wound cut by the beast of steel, pierced into Afefu's body fiercely, and went up with the trend, striving hard, and abruptly smashing Afefu. For two.

Afefu's eyes darkened and his body trembled, turning into a corpse and falling to the ground.

Suhamu III's eyes flashed a tingling color, and he crushed a red crystal.

Inside the palace, a mysterious magic circle appeared at once, shining with light, and directly enveloped Suhamu III.

A statue of the Lord of the Night flew out of Afefu's corpse and fell into the hands of Suhamu III.

A ray of light flashed slightly, and Suhamu III disappeared immediately.

A little red light appeared on the bodies of Hanani, Hasina, Sailen, and Su Limo, surrounding their bodies.

In the next moment, the four Serenians and the Life Eaters under their bodies were all shrouded in the red light of teleportation and disappeared directly from the place.

Hasuna's eyes flickered, and she suddenly found herself in an extremely spacious underground palace.

In the underground palace, there is a ten-meter high statue of the Lord of the Night, exuding evil charm, and under the statue, there is also a huge and incomparable blood pool.

Suhamu III smiled sorrowfully and fired directly with the spirit gun [Blue Dragon] in his hand.

Blue light beams blasted on the body of the four lifesavers, blasting the four lifesavers into pieces one by one.

The glamorous Queen Seren burst into tears and pleaded bitterly: "Your Majesty, for the sake of our husband and wife, please, let our children go!!"

Su Limo shouted: "Father, stop! You stop now, it's still too late. Our family can leave Thunder Republic and stay anonymous. As long as we keep a low profile, the people who protect the flames will not find us!!!"

"Salen, I can't stop! I want to break the blood curse of our family. I want to gain strength and longevity. For the sake of our husband and wife, I can give you a grace so that you don't have to watch what happens next. Tragedy!"

Suhamu III sighed slightly, and blasted his wife's head directly with a shot on the head of Kill Sailun.

There was a touch of disbelief in Hasina's beautiful eyes, and she let out a stern cry: "Mother!!"

Hanani pleaded softly with a look of despair and fear: "Father, no, please, stop. We are your biological children."

"You should be fortunate. As long as the curse in our blood is broken, our family will be able to gain powerful strength. In the future, nothing can resist the rise of our family."

Suhamu III's gaze fell on Su Limo III, and he smiled gently: "Su Limo, my outstanding son, you will definitely dedicate yourself to our family, right?"

Su Limo sternly shouted with tears streaming down his face: "Suhamu III, you are not my father, you are a demon! You are a **** demon!!"

"Unfortunately, you can't understand my greatness!!"

A bleak flashed in Suhamu III's eyes, and a shot smashed Su Limo's head.

The palm-sized statue of the Lord of the Night took a breath and sucked Su Limo's blood directly, turning him into a corpse.

Hanani saw this scene, her charming pretty face was distorted with fear and begged loudly: "Father, don't kill me!! Please, don't kill me!!"

Suhamu III smiled slightly and said: "Hanani, don't worry. You are the saint whom I chose to serve my lord. Hasna is the vessel for my lord's resurrection."

Hanani felt a little relief, and then a trace of guilt surged: "I should feel relieved, I am really a shameless person."

"Suhamu III, from today, you will no longer be my father."

Hasina stared at Suhamu III, a line of blood and tears flowing in her eyes, saying every word.

"Hasna, you should feel lucky. My lord, a great god, will be reborn with your body. You will be the glory of our clan."

Suhamu III smiled slightly, chanted a mantra in his mouth, and reached out to point at the idol of the Lord of the Night in his hand.

The lord of the night idol opened its mouth, and a golden blood containing a trace of sacred aura sank into Hasna's body.

Hasina screamed, her delicate body trembled, and in the snow-white skin, blue veins protruded, foaming at the mouth, and she struggled with great pain.

Boom! !


With a roar, an elevator fell to pieces, and the steel beast broke in from the elevator.

"Shu Feng? You are one step late!! Hahaha!!!"

Suhamu III laughed, took out a blue treasure box, and poured spiritual power.

The blue treasure box suddenly emerged with black smoke, and the black smoke condensed in the void to form a black giant with a height of ten meters, engraved with mysterious runes, and exuding an evil aura.

A black ray of light shot out from the blue treasure box and plunged into the central statue of the Lord of Dark Night.

The blood pool below boiled for a while, turned into a blood mist and flew into the idol of the Lord of the Dark Night.

The idol of the Lord of the Night seemed to come alive at once, exuding a strange, evil, and mysterious feeling, and a ray of light shot from the center of its eyebrows and fell on the black giant.

The black giant had five fingers, and a black barrier appeared.


The steel beast that had undergone two stages of transformation slashed on the black barrier with a horrible noise, and a crack appeared in the black barrier, and then healed quickly.

when! when! when! when!

The steel beast was fierce and fierce, slashing frantically and fiercely on the black barrier, cutting the black barrier into cracks.

"Shu Feng, your summoned beast is very strong! Unfortunately, in order to lift the curse, the depth of our arrangement in this country is beyond your imagination!"

Suhamu III Senhan smiled and waved his hand, and a blue key immediately turned into a streamer and sank into the idol of the Lord of the Night.

There was a flash of light in the idol of the Lord of the Night, and a black beam of light rose from the sky.

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