God-level Base

Chapter 1210: Suppress Jiuyuan God Emperor

"If the Jiuyuan Divine Emperor is still alive! How can I not dare to attack you. However, you are already dead. Even if it is a true demon, how can the dead be able to fight the living?"

Shu Feng smiled, his heart moved.

The sub-bases spread over the nine altars sucked frantically, and the power in each of the altars immediately poured out like a tide.

A huge black hole suddenly appeared behind Shu Feng, and the tower of true demons flew out directly, directly suppressing the Nine Yuan Divine Emperor.

The Jiuyuan God Emperor's complexion suddenly changed, and the river of time around him shattered in an instant, and the surrounding area was blurred for a while, trying to continue to hide in the river of time.

One after another mysterious symbols appeared on the Tower of True Demon.

All the power drawn from the nine altars gushes out, and chains containing time symbols pierce through the void at once, piercing towards the Jiuyuan Divine Emperor.

Layer after layer of barriers formed by the weird and twisted torrent of time continue to emerge.

Jiuyuan Divine Emperor seemed to shuttle constantly in the torrent of time in the past and present, becoming increasingly blurred. Once his true demon spirit is hidden in the long river of time, even those true demon of the strongest rank cannot find his true demon spirit.

The chains containing time symbols pierced one barrier after another, and finally pierced the body of the Jiuyuan Divine Emperor.

Countless high-level sources can pour out, and chains are tightly wrapped around the body of the Jiuyuan Divine Emperor.

The dilapidated figure of Jiuyuan Divine Emperor immediately began to become clear from inch to inch. His nine heads struggled madly, and every time they struggled, the Tower of True Demon quivered.

"Ant! You are not qualified to kill me if you want to kill me!"

The Jiuyuan God Emperor roared, and there were waves of mysterious fluctuations.

The entire true demon’s tomb was trembling crazily. The dilapidated true demon corpse of the Jiuyuan Divine Emperor emerged from the ground, exuding a trace of terrifying power of the true demon series, with eighteen eyes facing Shu Feng. Take a look.

Shu Feng's complexion suddenly changed, his body trembled, bleeding from seven holes.

The tower of true demons was also constantly trembling, cracking cracks.

Cracks also appeared in the body of the true demon spirit of the Nine Plains God Emperor, as if it was beginning to collapse, but he still walked towards the corpse of the true demon step by step.

Once the Jiuyuan Divine Emperor merged with his corpse, he could be resurrected for an instant. That moment was enough for him to kill Shu Feng and suppress everything.

Even if the forced resurrection would damage the true spirit of the Jiuyuan Divine Emperor and have to sleep for countless years, it would be better than falling into Shu Feng's hands.

At this moment, within the corpse of the Jiuyuan Divine Emperor, a jet black as ink, a weird sword aura burst out instantly, piercing through the void and pierced the true spirit of the Jiuyuan Divine Emperor fiercely.

"Damn it!! Easy to hide!! You are a kind of human kind!!"

The true spirit of the Jiuyuan Divine Emperor was chopped into two pieces by that pitch-black sword aura, angrily roared.

The countless curse-print chains gushing out of that tower of true devil entangled the body of the nine original **** emperor, and dragged the jiuyuan **** emperor who had been cut in two into the tower of true demon.

Countless divine lights shone, and the tower of true magic flew directly into the base space.

"It turns out that the Nine Plains God Emperor was also killed by Yi Zang!! Now his chance of rebirth has also been destroyed by me. We are really destined!!"

Shu Feng looked at the true demon spirit of the Nine Original God Emperor who was suppressed in the true demon tower, and a light of joy flashed in his eyes.

The nine original gods were suppressed in the tower of true demon. As long as there is sufficient high-level source energy, the tower of true demon can continuously refine him, extract the source of his true demon, and transform it into Shufeng evolution. Of nutrients.

"This true demon corpse is also a rare treasure, and can be used as a material for refining true demon-level secret treasures! Unfortunately, it is basically impossible to synthesize a true demon!"

Shu Feng flicked his five fingers, turning his magical energy into a huge magical hand, grabbing the corpse of the nine original gods and throwing it into the base space, submerged in the tower of true magic, and began to analyze it.

The skeletal body of the true demon contains the secrets of the Jiuyuan Divine Emperor's cultivation secrets. If it can analyze the secrets of the Jiuyuan Divine Emperor, it can also make the supreme demon created by Shu Feng more exquisite, eliminating the easy-to-store secrets section.

A scorching color flashed in Shu Feng's eyes: "Now there is only the tomb of the Jiuyuan Divine Emperor! I hope there can be precious treasures there, preferably a dozen true magic-level artifacts, that would be wonderful."

Each of the true magical treasures possesses unpredictable, mysterious and incredible power. For a true demon, a powerful true demon-level artifact can even double their strength.

Although Shu Feng is only a great power, it is difficult to exert the power of a true demon rank secret treasure, but as long as it can exert a true demon rank one or two points of power, it may even defeat a weaker heavenly monarch!

Shu Feng shook his figure and strode towards the place where the corpse of the Nine Yuan God Emperor was buried.

After walking for tens of thousands of miles, a huge cave appeared in front of Shu Feng. He looked into the depths of the cave and saw countless black magic liquids surging below.

Those inky black magic liquids are strange magic liquids that are a mixture of the blood of the real magic and the power of the real magic, possessing terrible poison that can easily poison a heavenly monarch.

Shu Feng's five fingers stretched out directly, pierced into the magic liquid, and absorbed the weird magic liquid containing the blood and power of the real magic.

After all the weird magic liquids disappeared, Shu Feng jumped and flew towards the hole.

A weird monster resembling a dragon, living in the shadows opened a blood basin full of jagged teeth, biting it fiercely.

In an instant, countless void chains emerged, sealing the void, and rolling Shu Feng toward the strange monster.

That weird beast was called the Blood Shadow Snake Beast, which was a large-power level weird beast born from the blood of the Nine Plains God Emperor, and it could hunt for power.

Shu Feng cut down with a sword, and the lines of shadow cut towards the blood shadow snake beast.

Countless shadow lines also erupted from the blood shadow snake beast's body.

Countless shadow threads are intertwined and collided in the void, canceling each other, collapsing, and annihilating.

A shadow sword light emerged from the shadow line and slashed fiercely on the blood shadow snake beast.

A wound with deep bones appeared on the body of the blood-shadow snake beast.

"I can't kill this guy!"

Shu Feng frowned slightly and activated his summoning technique.

The ruler of the corpse emerged, and the [Golden Dragon Ring] a golden dragon of the corpse emerged at once, and nine powerful phantoms appeared in the body of the corpse. The Shadow Snake Beast blasted away.

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