God-level Base

Chapter 1211: Start with the treasure


The golden dragon of the corpse struck the body of the blood-shadow snake beast with one blow, and immediately blasted the blood-shadow snake beast into pieces with one blow.

"Compared with Lord Crane Feather and Lord Zui Antian, there is still a huge distance. After all, these nine great abilities are still a little weaker."

Shu Feng quietly evaluated the power of the [Golden Dragon Ring], and at the same time waved his hand, the sword light of the shadow crazily slashed towards the flesh and blood pieces of the blood shadow snake beast.

The flesh and blood pieces of the blood shadow snake beast squirmed for a while, trying to fly towards the shadow.

It's just that the shadow disappeared abruptly, submerged in Shu Feng's Shadow Sword Light, slashed into the flesh and blood pieces of the Blood Shadow Snake Beast.

After countless slashes, the blood shadow snake beast's soul was finally directly slashed by Shu Feng.

After the blood-shadow snake beast was killed by Shu Feng, there was a squirming below, and the dense corpse of the true demon worms directly appeared, rushing towards Shu Feng frantically.

Those hundreds of true corpses and insects can join forces and can even devour power.

when! !

The weird master suddenly appeared, and the weird bell on the forehead rang.

A strange sound wave sounded, and the hundreds of true demon corpse insects suddenly trembled and sluggish for a moment.

The ruler of the corpse urged the 【Golden Dragon Ring】, a golden dragon of the corpse appeared directly, and opened his mouth to suck.

The hundreds of true demon corpse insects were immediately swallowed by the golden dragon of the corpse and began to erode continuously.

A scorching color flashed in Shu Feng's eyes: "After swallowing these hundreds of true demon corpses, I will use the power of true demon to strengthen it. The power of this [Golden Dragon Ring] should be comparable to some weaker heavens. Lord!"

The [Golden Dragon Ring] can only seal the nine powers, and continue to seal the powers in. Those powers and various monsters will become the nourishment of the nine powers.

Once those hundreds of true corpse worms are completely eroded by the [Golden Dragon Ring], they can form a power built by true corpse worms, replacing a weaker power.

After Shu Feng suppressed the hundreds of True Demon Corpse Insects, they fell to the bottom of the cave.

As soon as Shu Feng landed, countless strange and incomparable, strange existences inhabiting the darkness flooded towards him.

"court death!!"

Shu Feng smiled coldly, and waved the SSSS-level [Shadow Demon Sacred Sword] in his hand, and countless lines of shadows were cut crazily towards the weird existence inhabiting the darkness.

There were bursts of screams and terrible screams, and the various weird existences collapsed one by one and disappeared directly under the strangulation of the countless lines of shadows.

After strangling all the weird existences, Shu Feng found a passage and walked along the passage.

Shu Feng walked along the passage for hundreds of kilometers, killing thousands of weird monsters along the way, and then a huge square inlaid with three hundred and sixty-five stars appeared before his eyes. .

"These three hundred and sixty-five stars are the back hand of the Jiuyuan Divine Emperor to restore his strength after his resurrection!"

Shu Feng looked at the three hundred and sixty-five stars, with a scorching color flashing in his eyes.

Among the three hundred and sixty-five stars, Shu Feng saw a star comparable to the water and night **** star, and even surpassed the crane devil star of Jun He Yu.

Once Shu Feng got those three hundred and sixty-five stars, the resources he possessed would instantly become the richest man in the True Demon Kingdom of Water, second only to the Water God Emperor.

Among the three hundred and sixty-five stars, a star suddenly fell to the ground, and countless stars shone with brilliance, turning into a one hundred meters tall, engraved with countless stars, and eyes like two star giants.

"I am Taixing Tianjun, you are a human race? It seems that the Jiuyuan Divine Emperor has fallen. Human kid, although I have no grievances with you. However, I signed a contract with the Jiuyuan Divine Emperor and will guard the treasure house for him. Apart from Him, anyone approaching this treasure house has only a dead end. If you have any last words, just say it!"

As soon as the star giant saw Shu Feng, a wave of terrifying power of the Heavenly Monarch series was conceived in his body, his eyes indifferent.

"Taixing Tianjun, stop!"

Shu Feng opened the base space at once, and the corpse of the Nine Plains God Emperor suddenly appeared, and ordered.

"Jiuyuan Divine Emperor? No, it's just a corpse, without a soul!"

When Taixing Tianjun saw the Jiuyuan Divine Emperor, he was first surprised, and then said to himself.

Shu Feng smiled slightly and said: "Taixing Tianjun, this is the Jiuyuan Divine Emperor. According to the contract you signed with the Jiuyuan Divine Emperor. He retrieves his own treasure by himself. You should not be able to stop it, right?"

Taixing Tianjun said indifferently: "Of course! Since the Jiuyuan Divine Emperor came to collect the treasure by himself, I would naturally not stop it."

Under the control of the base space, the corpse of the Jiuyuan God Emperor grabbed it with claws.

Stars were grabbed from the top of the square by the corpses of the Jiuyuan Divine Emperor one by one, and they were collected into the space of the base.

Taixingtian Jundao: "Human, what is your name?"

Shu Feng said: "My name is Han Guangming!"

"I remember your name! There will be a period later!!"

Taixing Tianjun took a deep look at Shu Feng, his figure shook, and turned into countless stars and disappeared from the place.

Shu Feng opened a shuttle door at once, left directly from the shuttle door, and returned to the central demon realm of the Void Demon Realm.

In a hidden valley.

A few ripples shone, and Yuanxue God Emperor walked out of the void.

Shu Feng said: "I have seen His Majesty Yuanxue Divine Emperor! Fortunately, I have found the person you are looking for."

Zhang Qingyao looked at the Yuanxue God Emperor who walked out of the void, a little at a loss.

"Very well! I owe you a favor. When you advance to the real demon in the future, I will come to help you!"

The Emperor Yuanxue showed a satisfied smile, and a flutter of snowflakes rolled Zhang Qingyao, and his whole person disappeared from the place immediately.

Shu Feng said silently in his heart: "He didn't ask me to ask for the treasures of the Jiuyuan Divine Emperor? So, for him, Zhang Qingyao is the person he wants most."

If the God Emperor Yuanxue asked Shu Feng for the treasures of the God Emperor Jiuyuan, he also planned to detain some peerless treasures, and then honestly hand over the other treasures to the God Emperor Yuanxue. After all, it was too terrifying to offend a true demon who knew his identity.

This time, if it weren't for Yuanxue Shenhuang, Shu Feng made a big fuss in the original magic world, and he would definitely be killed by the mother of the emperor jade.

A scorching color flashed in Shu Feng's eyes: "However, this time I have obtained so many resources and suppressed a true demon spirit. It is really a lot of money. I can retreat and practice!!!"

A remote star field outside the central demon realm of the Netherworld.

As soon as Shu Feng waved his hand, a star flew out of his hand and rose in the wind, transforming into a huge magic star with a diameter of up to 30 million kilometers.

As soon as that magic star appeared, all kinds of forces in a radius of tens of millions of light-years were drawn in and submerged in it.

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