God-level Base

Chapter 1209: Emperor Kuhara

"Yuande, run away!! The enemy attacked, the enemy invaded!!"

Yuan Bai's face changed drastically, his figure retreated violently, and he screamed in horror.

I saw a line of shadows burst out from behind Yuan Bai's body, pierced into his body, easily suppressed and corroded him, and then was thrown into the base space by Shu Feng for transformation.

Yuan Bai's screams only echoed in this room, without causing any waves.

"I have seen the master!"

A minute later, Yuan Bai immediately appeared in front of Shu Feng and respectfully said.

Shu Feng said: "Very well, go and call all the high-levels of the Yuanmozu!"

Yuan Bai respectfully said: "Yes!"

The great demon gods of the Yuan Bai and Yuan Demon clan came forward and soon summoned the rest of the top powerhouses of the Yuan Demon clan.

A quarter of an hour later, in this hall, there were four more great demon gods.

There are only six great demon gods and one great power in the entire Sape Demon tribe!

Yuannan frowned and said impatiently: "Yuande, where is the elder?"

"Elder, he is dead. You can also go to die."

Su Feng suddenly appeared strangely on the chair where the elder was sitting, pressing his five fingers.

The four great demon gods of the sape demon tribe exploded one by one and were killed directly.

The two great demon gods, Yuanbai and Yuande, immediately began to come forward to take over the entire tribe of monkey demon.

After Shu Feng scoured the treasure house in the Sarumon tribe, he immediately came to the center of that city.

In the center of that huge city, there is an indestructible huge altar that is one hundred thousand meters high and engraved with countless mysterious spells.

"This is the altar that Jiuyuan Divine Emperor prepared for his resurrection! Once this altar is fully activated, it will absorb the lives of everyone in the entire Sape Demon tribe!!"

When Shu Feng saw the huge altar, a trace of chill suddenly surged in his heart.

Jiuyuan God Emperor is obviously not a good crop. He arranged nine tribes in this world, just to make those nine tribes the victims of his resurrection.

In this world, true demons are immortal existences of terror. Except for some terrifying Jedi, only true demons can kill true demons.

Even for those terrifying Jedi, those true demons will have induction, and will not easily step into death. So most true demons were killed by other true demons.

It’s not that simple for those true demons to resurrect. Basically, their resurrection has to be accumulated for many years, and finally consumes a huge amount of life force to resurrect.

The nine tribes trapped in this world are serving as sacrifices for the resurrection. They originally thought that once the Jiuyuan Divine Emperor was resurrected, they would be able to leave this dangerous and terrifying world and head to the resource-rich virtual world.

In fact, once the people of these nine tribes complete the resurrection ceremony, they will be drained of all their vitality in an instant and become the food for the resurrection of the Jiuyuan Divine Emperor.

The corner of Shu Feng's mouth raised slightly, revealing a smile: "If I hadn't appeared, the Nine Plains God Emperor might really be resurrected! It's a pity, since I'm here, he is destined not to be resurrected!"

Although Shu Feng had never heard of the name of Jiuyuan Divine Emperor, he was not a true demon friendly to the human race. Moreover, he has nothing to do with the Jiuyuan Divine Emperor, and there is no psychological burden to destroy his resurrection ceremony.

Tiger Demon Tribe.

"Yuande! What are you doing in our Tiger Demon Tribe?"

Hu Shi, the great demon **** of the Tiger Demon tribe, looked at the Yuande who appeared in front of him, and frowned slightly.

Yuan De said: "We have captured two aliens. The Great Elder ordered me to come and see you, the Great Elder of the Tiger Demon Race! I bring confidential information."

Hu Shi curiously asked, "What confidential information? Tell me about it."

Yuande said: "This confidential information can only be told to the great elder of your clan alone."

Tiger Stone said: "Okay!!!"

Not long after, Hu Shi led Yuande to a hall, and in that hall sat a tiger-headed man, who looked very fierce as the elder of the tiger demon clan.

The elder of the tiger demon tribe said lightly: "Yu De, what confidential information is there, say!"

Yuande smiled strangely: "That confidential information is! Please go to death!"

From the shadow of the great elder of the Tiger Demon Clan, Shu Feng appeared like a ghost, and the SSSS-level [Shadow Demon Sacred Sword] in his hand turned into a shadow, which pierced the body of the great elder of the Tiger Demon Clan.

Countless lines of shadows turned into chains and sealed the power of the Great Elder of the Tiger Demon Race.

The ruler of the corpse suddenly appeared, urging the [Golden Dragon Ring] to roll towards the great elder of the tiger demon tribe, involving the great elder of the tiger demon tribe, and suppressing it.

In this way, Shu Feng used a sneak attack to easily kill the elders of the nine tribes one by one.

The strength of the great elders of the nine tribes is all about the power of a source. Shu Feng's strength was far above them, and he used a sneak attack to make a natural strike without any suspense.

"These altars contain terrifying life energy. It is the energy collected after the fall of the powerful men of the nine tribes. It is all mine now! Let's start!"

Standing in front of the altar of the Sarumon Tribe, Shu Feng looked at the altar shrouded by countless tentacles, and the corner of his mouth raised slightly and ordered.

The countless tentacles sucked frantically and began to absorb the power hidden in the altar and poured it into the base space.

Almost at the same time, the other eight altars were also stuck by the tentacles extending from each of the sub-bases, absorbing power frantically.

Although the base space does not have the ability to attack and kill, but the absorption power and transformation power have surpassed many top true magic level artifacts. Among the nine altars, the barriers arranged by the Nine Yuan Divine Emperor were broken one by one, and a steady stream of power sank into the space of the base.

A long river of time emerged from the void, one was very vague, with nine heads long, covered in scars, and a body length of thousands of miles. The Nine Yuan Divine Emperor, who was like a star, emerged in the river of light at that time.

"Stop it! Humble ants, do you want to be exterminated by the Nine Clan?"

The ghost of Jiuyuan Divine Emperor looked at Shu Feng and shouted sharply.

Shu Feng's body trembled immediately, bleeding from seven holes, severe pain all over his body, and his body trembled involuntarily, and there was a burst of fear in his heart involuntarily.

The true demon is the most terrifying existence in this world. A real demon alive can kill a mighty power like Shu Feng with a single blow, and even directly annihilate the race through the bloodline curse.

A weird chuckle flashed in Shu Feng's eyes and said, "I want to destroy my Nine Clan! It's up to you, Jiuyuan Divine Emperor, you don't have that qualification yet!"

"Ant!!! You **** it!!!"

The Emperor Jiuyuan was furious, and when he caught the claw, a demon claw emerged directly from the long river of time, and grabbed it towards Shu Feng.

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