God-level Base

Chapter 1208: Tomb of the True Demon

"Yuanxue God Emperor, you bitch!! I am at odds with you!!"

In the void, the mother of Emperor Jade's desperate voice suddenly heard.

The world where the original magician is located is the sphere of influence of the mother of emperor jade. He spent countless hours searching for the tomb of the Jiuyuan God Emperor through various methods.

If it were the tomb of a heavenly monarch, it would have been found by the mother of emperor jade. The Nine Plains God Emperor is also a true demon. If his tomb is so easy to find, how can it be his back to resurrection?

In fact, in the Central Demon Realm of the Void Demon Realm, there are many tombs and treasures of true demon hidden. The resurrection methods prepared by the true demons are extremely secretive, and unless it is by chance, it is almost impossible for others to find out, even the true demons are no exception.

As soon as Shu Feng and Zhang Qingyao passed through the ancient door, they appeared in a vast, invisible world, shrouded in darkness.

Suddenly, it split directly from the ground, and one with countless sharp serrations, covered in a black carapace, with three eyes, and a weird bug that exuded a ferocious breath, flew out directly, like lightning, toward Shu Feng Pounce.

"True Demon Corpse Worm!!"

Shu Feng's face suddenly changed, and he swung [Shadow Demon Sacred Sword] directly.

A shadow sword light slashed on the weird bug's body, cutting out a crack in the carapace of the weird bug, and a large amount of dirty blood flowed out of his body.

Even some top powers did not dare to use their flesh to block the Shufeng sword. That real demon corpse insect could actually block Shu Feng's sword, which was simply terrifying.

The true demon corpse insect is not an ordinary demon insect, but is born on the true demon corpse, and uses the true demon corpse as food to scare the demon insect. If the number of true corpse worms increases, they can even swallow the powerhouses of the Heavenly Monarch rank.

After the real demon corpse insect was flew away, its body twisted and rushed towards Shu Feng again like lightning.

The ruler of the corpse suddenly appeared, and a fierce light flashed in his eyes, urging the [Golden Dragon Ring] roll, a gray light flashed, and the real devil corpse insect was immediately taken in.

That piece of land suddenly cracked, and one after another real devil corpse insects appeared one after another, rushing towards Shu Feng and his party like lightning.

The fierce light flashed in Shu Feng's eyes, urging the [Shadow Demon Sacred Sword] to surround him and Zhang Qingyao with countless lines of shadows, slashing those true demon corpses directly into the air.

The ruler of the corpse urged the [Golden Dragon Ring], and the gray light rolled one by one, and the real devil corpses and insects were involved in the [Golden Dragon Ring] one by one to suppress them.

There are so many true corpse worms that they can even swallow ordinary powers together, but they are restrained by the [Golden Dragon Ring], eroded by suppression one by one, and turned into a part of the [Golden Dragon Ring].

"Who are you?"

An ape-headed human body, wearing a black armor and holding a pitch-black war spear, walked out of the shadows, looking at Shu Feng and Zhang Qingyao with vigilance.

"who are you?"

Shu Feng snapped his fingers.

The eyes of the weird dominator who stood quietly behind Shu Feng like a ghost burst out with a weird and incomparable light covering the great demon god.

"I am the Great Demon God of the Nine Demon Tribes. This time I am ordered to come here to capture you outsiders back to the tribe for interrogation. After all your utilization values ​​are squeezed out, then you will sacrifice to my lord. , Become the sacrifice of our Lord’s resurrection."

In front of the weird dominating power, Yuande's eyes were dull, and he directly told Shu Feng and Zhang Qingyao of his purpose.

"It turned out to be against me! In that case, I don't have to be polite to you anymore."

A cold light flashed in Shu Feng's eyes, and he grabbed Yuande directly, threw it into the base space, and began to read Yuande's memory.

From Yuande’s memory, Shu Feng learned that there are nine tribes in this weird world, namely, the ape demon tribe, the tiger demon tribe, the leopard demon tribe, the wolf demon tribe, the snake demon tribe, the dragon demon tribe, and the eagle. Devil tribe, ghost demon tribe, lion demon tribe.

The nine tribes are located in the nine big cities of this world.

Outside the nine big cities, there are all kinds of weirdness and dangers everywhere, and there are many true demons and corpses. Some Jedi will fall as soon as the power enters, and the people of the nine tribes dare not enter them.

"Then go to the Sarumon Tribe to have a look first!"

Shu Feng thought for a while, and then made a decision, leading Zhang Qingyao to the direction of the Ape Demon Tribe.

After walking for about two hundred miles, a large city with a vast area forged from star jade suddenly appeared in front of Shu Feng.

The gate of that big city was closed tightly, and a strong man from the ape-headed demon clan was patrolling it.

Jude stood under the city gate and shouted sharply: "Open the door, I am Jude! The two of them are outsiders I caught."

"Yes! Your lord!"

Yuande is a great demon god, and in the entire ape demon tribe, he is also the top powerhouse. He gave the order, and the door was immediately opened.

As soon as he entered the Ape Demon tribe, Shu Feng felt greedy eyes focused on him and Zhang Qingyao.

"Yuede, they are your prey? How about giving me one? I can give you the thigh of a poisonous scorpion that I hunted before."

As soon as he entered a palace, a great demon **** Ape Bai with the head of an ape immediately walked towards Yuande, his eyes fell on Zhang Qingyao, his eyes flashed with greed.

Yuande said: "The great elder! I have something to ask to see the great elder!"

Yuan Bai said: "The Great Elder is waiting for you in the Ape Temple!"

"I know!"

Yuande walked towards the monkey sanctuary with Shu Feng and the other two.

As soon as he entered the Temple of the Apes, an ape demon with a full body of golden hairs, a human body with a domineering aura, sat on a chair of bones, quietly reading a book.

This ape demon is the great elder of the ape demon clan, Ape Shengkong, a powerful man of great energy.

Yuande respectfully said: "I have seen the Great Elder!! Those outsiders have already been brought here!"

Yuan Shengkong's eyes fell on Shu Feng and Zhang Qingyao.

At that moment, in the shadow behind Ape Shengkong, Shu Feng directly appeared like a ghost, holding the [Shadow Demon Sacred Sword] and pierced directly towards Ape Shengkong like lightning.

Ape Shengkong's face suddenly changed, and a small golden shield opened behind his back, opening an extremely powerful golden enchantment.

A shadow sword lance stabbed on the golden enchantment, pierced through the small golden shield abruptly, pierced into the body of Ape Shengkong, squeezing crazily.

Shadows of sword energy erupted directly, severely injuring Ape Shengkong in one fell swoop.

The ruler of the corpse immediately emerged, urging the [Golden Dragon Ring] volume, involving Ape Shengkong in it and suppressing it.

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