God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 881: Good Day Unsealed Combat Power (1)

Screaming again and again.

The three eyes with the tenth layer of Daoyuan were burned beyond recognition by the black flames. It was so miserable that he didn't even recognize his own mother.

The strong man in Shenxu cast a spell, and even when he got out of his original source, he couldn't extinguish the black flame, and he couldn't help being shocked and angry.

"I will let you extinguish the flame!"

He turned around and stared at Ye Que coldly, with an unquestionable tone.

"Is this the tone you spoke to Liangchen?"

With his hands behind his back, Ye Que stepped on the starry sky, shining in all directions with his cheap air.


The powerhouse of Shenxu unleashes a tyrannical aura, reaches the second level of Shenxu, and presses down on Ye Que.

"This seat, let you extinguish the flame!"

On his thin and dry face, there was strength and cold killing intent. If the other party didn't listen to the words of orders, he would strike instantly.


This is the powerhouse of the God Market.

The mere momentum disturbed the climate of the blue star. If it wasn't for the protection of the formation in the star, it would have been destroyed already.


Lan Xing clenched his sweaty little hands and spoke worriedly, trying to stop the escalation of the conflict.

"The second level of Shenxu Realm, killing Daoyuan is easy in one thought...Senior, stop!"

"Extinguish the flame, maybe we still have a chance to negotiate."

The other two Daoyuan also opened their mouths, I was really afraid that Senior Ye Liangchen would mess up.

After all, the strength of Shenxu cannot be competed by Daoyuan at all.

Hearing this, the second-tier powerhouse in the Shenxu Realm became even more aggressive, saying every word: "I will give you ten seconds to think about it!"

Seeing this, Ye Que shook his head and sighed softly: "Your tone of voice to Liangchen is too presumptuous! Hehe, but it's okay, if you stop here, Liangchen would like to thank you. If you feel capable enough to play with me, Liangchen doesn't mind staying with me to the end!"

That old man was just here to pretend to be a force, obviously he didn't take the second-level powerhouse of the God Ruins Realm seriously.

The strong man in Shenxu was furious, with killing intent in his eyes.

"help me…"

The third eye around him no longer had the strength to scream, and after saying this, his head was burned and he died gradually.

"Okay! Very good! Congratulations, you offended a strong man you shouldn't offend!"

The strong man in the God Ruins Realm, with a gloomy face, walked towards Ye Que step by step.

boom! boom!

The terrifying coercion of the gods was like a wave, surging and churning with every step he took. It was so terrifying that the starry sky was trembling.

There is a silver light on his body, which is transformed by his own supernatural power, with the power to split the starry sky.

As it approached Ye Que, the tearing force became more obvious.

"It's over!"

"Senior, come back quickly!"

Lan Xing and the others turned pale, knowing that something was wrong.

Even though they were separated by a long distance, they were suffocated by the aura of Shenxu and retreated frequently.

Ye Que stretched out his finger and shook his head: "NO! NO! NO! Liang Chen admires the strong, he wants to play, and Liang Chen will accompany him!"

The crowd couldn't understand the first sentence they said to him, but they understood the latter sentence.

He wants to fight with Shenxu.

"Up to now, you still have no fear, do you have a sure-fire method? Tell you, in front of Shenxu, mere Daoyuan, any means are useless, remember my name before you die, I am Xinghan!"

Xinghan pressured step by step, while the starry sky was being shaken, he approached Ye Que.

The distance between the two is no more than a hundred meters, which is no less than face to face for the strong.

"you are dead!"

Xinghan stretched out his hand like a knife, and aimed everything at Ye Que's head.

clang! !

The knife in his hand was shaken away by a purple star the size of a fist.

"What's this?"

Xing Han was shocked back, covered his bleeding hand, and looked at Ye Que in amazement.

But at that moment, he was taken aback.

Because, the man in a white robe who claimed to be a good day has changed greatly.

Platinum flow patterns cover the forehead, and a cumbersome star pattern converges symmetrically on the left and right.

And in the star patterns, the third eye was born.

Those eyes were actually platinum nine-star eyes.

look further down.

On the face with the majesty of a giant god, there are a pair of scarlet eyes, which contain the scarlet red of the dark night, and there is a thrilling feeling.

look down.

The purple-golden armor covers the whole body, with platinum-gold flames burning on it, and the whole body has a violent aura that blends nobility and domineering aura.

Nine fist-sized purple-gold stars surround the body, like Taoist jade, containing the supernatural power of dust.

"This... what is this..."

For the creatures under the starry sky, the power of the ancient gods is unfamiliar, but the shock from the heart has never disappeared.

Xinghan was terrified in his heart, he was no longer as strong as before.

"This... this is the real strength of the predecessors..."

Lan Xing was so startled that his eyes lit up again and again, and there was a touch of touch in his heart.

"Liangchen has unsealed my combat power! This form can double my combat power! You want to know, after doubling my combat power, to what extent can I increase my strength?"

In the form of the ancient giant **** spirit, the combat power is doubled. For a leapfrog monster like Ye Que, it is not just as simple as doubling.

"It turns out that you just doubled your combat power, but I thought you had raised your realm to the level of God's Market!"

Xing Han heaved a sigh of relief, and the murderous intent and playfulness in his eyes resurfaced again.

He punched him with all his strength, and said with a sneer: "This seat will let you recognize the facts!"

"Do you want to feel the power of the fourth level of the Shenxu Realm?"

Ye Que grinned grimly, his blood boiled, for a long time, he didn't use the power of his blood.

Taking a step forward, the Nine Star Begging Jade followed him and crashed into Xinghan.


Xinghan felt that when he heard some big joke, the force of that punch became a little bit more.

However, before he could finish his sentence, his arm disappeared, his whole body was knocked out of the crack, and crashed into a distant star at a speed close to light.


The impact sound was no less than the collision of stars, very dull and heavy.

"I said it was the power of the fourth level of the God Ruins Realm, why don't you believe it?"

Ye Que strode forward like a **** in the starry sky, shaking the starry sky with rumbling noises. He rushed into the star in an instant like lightning, and the nine stars were like nine cannonballs, clearing the way in front of him.

Yes, his current strength has reached the fourth level of the God Ruins Realm.

The combat power doubled, and the power of the fourth level was directly doubled.

In the past, when he was at the sixth level of Daoyuan Realm, he activated the power of latent anger, which could increase his strength to the sixth level of Shenxu.

This is precisely a great boundary leap.

But the reason why the combat power can soar from the sixth level of the Shenxu to the tenth level of the Shenxu is related to the form of the giant god.

Now, he doesn't open the latent anger, on the basis of the tenth level of Daoyuan, he only opens the form of the giant **** spirit, and he can also turn the fourth level of power.

boom! boom! boom! …

The nine star-seeking jade directly penetrated into the center of the star from the front of the star, and rushed out from the back of the star.

Terrible power.

He directly pierced through the stars, but Xinghan was even worse. He was under the force of the impact and pierced through the stars.

If it weren't for the magic weapon and the power of the gods to protect the body, I'm afraid everyone would be gone.

"Liangchen is very disappointed, I haven't made a move yet!"

The majesty of the giant **** spirit is terrifying, like a starry sky behemoth, crashing into Xinghan again.

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