God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 880: Good day to stay with you to the end (4)

Lan Xing's pupils shrank slightly, and his face changed suddenly: "This...so fast?"

She suddenly looked at Senior Ye Liangchen.

Having seen the world in senior's eyes, she thinks that in this kind of crisis, only senior can take action.

But feeling the terrifying aura of the God Ruins Realm, she felt worried again, thinking that even if the senior made a move, the chance of winning was very small.


She was worried that her senior would run away alone, and she was also worried that her senior would be unable to resist. In short, she really didn't have the confidence to call out on her senior.

So much so that his eyes turned red, and he was ready in his heart to die with those people.

But at this moment, a powerful big hand stroked her long hair.

"Take people's money and eliminate disasters for others! Don't worry, I will protect you! Tell me, who are the three overlords of the nearby star field, and how strong are they?"

No matter how much Ye Que pretended, he couldn't disguise his natural cheapness and insidiousness.

The previous strong character design was stunned by him in a second.

But it doesn't matter, only in the face of real danger can one show the aura that a strong person should have.

as now.

Lan Xing saw the senior's temperament changed drastically, but he didn't feel any discomfort.

That sentence, I will protect you, really made her feel at ease, and somehow felt that the senior in front of her was the real strong one.

Rumble! !

The power of the God Ruins Realm covers the blue stars.

The three strong men stood in the starry sky, gazing at the stars with a hint of amusement in the corners of their mouths.

"If the star advances a hundred meters, we will destroy it with one palm!"

Wearing a black battle suit, the Daoyuan Realm tenth level powerhouse spoke proudly, wanting to announce the fate of the blue star.

It has to be said that this sentence is really deterrent, and it just made the blue star stop flying, not daring to make any rash moves.

The second dao source is ten heavy and has three eyes. It must be a special method.

He stared at the blue star, and said coldly: "Blue star, come out and pay respects!"

The mighty God Ruins Realm in the middle, with his hands behind his back, ignores the blue stars.

He didn't have to speak, just standing there was a deterrent.

call out-

The three Daoyuan flew out from the blue stars, followed by a figure.

One is the blue star of the sixth-level Daoyuan, one is the old man of the third-level Daoyuan, and the other is the middle-aged man of the first-level Daoyuan.

Except for the three of them, the figure was suspended behind.


The two Dao sources are ten heavy, adding a strong man from the Shenxu, seeing Lan Xing and the others, murderous intent appeared in his eyes.

"Kneel down!"

The three-eyed and ten-layer Daoyuanli shouted, and the sound shook the void.

Such a domineering guy, he makes people kneel when he comes.

For someone who is also a strong Dao source to be asked so much, this is not only giving him power, but also trampling on his dignity.

Lan Xing hesitated for a moment, but still raised his head and said, "I'm waiting for a small world, and I don't have any resources. Why should the strong men of the Black Sea Group be so aggressive?"

This is what the seniors told her, but she was very disturbed.

The other party has the God Market, is it really possible to do this?

The three-eyed Daoyuan's face was gloomy, and he said high above: "Am I talking to you? I will let you kneel down!"

"Their backers are behind them, they won't kneel."

Tenth Daoyuan, who was wearing a black battle suit, had a playful look in his eyes.

"It should be that guy who killed the two ninth-order Dao sources of our Black Sea Group."

Shenxu opened his mouth indifferently, as if he didn't want to say more, he left a word and then fell silent: "Destroy him!"


Dao Yuan Shizhong, who was wearing a black battle suit, flew towards the figure floating behind the three of Blue Star.

"So confident, don't forget, this is the territory of my Black Sea Group, I have a hundred ways to make you kneel and beg for mercy!"

He patted the brand-new armor, and there was a faint aura of Shenxu coming from it.

"If you feel that you have the strength to play with me, Liangchen doesn't mind accompanying me to the end! Liangchen never talks empty words!"

Ye Que stared at the opponent's attack, then stretched out a hand, and then stretched out a finger, aiming at the enemy.

"Hey! This clown is really good at pretending, Yu Heizawa, don't talk nonsense with him, just kill him!"

The third eye sneered, and the third eye on the forehead carried a ray of killing intent in the starry sky, and went straight to Ye Que.

"Do you want to have a pupil technique with me?"

Ye Que didn't look at the attacker in front of him, his eyes suddenly turned into five jade reincarnation eyes, and looked at the three eyes.

"Ants, dare to look at my devouring star eyes? Look at me, devour your heart and soul!"

The eyes of the three eyes are more profound.

Shenxu, who was silent at the side, suddenly felt a ray of ominousness, and hurriedly said: "Be careful..."

Chi Chi Chi!

Black flames emerged from the three eyes.

The three eyes screamed in an instant, and reached out to pat his three eyes.

"My eyes! What kind of flame is this! The power of Shenxu can save me!"

He screamed in the starry sky, his body twisted.

"Hmph! I underestimated you!"

Shenxu shot out a ray of pure star power to destroy the dark flame.

Unexpectedly, Yun Heize, who was wearing a black battle suit, also had an accident.

"This battle suit of yours has the aura of Shenxu, and you spent a lot of star cores, right? I just don't know, does this expensive battle suit hold your hair?"

Ye Que pointed and poked it up.

"Dare to talk to me like that! Presumptuous! I'm so close, you still don't retreat, do you want to fight with me? My seat, you are the strongest in close combat..."

Before Yun Heize could finish his grinning words, his battle suit was punctured with a finger, and when he got close to Ye Que, a hole was punctured in his heart.

"What is stronger in close combat?"

Ye Que stepped past him, and at the same time, he lifted his hands, Yu Heize's head was twisted off, and he died on the spot.

He sighed again.

In the starry sky, it seems that there is no six realms of reincarnation, and death is death.

Unlike the Six Realms, when he was the overlord of the starry sky back then, he created a six realms of reincarnation, allowing the creatures of the six realms to form their own reincarnation, envious of how many starry sky creatures.

Unfortunately, today is different.

Shaking his head, he took one step closer to the ground and came to Lan Xing's side in an instant.

At that moment, in Lan Xing's eyes, his figure became extremely tall, which shocked Lan Xing even more, his scalp was numb, and the hairs all over his body stood on end.

She looked at her senior's side face, and never thought that the situation would change so quickly that the pupils looking at her were shrinking and dilating violently.


One eye seriously injured the three eyes, one finger pierced through the battle clothes of Banshenxu, and with a lift of both hands, Dao Yuan Shizhong's head was twisted off and died...

"Ex...senior...so...so strong..."

She still underestimated her seniors.

At this moment, the image of the senior in her heart is infinitely tall, and it is even deeply engraved in her heart, and she will never forget it.

"Little Xingxing, take away your equipment and battle clothes, and save them to trade star cores in Xingkongfang City."

This guy is always a genius who destroys his image.

There is no time to pretend to be a good B.

Originally, his series of hurtful and murderous behaviors were so handsome, ethereal, and shocking. Seeing that he was about to gain a little fan girl, he smiled wretchedly and forcibly broke the merits.

It seems that being wretched and old is inherent and cannot be changed.

Lan Xing was taken aback for a moment, and was really taken aback by this handsome and wretched senior.

But immediately, he smiled again: "Yes, senior!"

However, Ye Que still has a certain charm, giving others a warmer feeling.

Honest and straightforward.

This kind of temperament is more attractive and will always stand the test of time.

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