God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 882: Yes, promise, hit hard (2)

This scene changed too quickly.

Not to mention Lan Xing and others, even Xinghan is still in a daze.

There is an insurmountable gap between Shenxu and Daoyuan.

But where did this perversion come from?

The tenth level of the source of talent, can the unsealed combat power be unsealed to the fourth level?

The most important thing is that this Nima didn't even raise his realm a little bit, it was purely a soaring combat power.

Seeing the opponent's impact, Xing Han's pupils trembled violently in fright, which was more terrifying than the collision of stars.

"In the extreme southern region, when did such a pervert appear?"

His body trembled, not daring to accept the opponent's bump at all.

In order to avoid this blow, he could only cast his life-saving secret technique.

Sacrifice the essence and blood, burn the source, and disappear instantly.

boom! !

Ye Que's collision caused the starry sky to collapse, revealing a corner of the dark starry sky, which generated a huge suction force and absorbed everything around it.

Of course, the dark starry sky is invisible, and Ye Que can only see it through the eye of fortune.

Hanging in the suction of the starry sky, without panicking, he glanced around.

The Eye of Creation still retains the ability to see through illusions of the ancient god's eye. With a single sweep, except for some top-level illusions, the rest of the disguise is invisible.

"Are you looking for me?"

A cold and joking voice came from hundreds of thousands of miles away.

Ye Que turned his head to look, and on a broken meteorite, Xinghan, covered in blood, was staring at him with eyes of hatred and fear.

"The art of space transfer?"

Ye Que asked in surprise.

"It seems that you are not stupid! This is a secret technique I found in a ruin in the starry sky. You can't kill me! But you, disaster is imminent!"

Xing Han pointed at Ye Que with a cold voice.

"I have notified the strong men of the Black Sea Group! Wait a minute, not only the God Market is coming, but the God King is also coming!"

He arrogantly sat cross-legged on the meteorite, staring at Ye Que and grinning: "You provoked me, just wait to be killed!"

"Oh? How many **** kings are there? At what level?"

Ye Que's pupils became a bit colder, and he asked.

"A mere Daoyuan is also qualified to ask me? The Black Sea Regiment is so powerful that idiots like you can't even contact it. They are not even qualified to ask!"

Xinghan taunted from afar.

"It's so strong from such a distance, but I don't know, how dare you speak like that in front of me?"

Ye Que seemed to be smiling but not smiling, Wuyu's samsara eyes turned around for an instant, and immediately killed Xinghan like a cannonball.

"You think you can touch me?"

Xing Han got up slowly, and when he saw Ye Que flying towards him, he sneered, and immediately sacrificed his essence and blood, burned his origin, and disappeared in place in an instant.

Then, he appeared in front of Ye Que.

"What's going on here! Didn't I move to a distant place!"

Xing Han was terrified, and looked at Ye Que with more fear.

"Let me ask you, how many **** kings are there in the Black Sea Regiment?"

Ye Que asked again.

This time, Xinghan blushed, without the presumptuousness and sarcasm before, he lowered his head and trembled.


Ye Que shook his head slowly.

"Good opportunity! An idiot!"

Xinghan sacrificed his essence and blood, burned his origin, disappeared in an instant, and went straight hundreds of thousands of miles away.

"Idiot! Want to move this seat! What are you! I am the core member of the Black Sea Group, and a strong man under the throne of God! Even if you have the fourth-level strength of the God Market, you are like an ant in front of the Black Sea Group!"

Xing Han is hundreds of thousands of miles away, and his arrogant banter has a kind of arrogance of pointing out the country, and the dung is once tens of thousands of households.

"Liang Chen admires internet trolls like you the most!"

With his hands behind Ye Que's back, the Wuyu reincarnation eyes in his eyes spun again, and at the same time charged towards Xinghan again.

Xinghan didn't know what an internet troll was, but it didn't affect his performance in the slightest.

Eyes fell to Ye Que, with a sneer: "Under the starry sky, strong men abound. When the Black Sea Group comes over, I hope you will still have such an attitude!"

After all, transfer instantly.

Then, he appeared in front of Ye Que again.


This happened again, and he panicked.

Before, he thought it was an operation error, but this time, he thought he hadn't made a mistake, and he had indeed escaped far away. How could he appear in front of the other party?


Ye Que slapped him, and said with a half-smile, "Let me ask you, how many **** kings are there in the Black Sea Group?"

This time, Xing Han once again showed the potential of trolling, his body trembling again, his eyes frightened, and he no longer had the domineering aura of pointing the country and catching Ye Que before.

Lan Xing and the others in the distance were worried and shocked at first, but now they are speechless.

How can this strong man in the God Ruins Realm be so good at acting?

Scolding from afar, with the aura of Lao Tzu being number one in the world.

When he came in front of Senior Liang Chen, he was as cowardly as a grandson.

This dramatic scene was repeated several times in a row, and Lan Xing felt embarrassed for him.

"Ask you something."

Ye Que breathed out again.


Xinghan lowered his head, not daring to provoke the other party, thinking what's wrong with the space transfer?

"How many levels?"

Ye Que shouted again.

Too domineering.

He simply doesn't regard Shenxu as a human being.

"Third...Third level...Third level of Divine Nirvana..."

Xinghan backed away calmly, ready to perform space transfer again.

Ye Que stroked his chin and thought, "So it's the third level of the Nirvana Realm."

"good chance!"

Xinghan stepped back with a bang, and instantly cast the space transfer technique, and the person appeared hundreds of thousands of miles away.

His face was flushed, and there was humiliation and anger in his eyes: "This time, I will not talk nonsense with you! Your death is coming soon! I will let you see how powerful the Black Sea Group is!"

As he said that, he fled to the rear.

Blue Star was dumbfounded.

Submissive when facing each other, punching hard when far away?

What kind of person is this, disgusting.

"Liangchen won't play with you anymore!"

Ye Que rushed up at a high speed, and successively performed Shrink to Inch and Misty Journey, and his speed skyrocketed.

At the same time, Wuyu's Samsara eyes spun.

With his speed, he gradually approached the opponent, putting tremendous pressure on the opponent.

Xinghan didn't want to use space transfer, but if he didn't use it, he would definitely be caught. After hesitating, he said with a gloomy face: "This time I keep moving, mere daoyuan can't stop me."

This time, he personally and conscientiously performed the technique of space transfer, and the location of the transfer was in the starry sky further ahead.

"Bye bye! Daoyuan ants!"

With one step, the person disappears in an instant.

When it appeared, it was in front of Ye Que.

"You...you...what method did you use to forcibly change the direction of my space transfer?"

This time, Xinghan didn't dare to be confident at all, and cried out in panic.

"Don't think that you are the only one who can transfer space!"

His fifth Jade Pupil Art, Space Shift, one of its abilities, displaces the surrounding space. If someone performs Space Shift, his position will be forcibly changed by him.

"But now, you'd better go die!"

Ye Que didn't talk nonsense, Wuyu's reincarnation eyes rotated to restrict the opponent's space transfer, and immediately punched him. At the same time, the nine star jades circled around Xinghan.

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