God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 879: Starry South (3)

Ye Que was quite satisfied.

Now it is only 3419 pieces away.

"Everything is on the right track! It's not far from breaking through to the God Market!"

Ye Que rubbed his hands excitedly.

Although the Jieshen Fist and the like in the system disappeared.

But it doesn't matter, that thing can't be used without Shenyuan. He can't use it in the starry sky, but it is a burden.

withdraw withdraw.

Our good fortune true **** system is really awesome.

Gave him a lot of help.

Such as Good Fortune Eye, Good Fortune Ancient Divine Body, Absolute Defense and so on.

"When I become the strongest, God Clan and Star Demon Clan, I will beat you until you are called grandpa!"

He licked his lips.

Boom boom boom!

There is a knock on the door.


Lan Xing's delicate voice came in.

Ye Que, the teaser, quickly put away his excitement, put on a serious face, and intentionally put some star-derived and exploding animations in his eyes.

According to him.

Many Daoyuan like to pretend to be aggressive with their eyes, and he can't lag behind.

The vast world in the eyes, the annihilation of countless stars, others look at it, how compelling.

"come in."

He said in a deep voice, with a touch of inscrutability.

The door opens.

Lan Xing walked in, almost making Ye Que stunned.

Who is this girl?

The long hair is moist, the skin is rosy, and she is as beautiful as a fairy. This is a fairy who just came out of the bath.

Beautiful to the extreme.

I didn't notice it before, but this time Ye lost his mind.

"What are you doing? Cough cough, what are you doing?"

He covered his nose and asked, thinking of Di Xiwei and Huang Youyao.

Hey, three hundred years!

He hasn't touched his own wife for three hundred years, which made his mouth dry!

He is homesick.

However, in order to become stronger, he could only secretly come to the starry sky to find the star core.

the other side.

After experiencing the catastrophe of strong men's invasion, Lan Xing has completely awakened, and realized that the world she lives in would be difficult to survive without strong men in charge.

The law of the Black Forest under the starry sky is extremely cruel.

She has experienced it, so when facing her seniors, although she is shy, she has already made up her mind.

"If you want to survive under the stars, that's nothing."

She sighed softly in her heart, closed the door with a wave of her hand, then undressed and said softly: "Blue Star serves senior."

Ye Que almost choked on himself, and quickly reached out to stop him: "Where are you going? Put it on."

He suppressed an impulse, and explained in a deep voice: "I have slept in the starry sky for tens of thousands of years. I came here this time to ask you something. Don't think too much about the starry sky."

This is more silly than bragging, so after all, I quickly added a plot to the eyes to increase my own style.


The vast worlds in the eyes are destroyed one by one, black holes are also born, and supernova explosions also appear, presenting a strange and unpredictable feeling.

Lan Xing was terrified in his heart, he was stunned for a while, and he was a little more afraid of the impression of this senior Ye Liangchen.

But at the same time, some doubts arose.

"Senior... haven't you been wandering in the starry sky for three hundred years..."

Look, this is the price of typical bragging without brains.

Ye Que blushed, and added drama to his eyes.

When the gods died, the starry sky was divided into starry sky and dark starry sky, and countless dark void monsters surged in it.

In addition, from time to time, the chain of the whole law is in the eyes.

Lan Xing choked for breath, horrified by the scene in the senior's eyes.

In the boundless world of origin and extinction, the chains of laws rise and fall, there are also gods extinguishing the world, and the starry sky is split, appearing in the eyes of the seniors one by one.


What has the senior experienced to have such terrifying eyes.


She was so shocked that her scalp went numb, and she knelt down to worship subconsciously, but she was ecstatic in her heart, thinking that the senior in front of her could really protect the Blue Star World and shelter them in finding a survivable star field.

"You must serve your seniors well!"

There is more hope in her heart.

Ye Que originally wanted to show his style, so he deliberately used the five-jade reincarnation eye (the number of hook jades currently opened) and the aura of the fortune-telling eye, which can frighten the soul.

I didn't think about it, but I was stunned to convince Lan Xing.

"It's good to be bluffed!"

He heaved a sigh of relief, and continued to say with a straight face: "I have been in Xingkong for many years, you don't need to ask more questions, just tell me about Xingkong!"


Lan Xing sorted out his thoughts and told the senior what he knew.

Whether it is common sense or certain guesses, it has all been said.

It turns out that the starry sky is vast and boundless, but there are several divisions in general.

The starry sky is divided into five orientations.

Yes, only the direction can be used, because the starry sky is too big, even the creator gods cannot spy on the size of the starry sky.

"The extreme south, the extreme north, the extreme east, the extreme west, and the land of the starry sky. This kind of starry sky is the current starry sky creature, and the usual nickname for the starry sky. The blue star is in a small star field, in the extreme southern starry sky."

Lan Xing said slowly, Ye Que listened intently, and occasionally asked a few words to clear up his doubts.

In the end, Ye Que stood in front of the window, his eyes piercing the sky, looking at the endless starry sky, his heart was full of thoughts.

"I estimate that the Six Realms are hiding on the edge of the extreme south. My current location is roughly in the area where the extreme south is close to the starry sky. This is an almost endless starry sky."

The Good Fortune Shield sent him out of the Six Realms, and when he headed straight for the starry sky, he was thrown far away. It took him a few years to get used to it.

Listening to what Lan Xing said now, I gradually have a concept in my heart.


Lan Xing opened his mouth cautiously.

Ye Que came back to his senses, nodded and said, "Countless lives are bred under the starry sky, but there are also strong and weak ones. Do you know what forces are divided in our extreme southern region?"

Daoyuan, after all, is Daoyuan, even if he is in the extreme south region, he has no qualifications and ability to know the information of the extreme south hegemony.

Lan Xing shook his head, there was unknown and fear in his eyes.

Under this starry sky, the unknown of those truly terrifying forces is the most frightening thing.

Seeing the change in Lan Xing's eyes, Ye Que also guessed in his heart that under the starry sky, it is definitely not just the Star Demon Race and God Race, but also the ancient gods.

"When I was in the Six Realms, I heard what the star demons wandering outside said, they destroyed any life that dared to give birth to the ancient gods..."

Thinking of this, he sneered in his heart.

These braggarts.

In Nuoda's starry sky, how could the Star Demon really be wiped out?

There are definitely hidden or disguised ancient gods, and there are even magic gods.

"Senior, although I don't know the power of the top overlord in the extreme southern region, I do know the power of the nearby star field. For example, the two ninth-level Daoyuan realms come from one of the three overlords of the nearby star field."

With a word from Lan Xing, Ye Que was reminded.

"The three overlords must know the division of the top forces in the extreme south region! Besides, they should have many star cores, right?"

There was a bit of sinisterness in Ye Que's eyes, but thinking of himself as a senior, he put away that sinisterness again.

Lan Xing was about to answer, but unexpectedly, a terrifying aura of the God Ruin Realm came in from outside, making all living beings tremble.

Ye Que subconsciously rubbed his hands and licked his lips and lips: "Hey, the star core sender is here! I love you guys, okay!"

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