God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 878: Blue Star (2)

"We are the starry sky human race, but this is just a collective name! Human races are scattered all over the starry sky, with different bloodlines. If we meet each other, we must face life and death!"

"This world is Blue Star, named after me, senior! I implore you to sit here and help Blue Star survive the crisis."

"Don't worry, Lan Xing is also being taken away by our Daoyuan, heading for the distant starry sky, and will not wait to die."

Blue Star, on a certain mountain in the north, there is a pavilion.

The girl is the strongest in the world, so she can only lead the way cautiously in front at this time, and she even knelt on the ground at this point.

Ye Que's thoughts wandered, he sighed, and he was so cowardly: "I'm a loner, and I'm only in a small Daoyuan realm, and I don't even dare to mess with the Shenxu. I sit in this realm, isn't it my life..."

"Senior, you are at the peak of Daoyuan, as long as you devour the star core, you can break through to the God Ruin Realm! I...our world also has a lot of star cores, which were excavated by our strongmen in the nearby starry sky for tens of thousands of years!"

The girl waved her hand, and there was an extra storage bag in her hand.

"So small?"

Ye Que checked with his mind, there were a bunch of star cores inside, but they were only the size of a fist.

He became as huge as a star, just to eat the planet conveniently and win the star core inside it.

The star core is huge.

"Don't seniors know that devouring star cores requires refining? This is the most quintessential essence of star cores! There are a lot of second-grade star cores and a small amount of third-grade star cores!"

Girls hope.

Ye Que touched his chin, feeling a little embarrassed in his heart.

He doesn't know anything.

The six worlds have been controlled by the God Realm for too long, and the strength of all living beings is limited to the Dao Source. A lot of information above the Shenxu has been lost, and God Realm has deliberately erased it, so almost no one knows about it.

After he came out, he only knew that the system let him devour the star core, but he didn't know that there were so many details in it.

"Ahem! Then I will practice as soon as possible! By the way, come to my room for a while."

Ye Que received the star core and entered the room.

He needs to know many things.

Although he has been floating in the starry sky for more than three hundred years, he is a stunned young man who doesn't know anything.

After all, we are also a powerhouse at the peak of Daoyuan. With full firepower, the king of gods can also fight with him.

"Yes Yes…"

The girl's face was slightly red, and she sighed in her heart, knowing that what should come is still coming.

"Senior Blue!"

There is a Daoyuan third-order powerhouse who dared to step forward when he saw the giant tortoise senior leave, but when he looked at Lan Xing, his eyes were a little more sad.

"Senior, your sacrifice is too great! In fact, it is unnecessary, we can escape!"

There is a first-order powerhouse in Daoyuan, with a bit of sadness in his eyes.

Senior Blue Star is not only the most powerful, but also the most beautiful in the world. He is the goddess in the hearts of countless men.


"Those people are too powerful. Blue Star was almost destroyed. Even if we escape now, we won't be able to escape very far. Therefore, our world needs strong people to sit in command!"

"Of course, we can't sit still and continue to transfer with Blue Star!"

Lan Xing sighed softly, went to his room, cleaned himself up, and prepared to serve his senior.

In another room.

Ye Que opened Wuyu Samsara Eyes in his pupils, scanning the planet.

Very small, too small.

It cannot be compared with the Six Realms.

Each of the six realms is a huge starry sky plate, comparable to tens of thousands of earths.

And this star happens to be similar to an earth.

Any Dao Origin Realm can be smashed into pieces with a single slap.

"The Six Realms is also the big brother of the starry sky. He used to be one of the overlords of this starry sky. Unfortunately, nearly 90% of them were destroyed by the star demons. In addition, they are controlled by the gods. The territory is still vast, but the proportion of Daoyuan is even higher. The origin of this planet is not as good as it."

Ye Que was indignant, thinking that the Star Demon and the God Realm were so ruthless that they turned such a powerful Six Realm into a mess.

Shaking his head, he looked at the panel data.

as follows-

[Host: Ye Que]

[Boundary: Dao Source Realm Tenth Level]

[Form: Creation Ancient God Body/Turtle Form]

[Forbidden Eyes: Good Fortune Eyes, Nine Jade Eyes of Reincarnation]

[Eight Great Creation Items: Creation Shield, the rest have not been obtained (please collect the host as soon as possible, and activate the True Creation Weapon)]

[Five Great Creation Books: Original True Explanation, Cosmic Book Remnants, and the rest have not been obtained (please collect the host as soon as possible to improve the true nerve of good fortune)]

The idea taps into the Ancient Divine Body of Creation.

Data are as follows-

【Ancient Divine Physique】

[Realm: The tenth-order peak of Daoyuanjing]

[Advanced: Swallow 10,000 third-tier star cores, and have a chance to break through to the God Ruin Realm]

[Progress: 5679/10000 (pieces)]

[Good fortune 1: Absolute defense (receive the power of the good fortune shield, absolutely resist one damage, cooldown time: 100 years)]

[Good Fortune 2: Open when you reach the fifth level of the God Ruins Realm]

[Cultivation method: Universe (Volume 2 of the Original True Explanation) / Fission Starlight Method (Volume 1 of the Fragment of the Book of Universe, due to the incompleteness, it can only give birth to the power of stars)]

[Forbidden techniques: Liujia Secret Blessing, Eight Gates Dunjia, Misty Journey, Shrinking the Earth to an Inch, Wind Rises Six Realms, Tree Realm Comes Down, Wrathful Fire Lotus, Free Cloud Mountain, Haunted by Evil Ghosts, Beyond the Shore of Thunder...]

[Star pattern: 9/10, (when the host reaches the ninth level of the God Ruins Realm, the tenth star pattern will be obtained)]

[Bloodline: Ancient God Bloodline: Three have been opened, (the number of openings is determined according to the ancient god's star pattern)]

[Opened Bloodline 1: The Power of Ancient God's Latent Fury (sufficient Qi and blood, can be activated)]

[Opened Bloodline 2: The Power of the Giant God (sufficient blood, can be opened)]

[Opened Bloodline 3: The Power of Nirvana of the Ancient God (Sufficient Qi and blood, can be opened)]

[Unopened Bloodline 4: Self-exile in the sea of ​​stars, releasing the power of nightmare in the blood]

[The Nightmare Power of the Ancient God: In the silent bloodline, there is absolutely calm blood. Once released, the ancient **** has the ability to enter the spiritual world of others]

[Six Jade Eyes of Reincarnation: Opened at the first level of Shenxu Realm]

Ye Que was melancholy.

There is a long way to go.

"To break through to the God Ruins Realm, there are still 4321 third-rank star cores."

"In addition, there are three tasks that I need to complete."

"The first one is to break through to the fifth level of the God Ruins Realm and open Good Fortune 2. This is a really awesome thing, and we must strive for it!"

"The second one is to break through to the ninth level of the God Ruins Realm and get the tenth star from Senior Gu Yuan."

He was helpless, in order to be promoted to the ninth star, it took a lot of effort.

"The third one is to break through to the first level of the Shenxu Realm and open the Liuyu Samsara Eye! This really motivates me! The pupil technique of the Samsara Eye is awesome, I have to break through as soon as possible!"

With this in mind, don't delay.

He took out the storage bag given to him by the Blue Star girl, and absorbed the star cores inside one by one.

There are mostly first-grade star cores and second-grade star cores, and fewer third-grade star cores.

"The first-grade star core is useful for the Yin-Yang three-step realm, but it is useless to me! The second-grade star core is useful for Daoyuan, but if I want to break through, I need more quantities."

"One hundred second-grade star cores is worth one third-grade star core."

These are system notifications.

"Forget it, it's not easy to get so many star cores in such a small place!"

He didn't delay, he just opened his mouth to absorb.

But after a while, the star core was swallowed up.

Data changes.

The original data is as follows—

[Progress: 5679/10000 (pieces)]

The new data is as follows—

[Progress: 6581/10000 (pieces)]

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