God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 877: Unless the starry sky drops a **** (1)

Dark and deep starry sky.

call out-

Several long rainbows flew across the starry sky and landed on a blue star.

boom! boom! boom!

Not long after, the roar of battle sounded.

"You are running! Let me see where you are going!"

There was a Daoyuan ninth-level powerhouse wearing a silver armor, holding a star sword that was blooming with stars, and forced a girl onto a meteorite.

"The sixth level of Daoyuan, I also want to fight with us, and I am impatient!"

Another Daoyuan realm ninth-level powerhouse, wearing black armor, with terrifying power and murderous intent in his eyes, locked his energy on the girl.

The girl was covered in cuts and bruises, her face was pale, and blood was everywhere on her body.

Holding the broken sword tightly, she was forced to the dead corner of the meteorite, looking left and right, surrounded by Daoyuan divine power, unable to escape, a bit of despair could not help but appear in her eyes.

Looking down, the blue stars below are full of battles. That is the world she lives in, which is being invaded by people. Under the sadness, there is more mist in her eyes.

"For those who possess the Nirvana Realm and have countless territories in the starry sky, why do you need to plunder a small world? I am the sixth-level Daoyuan, and I am already the strongest in the stars. I have to stand up! Everyone, I am willing to fight for you!" Slave is your servant, please let go of my homeland!"

Knowing that she couldn't escape, she threw away the broken sword in her hand, with a little more determination on her face.

The two powerhouses of the ninth rank of Daoyuan fought in the starry sky all year round and plundered countless worlds. This is what they like to watch the most.

Seeing the powerhouses in these small worlds give up their resistance and let them play with them is extremely refreshing.

"Hahahaha! The stars that can give birth to the world are not ordinary. What we want is the star core, which is the key thing that can break through to the realm of the gods!"

"A beauty at the sixth level of Daoyuan Realm? The strongest in the world? Don't you realize that you are not qualified to negotiate at all?"

Two powerhouses of the ninth rank of Daoyuan approached aggressively.

One was wearing white armor and the other was wearing black armor. They approached the girl step by step, with an evil light in their eyes.

What they want is not only the girl, but also all the resources on the stars.


There was shame, anger and despair in the girl's eyes.

"What happened to us?"

"Hahaha! Do you want to pray for someone to save you?"

Bai Jia and Hei Jia laughed wildly.

"I will fight with you!"

As soon as the girl rushed up, she was pushed back by the power of the ninth level of Daoyuan.

"It's so naive to want to protect the growth of that small world with a mere sixth-level Daoyuan!"

Bai Jia grinned grimly, and was the first to rush forward.

In this starry sky, there are stars that reproduce life, and these lives form a world.

For example, the human beings on the [biquge www.biquger.me] on the earth are the human world. Of course, they can also be called a civilization.

When civilization collides with civilization, the law of the black forest is fully displayed.

Either be destroyed, or destroy the opponent.

Obviously, the world where the girl lives is powerless to resist, and it will be destroyed itself.

Seeing the despair in the girl's eyes, the black armor laughed even more wildly.

"Today, your luck is very bad, no one can save you, unless a **** falls on the starry sky!"

After making a casual joke, he rushed forward.

But as soon as his words fell, there was a booming sound above the heads of the three.

Immediately, the three of them froze. They all looked up, and then they were frightened stupid.

I saw the starry sky above my head, a giant tortoise slowly appeared in the dust of the starry sky.

The giant tortoise is as huge as a star, with terrifying power spreading, and its eyes contain the destructive charm of the world's destruction and reconstruction.

The people in Heijia are all stupid.

Unless only **** fall on the starry sky?

I just teased me, are you serious?

"There are too many mysteries and horrors in the starry sky, get out of here first!"

Bai Jia came to his senses, with a dignified Daoyuan ninth level, he didn't dare to offend the giant tortoise, wiped the sweat off his face, turned around and fled.

"Take her away!"

Hei Jia grabbed the girl.

The girl was desperate, and when she saw Wang Bazhen appearing, she hurriedly said, "Senior, please help! Get rid of these people, and I am willing to be a slave!"

The black armor is stern, and there is a faint warning in the words: "There is a **** king behind us. If you want to make a move, senior, you have to weigh it. If you are just passing by, I will send you off!"

Oh shit.

It's good not to say this, but once he said it, Ye Que was offended.

The Iron Head King was not built.

"Are you threatening me, Ye Liangchen?"

Ye Que spat out the universal language of the stars, which was a gift from the system.

His voice was like a flood breaking through the starry sky, with an unrivaled aura.

Bai Jia's pupils shrank, and he screamed that it was terrible, but before he could speak, Hei Jia really yelled at him: "The junior didn't dare, I just warned the senior, there is a **** king behind us! Don't make trouble!"

"Very good! Liangchen likes to attack those who think they have outstanding abilities!"

The giant tortoise in the starry sky patted it down with one paw.

That power is no joke.

The claws contain the Chaos Intercepting Way, which locks onto the starry sky in an instant, making it impossible for Heijia to escape.

"It's only the tenth level of the source of talent, I thought it was Shenxu! I was shocked! Immediately notify the strong Shenxu to support, the two of us can hold it!"

Hei Jia sensed the size of the opponent's realm, and was immediately overjoyed. He cast a spell to notify the strong man in Shenxu, and rushed forward.

"Hahahaha! It turns out he's just a big fool, he's too fancy! Stop him! This starry sky giant tortoise is full of treasures!"

Instead of retreating, Bai Jia advanced and killed him with his sword.

The two Dao sources are at the ninth level, and the power of the Dao is released to fight against the trapped giant tortoise.

The **** the meteorite, her face was pale, the light that had just risen in her eyes dimmed in an instant, and she murmured: "It's over... I still can't beat them..."

Of course, some things can't just look at the surface.

"Isn't it good to live?"

The giant tortoise sighed lightly, and all the chaos in that claw was released.

With a bang, the two unlucky children were instantly crushed into a pulp.

This is the Chaos Intercepting Dao, which can suppress all Dao, and the caster is Ye Que, the peak Dao source.

The realm of this product cannot be measured by common sense.

One paw crushed the ninth level of two Dao sources, and the opponent had no power to fight back.

Girls are stupid.

Even the peak dao source is stronger than the ninth-order dao source.

But it's not so powerful, is it?

At least a few rounds must be played, and playing back and forth is the real process.

Why didn't even one round, the two major ninth-order Dao sources disappeared?

call out-

Ye Que turned into a human figure, dressed in a coquettish white dress, restrained his bronze complexion and platinum-gold flow patterns, and also covered up the nine-star pattern on his forehead, and stepped onto the meteorite.

The guy stepped forward, sized the girl up and said, "I've been wandering in the starry sky for more than three hundred years, and this is the first time I've seen a living person today. Tell me, where is this place?"


This guy has been in the Six Realms for more than a hundred years, and he has gradually raised his strength to the peak of Daoyuan, and then he couldn't improve.

Because, Daoyuan enters the God Ruins, either enters the God Realm to devour the ancient gods, or enters the starry sky to devour the star core.

In order to improve his own strength, he used the power of the shield of good fortune to project himself into the distant starry sky, continuously devouring the star cores in the stars, drifting for three hundred years without knowing it, and finally came here.

The girl was dumbfounded, and stared at Ye Que in a daze.

"I know I'm handsome, but please don't look at Liang Chen like this. If you still want to look at Liang Chen, please do so with your body! I've opened the room, shall I go?"

Ye Que was still the same Ye Que, still the undisgraceful leader of the three evils of the Eastern Desolation.

After he finished showing the Six Realms, he will also show in the starry sky.

Dou Bi Que is back again.

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