God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 863: Karma Burns (4)

The other end of the distant starry sky.

A certain eternal and immortal existence opened its eyes in the darkness, and there were laws intertwined in the eyes, which contained great power.

This being stared at the distant starry sky, and suddenly stretched out his hand, pressing against the distant starry sky.

"Dare to walk out of the Good Fortune Gate, the gods are disrespectful!"

The eternal and immortal existence, with the power of the supreme law in the voice, reached out from the other end of the distant starry sky, and the hand became bigger and bigger, at first it could cover the stars, and then it became so big that it could cover the galaxy.

In the end, it can cover the star field.

The terrifying law-making protoss, from the far side of the starry sky, wants to destroy the gods with one hand.

at this time.

The killing of the gods begins.

Many inherited killers can't stop God's butcher knife.

It was terrible, countless creatures died tragically, and blood flowed into rivers.

The inheritance killer can't last long.

There were more than one hundred lines of defense, and in less than half a moment, there were only more than fifty lines left.

Ye Que, who was behind, felt his heart sink more and more.

"Ding! The evolution progress of the final evolution: 31%...32%..."

There are about 70% left.


More time is needed!

We must think of a way to prolong the delay of the attack of the gods.

He looked up at Guixu Jie, feeling very helpless.

The birth of the Lord of the Five Realms only allowed him to use a small part of his power, and it was the release of the chain of laws that just restricted the gods.

But other than that, there is nothing wrong with the gods.

"Gu Yuan is dead when he comes out!"

God King Bai Yu held the sword, which was covered with blood, and there was blood in his eyes.

One step shook away many creatures and approached the black chrysalis.

The Inheritance Killer is blocking, but only a little. If there is no accident, the gods will soon destroy the black chrysalis.

Ye Que was worried, and there were also powerful people from all walks of life who were worried.

"Benefactor, no matter whether you succeed or not, you should burn yourself with karma!"

On the last line of defense, Tathagata stared at the dark giant god.

Others such as Di Xiwei, Jin Duande and others looked at the ancient **** with worry in their eyes.

Burn yourself now?

Isn't it a chance?

But if you think about it carefully, since the attack from the God Realm, the ancient gods had no chance to burn themselves.

However, without burning the body, once the Lord of the Six Realms is born, the ancient **** will die.

Ye Que was silent, staring at Tathagata, looking at his eyes full of wisdom, suddenly, he remembered the power of his own blood.

Ancient God's Blood Awakening Quest: Burn yourself in the flames, obtain the immortal Nirvana body, and awaken the power of the Ancient God's Nirvana

The Nirvana Power of the Ancient God: In the noble blood, there is hidden boiling blood. Once activated, the ancient **** has the ability to instantly reshape the body of Nirvana

"Maybe, we still have a chance!"

Ye Que walked out.

Yes, once the Immortal Nirvana Body is activated, he can forcibly delay time in the face of the attacks of the gods.

The scarlet blood wheel eyes scanned the killing of the gods, and said indifferently: "The chance is not great, but it is worth a try!"

Xuelunyan advanced task: devour a thousand Shura soul flowers; sublimate in the endless killing, the ancient **** will open the fourth hook jade

This task can also be completed.


His strength has once again increased.

Daoyuan Realm broke through to the fifth level, opened the dark giant **** form, and his strength has climbed to the ninth level of the God Ruin Realm.

Have the opportunity.

"Stop making fearless sacrifices!"

Ye Que took a step, and muttered, his eyes fell on God King Bai Yu.

God King Baiyu killed a group of warriors from the six realms, and seemed to have sensed it, and turned his head to look at the giant dark god.

The four eyes met, one side was indifferent, the other side was rampant.

"Everyone, make room!"

Tathagata clasped his hands together and spoke in a low voice.

The giant dark **** looked at the black pupa, took a deep breath and said, "Come on!"

Taking another step forward, holding a golden stick in his hand, his three eyes are calm and deep.

Tathagata squeezed one hand in the void, and then squeezed out a karmic fire lotus.


The Yehuo lotus flew towards Ye Que, growing to 100 meters in the process.

Ye Que jumped up and flew into the Karma Fire Lotus.


Then he saw the flames soaring into the sky, and there was no other figure of him.

God King Baiyu was taken aback, and then smiled playfully: "Interesting, is this suicide or escape?"

He avoided the attack of the inherited killer, and squeezed the void with one hand, and also squeezed out a flame flower.

"Xinghuo is comparable to karmic fire, since you want to burn yourself, I will help you!"


The flame flower went straight to the fire lotus.

There was an inheritance killer to block, Tathagata whispered the sound transmission, and immediately, the flame flower was no longer blocked, rushed into the defense lines, and went straight to the flame lotus.

"The fire of karma may not make him transform, but with more sparks, the poor monk is fully sure that when Ye Que's benefactor comes out, there will definitely be a shocking change!"

Tathagata was relieved, looked at the boundless slaughter, and sighed softly: "Now, it's time for us to make a choice!"

Many strong men were taken aback for a moment, and all looked at Tathagata.

Let's talk about Ye Que.

As soon as you enter the karmic fire lotus, the pain that burns your body and soul hits your whole body.

It almost knocked him out of pain.

At the same time, there was an inexplicable power in Karma, which forcibly snuffed out his dark giant **** form.

The ancient god, back to the quasi-nine-star ancient **** again.

Even so, he was stunned to hold on.

"Ding! The karmic fire activates the ancient god's bloodline awakening task: burn yourself in the flames, obtain the immortal Nirvana body, and awaken the ancient god's Nirvana power!"

"Ding! The host is being burned by flames and is about to reach the awakening condition!"

Chi Chi Chi!

The boundless fire engulfed him.

His body was almost destroyed in the fire.

He quickly released all the power, such as Yuanjue Miaoming, Chaos Jietian Dao, and various forbidden techniques, all of which were blessed on his body.

In such a resistance, he still stabilized.

Karmic fire can't burn the physical body, nor can it melt the essence of the soul, so it can only burn the six reincarnation marks on Ye Que's body, as well as cause and effect.

Chi Chi Chi!

Imprint and karma are fading.

Once burned, the sanctions imposed on him by the Six Paths of Reincarnation will also disappear.

"Ding! The host is being burned by flames! It is about to reach the awakening condition!"

It's still the beep.

This made Ye Que stunned, gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice, "Can't even karmic fire revive the blood?"

Panting for breath, he looked at the boundless fire, wanting to see outside.

He has to wake up his blood to be able to fight.

I don't know what's going on outside.

"Ding! The host is being burned by flames! It is about to reach the awakening condition!"

It's still the beep.

"Why can't I wake up?"

He was a little annoyed.

"Ding! The level of the flame is too low to wake up the blood of the ancient god!"

Accidents of accidents.

Karmic fire can't burn it either.

Ye Que froze for a moment.

If he can't wake up...then he has no chance.

Just at this moment, a hot and unfamiliar flame flew from outside, and before he could think about it, the flame rushed in and clashed with Karmic Fire in an instant.

The two devour each other, resulting in a fierce collision.

In an instant, the tearing force derived from the collision tore apart all of Ye Que's protective power.

Just like Chaos cuts off the sky, it is directly scattered, and the forbidden art is also burned.

Ye Que vomited blood, and without the power to protect his body, he was immediately burned by two kinds of flames.

A horrible scene happened.

In the flames, his body was melting and his soul was being annihilated.

Ye Que felt that something was wrong, his pupils shrank, he turned around and ran, but within a short while, he was completely swallowed by the two flames.


Before he finished speaking, his consciousness went dark.

At this moment, the notification sound appeared again.

"Ding! The host is being burned by flames! It has reached the awakening condition!"

"Ding! The host burns itself in the flames, without any resistance, coexists with the flames, and the awakening condition is fulfilled!"

"Ding! The bloodline of Nirvana is waking up!"

"Ding! Once the bloodline is awakened, the ancient **** will have the Nirvana form of the ancient god, and gain the power of Nirvana that is immortal!"

"Ding! Nirvana bloodline awakening countdown: 10, 9..."

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