God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 864: Nirvana form, sublimation in killing, opening of Sigou jade (1)

"Ding! Once the bloodline is awakened, the ancient **** will have the Nirvana form of the ancient god, and gain the power of Nirvana that is immortal!"

"Ding! The countdown to the awakening of the Nirvana bloodline: 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1."

"Ding! The host opened the Nirvana bloodline! Obtained the Nirvana form of the ancient god!"

Burn yourself in the flames, be reborn in the flames.

Among the karmic fire and the star fire, a pair of eyes suddenly opened, revealing the world like the eyes of destroying the world.


The two flames were pushed away by a terrifying force, and the ancient **** in Nirvana form, surrounded by flames, slowly appeared.

The world-destroying battle armor, like an exoskeleton burning with fire, covers the whole body, cool and domineering.

There are flames in the eyes, and the meridians in the whole body are also full of flames. It does not appear ferocious, but has a kind of posture of a **** descending from the earth.

"It turns out that burning yourself in the flames and not resisting is the condition for waking up!"

He opened his mouth slowly.

"Ding! The blood in the ancient god's body is enough to maintain the Nirvana state for fifteen minutes!"

"Ding! Immortal Nirvana body, the countdown starts in fifteen minutes!"

The beep reminded him.

His eyes looked outside, and he said in a deep voice, "Let me end this final catastrophe!"

Stepping out of the sea of ​​fire in one step, ascending to the sky of dawn.

At that moment, the world was shaken.

The rising sun and warm sun are falling all over the world, the darkness is gradually annihilated, and the dawn is just around the corner.

But in the world of beasts, blood has flowed into rivers.

At his feet, large pieces of corpses fell, and the void was dyed as red as blood.

The last ten lines of defense surrounded the black chrysalis stubbornly and fragilely.

For the strong in the six realms, there are hundreds of lines of defense, but there are only ten lines of defense left.

They are like the last knights, guarding the princess who is about to be born in the palace.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Thirty-one **** kings, one hundred and nine **** ruins, and a large army of gods such as Daoyuan, Yin-Yang, and Transcendence, are like a boundless black sea in front of them, with monstrous waves rising up to swallow the black chrysalis.

Holding **** swords and knives in their hands, they laughed wildly and violently.

In this situation, they are not in a hurry to destroy the black chrysalis.

Venting the grievances before, punishing the Six Realms, and killing are what they want to do now.

At this time, the ancient **** transformed.

But the Six Realms are also on the verge of doomsday.

"Ding! The evolution progress of the final evolution: 81%...82%..."

"It's about to transform!"

The ancient **** in Nirvana form, with one move with one hand, started with the killing sword.

Scan around.

The strong men in the ten lines of defense were also looking at him, with sadness, anger and helplessness in their eyes, and at the same time, there was a sense of entrustment.

"Don't make unnecessary sacrifices, let me do it!"

The ancient **** Nirvana swung the killing sword and looked back at the boundless army of gods.

"What are you fighting with us? Where is Gu Yuan? Let him come out!"

God King Baiyu raised his sword and pointed at the ancient **** Nirvana, with the murderous intent in his eyes undiminished.

"Him? He's already dead!"


Nirvana Ancient God took a step forward.

"Is this very important? As for what I want to fight you with? I will fight you with my life! It depends on whether you dare to fight me!"

Another step, stepping out of the boundless flame.

"Fate? How much is your life worth?"

God King Baiyu flicked with one hand, and a ray of black light popped out.

The Nirvana ancient **** neither dodged nor dodged, enduring the destruction of the black light.

His body is crumbling, and his soul is being annihilated.

But at the next moment, the body was reborn in the flames, and the soul was reshaped in the flames.


The ancient **** Nirvana took another step, staring at the gods, the flames in his eyes were transformed by anger,

"We just want to be free, and God Realm has nothing to lose. Why don't you let go?"

"Ding! The host activates the latent wrath of the ancient god! Obtained the form of the dark ancient god!"

"Ding! The fusion of the ancient **** Nirvana and the ancient **** of darkness!"


Nirvana, the ancient god, was reborn from destruction. Facing the gods, he took every step vigorously, and the flames on his body suddenly turned into black flames.

The flames in the eyes turned into a deep black hole, and in the deepest part of the black hole, flames were rising.

Another step, stepping out of the supreme black flame demon soil.

boom! !

The strength of the fifth level of the Daoyuan Realm unlocked the power of the latent anger of the ancient gods, and the realm climbed to the fifth level of the Shenxu Realm.

The ancient **** of darkness Nirvana was born in this dawn.

Its imposing manner shook the world.

The gods suffocated slightly, and they all became angry with embarrassment, thinking that the other party had provoked them.

"You are a quasi-nine-star ancient god, and you dare to act presumptuously in front of me before all eight bloodlines have been activated! What are you?"

Divine King Baiyu's face was gloomy, and he destroyed the world with one palm.

"Is this how you protect the Six Realms?"

The ancient **** of darkness Nirvana held the killing sword, but did not resist it, and took the palm calmly.

That palm was terrifying, it instantly disintegrated his physical body, but in the next instant, his physical body was reshaped immediately.

This terrifying scene made the gods gasp.

The ancient **** of darkness and nirvana scanned the gods, and his black eyes suddenly turned into scarlet blood eyes. Seeing the eyes of these gods, he felt fear and smiled lowly.

"The corpses all over the ground, the blood flowing like a river, you are responsible! Do you know?"

He grasped the Death Sword tightly, and the sword was dyed with the power of the dark Nirvana flame, and suddenly turned into the Dark Death Sword.

Among the six realms, the ancient **** of darkness Nirvana roared loudly in front of the gods.

One against ten thousand.

At that moment, the gods were terrified and angry.

"Destroy the ancient god!"

The gods rushed out.

"My ancient **** clan, who guarded the God Realm for hundreds of millions of years, never thought that they would be slaughtered by the gods!"

He entered the army of gods, and his voice spread across the world.

"Ding! The host activates the power of the giant god! Obtained the form of the ancient giant god!"

"Ding! The dark Nirvana ancient **** merges with the ancient giant god!"

"Ding! The night undead form is activated!"

boom! !

The ancient **** of darkness nirvana, with scarlet blood eyes, and the third eye on his forehead, which is the eye of the ancient god.

Eight stars seeking Tao appear around the body, burning with dark flames, and there are dark purple streamers all over the body, intertwined with the dark flames, blasting out the power of a berserk giant god.

The strength has been raised from the fifth level of the Shenxu Realm to the ninth level of the Shenxu Realm.

"My beings from the seven realms hold high the banner of freedom, but the **** realm also causes massacres! How are you different from star demons?"

He growled lowly, it was the anger of the ancient gods, and it was powerful, directly hitting people's hearts.

Suddenly, the only strongest combat force in the Six Realms entered the army of gods without looking back.

In an instant, he was annihilated in the killing, but he was reshaped in an instant.


With the killing sword in his hand, it raged around.

"I will fight with my life! How much is your life worth?"

The Night Immortal screamed, he didn't defend at all, and attacked with all his strength in the boundless killing.

A large number of gods were destroyed, and he was reshaped in the destruction again and again.

Wielding the Darkness Killing Sword, the gods fell one after another.

It's bloody, it's scary.

The Undead God of Dark Night killed rivers of blood, shocked the six realms, and made the gods tremble. Even the two gods who were restricted by the Guixu Ring were shocked to the point of horror.

This is the power that makes the gods fear.

And this power is only the three major bloodlines of the ancient gods, and there are still five major bloodlines that have not yet been opened.

"My life is cheap, but killing you is enough!"

The Undead God of Dark Night was beheaded and reshaped in an instant, looking at the gods with three eyes, and the Dark Killing Sword in his hand wiped out everything.

He sublimated in killing.

The scarlet blood round eyes in those eyes suddenly had a fourth Gouyu.

"Ding! The host devoured a thousand Shura soul flowers, sublimated in the slaughter! You can open the fourth hook jade!"

"Ding! The host has obtained the fourth hook jade ability: the body of Susano!"

"Ding! Has the host activated the body of Susan?"

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