God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 862: Gods vs common people (3)

After fighting the offensive and defensive battle for so long, the situation has finally changed.

The two gods put on hypocritical masks to lure the creatures of the six worlds, and finally seized the flaw and opened a gap in the world.

Although the gap has a chain of laws, it still has a thousand-meter gap.

Countless gods, blessed by the power of the gods, entered the six realms, raised their butcher knives high, and set off a **** storm.

And the Six Realms, just to get that little freedom, had to bear the wrath of the God Realm.


A yin and yang third-step realm in the world of beasts saw Shenxu attacking with a butcher knife, and his eyes were stained red with blood, showing unwillingness and anger.

"It is said that the gods will protect the six realms, why should they resist us? That's why!"

There was murderous intent in Shenxu's indifferent eyes, which did not regard the creatures of the six worlds as human beings at all, but looked more like looking at a domestic animal.

With one blow, the Yin Yang three-step realm was killed.

Blood, sprinkled from the sky.

This scene is happening everywhere.

At this time, above the six realms, the great sun transformed by supernatural powers burst into scorching light, spreading warm sun all over the six realms.

In the world of beasts in the dark night, dawn has risen.

Among these countless creatures, Ye Que slowly raised his eyes, and the golden sunlight fell on his face.

Dawn is here.

However, the dawn at this moment is not salvation, it is the birth of another kind of darkness.

"The people of the six realms, why are you afraid of a war?"

Patriarch Chongshan laughed loudly, burned his blood, forcibly raised his strength to the first level of the Shenxu Realm, and entered the army of gods.

That was a suicide attack.

As soon as he entered, he was killed by the God King.

Ye Que clenched his fists and handed over the belated beast **** halberd to the girl.


That's all he said.

Holding the beast **** halberd in her hand, the girl went straight to the other side of the world of beasts, away from the gods.

"System prompt: The host has entered the world of beasts, and the Wugou spirit has obtained the beast **** halberd, which can open one of the six reincarnations, the animal path!"

"Ding! Did the host allow the Wushui Spirit to undergo the final evolution and open the animal way?"

"Ding! Did the host allow the Wushui Spirit to undergo the final evolution and open the animal way?"

Along with the notification sound, Ye Que chose yes without hesitation.

"Ding! The final evolution is on, please don't stay away from the Unscrupulous Spirit, and avoid the exhaustion of the Unscrupulous Spirit!"

"Ding! The final evolution is on, please don't stay away from the Unscrupulous Spirit, and avoid the exhaustion of the Unscrupulous Spirit!"

Immediately, the girl held the Beast God Halberd, suspended in the sky, and the source of the world of beasts entered her body, wrapping her into a black chrysalis.

"Ding! The evolution progress of the final evolution: 1%...2%..."

Girl, finally started the final evolution.

The evolution is complete, the Lord of the Six Realms is born, and the war is over.


The real catastrophe has just begun.

The power of the gods is too terrifying. Blessed by the power of the gods, the combat power crushes the six realms.

As soon as he entered the Realm of Ten Thousand Beasts, the sky was dyed red.

"No need to be afraid! Turn on the starry space chariot and activate the inheritance killer!"

Even if they were slaughtered, the common people still fought back, just to fight for that glimmer of hope.

The gods are above, overlooking the world of beasts.

The two supreme beings stared at the black chrysalis, and the murderous intent in their eyes condensed into blood, piercing the starry sky.

"Gods, destroy the world master first!"

If you can't take the World Lord with you, then you will be destroyed.

When the gods spoke, all the gods turned their heads one after another, and their ferocious eyes were unabashedly cast on the black chrysalis.


God King Baiyu made the first move, holding the killing sword, crossing the void, and slashing straight at the black chrysalis.

boom! !

Inheriting the killer weapon, the Killing God Sword was powered by six Daoyuan, fifteen Yin and Yang, and many resources, and cut out a sword of destruction, blocking the Baiyu God King.

"Dare to stop me?"

He turned his head abruptly and stared at the group of ants coldly.

"The people of the six worlds should focus on protecting the birth of the world lord, and give up all the land in the world of beasts!"

Those six Daoyuan ignored God King Baiyu, and all opened their mouths, and began to overcome the final catastrophe.

Everyone knows that the birth of the World Master signifies the end of the war and the freedom of the Six Realms.


Countless creatures turned into a frenzy and flocked to the black chrysalis.

That black chrysalis, on the other side of the world of beasts, the common people built a human wall and divided multiple lines of defense to resist the attack of the gods.

"very good!"

God King Baiyu, with long hair dancing wildly, murderous light in his eyes, the sword in his hand shattered the void, and the terrifying power of God King covered this world.

He walked towards the people's line of defense.

Behind him, thirty **** kings followed.

After the God King, the one hundred and nine God Ruins Realm were full of murderous intent.

After the God Ruins Realm, many God Realm armies such as Daoyuan, Yinyang, Transcendence, etc., poured in from the gap in the world.

They are like the vast and mysterious galaxy, trying to drown out the weak candlelight of the six realms.

The gathering of their power can make all living beings in the six realms tremble.

However, the one hundred and one human walls formed by the common people of the six realms became the last one hundred and one lines of defense, and they did not collapse or retreat.

The world of beasts fell into silence at this moment.

There are two camps.

The common people of the six realms and the gods of the **** realm.

One side is still defending and the other side is still attacking.

In the front line of defense, some people are trembling, some monsters and beasts are afraid, and some Yin soldiers are standing silently.

"Are you afraid?"

A vicissitudes of the old man, blooming the power of detachment, stared at the thirty-one **** kings in total, and asked the great demon of life and death next to him.

"Afraid! I know, we are all cannon fodder!"

The big demon is very free and easy, with tears in his eyes.

"Can delay time!"

The old man corrected the mistakes in his words.

"I know! Otherwise I wouldn't be here!"

The big demon looked behind.

The last batch of strong men from the human world, the underworld, and the Shura world flew in with various inherited killer weapons, and they were still building defense lines.

"We just want to be free, gods, let us go!"

There is also a Yin-Yang three-step realm, on the first line of defense, speaking hoarsely.

Who is not afraid?

But fear does not mean giving up resistance.

This voice spread far, far away.

At the rear, Ye Que, who was guarding the black pupa, also trembled.

At this moment, he understood why the Six Realms, which had been planned for 90,000 years, were so persistent.

"Let you go? Okay! We'll let you go right away!"

The Divine King Baiyu smashed the ground with one foot, rumbled out terrifying power, crushing the first line of defense in an instant.

boom! !

The first line of defense almost collapsed, but a small number of warriors survived. They and the second line of defense fought towards the gods.

At the same time, a large number of inherited killer weapons in the rear also released terrifying power, disturbing the gods.

The massacre began.

Blood stained the mountains and rivers, corpses littered the fields, and **** battles continued.

That black chrysalis is the last hope of the Six Realms, surrounded by layers of life, waiting for its awakening.

"Ding! The evolution progress of the final evolution: 10%...11%..."

Holding the golden stick, Ye Que gritted his teeth, with anger, depression, and regret in his eyes.

But he could only watch the lines of defense fall.

"Hurry up!"

He suppressed a murmur.

In the nearby star field, a certain alien race in the starry sky created a star field teleportation array for teleportation between alien races.

But never thought that this gave the Star Demons a chance.

The star demons entered from the star field teleportation array on the other side, spanning countless star fields, shortening the time by nearly a year and a half, and being directly teleported to the other side of the starry sky.

Around here, the Six Realms are being eaten away by the gods.

"Roar!! Destroy the alien race in the starry sky!"


"There are two gods in the nearby star field!"

"What's going on? Under the starry sky, the race that can give birth to gods has been destroyed by us... Wait, there are also the gods!"

"The two great gods of the Protoss have appeared!"

"All the star demons pray, please make a law-making star spirit to take action and destroy the ancient gods of the gods!"

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