God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 851: Ancient Gods Shot (1)

Stepping into the world, there will be an orangutan wind blowing.

The rumbling sound was endless.

The three eyes of the dark giant **** glanced slightly, and the murderous intent in the eyes was soaring.

The Star Nirvana Void Banner splits the sky in all directions, and shoots out beams of light at the level of the Nirvana Realm, in order to restrict the blood plums from taking the ring of return to the ruins.

Of course, a weapon is a weapon, and it can never be compared with the strong.

Xuemei is flexible and is not afraid of the light beam at all, but it is also good, at least under the pressure of the light beam, she did not kill people first, but took the Ring of Return to the Ruins.

"A bunch of ants!"

Changing to Huang Youyao's face, a cold smile appeared.

Dodge the light beam in two or three steps, arrange the formation on the left, right, upper, and left sides of Guixu Ring, and then display top-level magical powers.

The three-way formation shot out three rays of light, entwining the million-meter-high Guixu Ring.


She raised one hand up.


The Ring of Return to the Ruins trembled slightly and was pulled.

"Stop her!"

The deputy head of the Hall of Kings shouted loudly.

Daoyuan has come all around, and even the Tathagata has come. They stand on the inherited formation and want to jointly seal the **** Nirvana.

Xuemei was about to reach the key point, seeing the light beams approaching one after another, and also harassed by many ants, killing intent flashed in her eyes, and said coldly: "Do you really treat me like a persimmon?"

Slapping forward with one hand, the sky full of blood slashed indiscriminately in all directions, and the human beings who were close were instantly torn apart.


Many strong men retreated.


Xuemei became addicted to bloodthirsty, another slap.


Guixu Jie trembled violently, and the three-way formation almost collapsed, causing Xuemei to stop and use her magical powers again.

"Attack! Buy her time!"

God King Baiyu shouted, and his voice spread to the world.


The army of the God Realm pressed down strongly, intending to attack the Star Nirvana Formation and put pressure on the world.

"Did the rest of the **** kings enter the human world?"

Divine King Bai Yu asked again.


A general reported.

"The action is exposed, there is no need to hide, just force it in! Be careful of the hidden inheritance killer in the world!"

God King Baiyu looked down at the human world below, and gave orders with incomparable ruthlessness.


The big shock resounded through the world!

There is an army from the God Realm officially contacting the Star Nirvana Formation!

Immediately, the Star Nirvana Formation was greatly consumed, causing the world to be in a hurry.

Xuemei sneered: "A bunch of ants!"

She cast the spell, then stabilized the formation, and pulled the ring of returning to the ruins again.

However, Guixu Ring trembled violently again, as if resisting, and the formation she had stabilized loosened again.

"Be honest with me!"

She cast spells again stably, but the Ring of Return to the Ruins trembled violently again.

"Who is making trouble?"

This time she was smart and found something unusual.

Looking around with his eyes, he suddenly discovered that a giant dark **** was walking out from the deepest part of the Returning Ruins Ring.

Her pupils shrank instantly, and she said in shock: "Ancient God!! You killed the King of Xingshan God and the God Ruins Realm?"

My heart turned upside down.

How can this be.

boom! ! !

There was a great shock in the starry sky, and a terrifying coercion swept across the six realms.

All living beings, even those in Daoyuan realm, were crushed to the ground by this coercion.

Both the gods and the creatures of the six realms raised their heads in amazement.

In the void teleportation array in the God Realm, a golden light slowly flowed out, condensing into a figure on the star nirvana array in the world.

"Ancient God!"

There was fanaticism in the eyes of God King Bai Yu.

"The gods have made a move!"

The army of the gods cheered one after another, and their momentum was high.

On the other hand, the momentum of the human army has dropped sharply, and it cannot form a fighting force at all.

"Evacuation of the human army!"

The five great sources in the world lead the large troops back.

Many representatives from the Hall of the Six Realms in the world took out the sound transmission jade and drank coldly: "Open the ancient disc of the starry sky!"

Those who guard the ancient plate will open it immediately after receiving the order.

The ancient disk hidden in the void of the human world emerged with a buzzing sound.

The ancient plate was 10,000 meters long, like a gear, but it was covered with rust and a lot of blood.

It slowly rotated and suspended above the sky in the world, and with a bang, it burst into black light, strengthening the star nirvana formation.

There was worry in Bai Yechen's eyes, and he asked, "How long can it last?"

"Gathering the power of the four realms, the ancient pan can only be maintained for fifteen days! This is... the last trump card of the six realms!"

The deputy hall master murmured, looking towards Guixu precept, there are gods and ancient gods there.

"The Lord of the Six Realms must be born within fifteen days!"

The Deputy Palace Master of Yaotian Palace clenched his fists.

"The creatures of the six realms, if I attack, you will be defeated!"

The figure standing on the Star Nirvana Formation is solidifying. This is the reflection of the ancient gods. Even so, it also affects the opening of the passage.

The void teleportation array that transported the army was much darker, and the army of the gods that came out was reduced by a hundred times.

This is the only good news for the Six Realms.

But this will not affect the God Realm army.

The gods cheered, and the six realms retreated in awe.

"The Blood Plum God King, the Xingshan God King and the God Markets are dead. This seat speculates that the world inside the Guixu Ring has been perfected by the ancient gods, and the source of the world is the same as the ancient gods! Kill the ancient gods and win the Ring of Return to the Ruins!"

The golden figure spoke slowly, which was the reason why the ancient gods were alarmed.

After finishing his words, he sighed lightly, sighing the vicissitudes of life and the ruthlessness of time.

Stretch out your hand and shake Xing Nirvana slightly.

Rumble! !

The starry sky centered on the human world is instantly shattered!

Ka Ka Ka!

The star nirvana formation in the world was almost distorted, if it was not supported by the ancient plate, it would have been broken long ago.

This was the expectation of the ancient gods, and he did it on purpose.

With one palm, the sky on earth twisted and the starry sky shattered.

The human beings were shocked, their faces were pale, and there was despair in their eyes.

"It's over..."

"Our future...will be shackled..."

Most of the human beings are depressed.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Xuemei's blood was boiling, her momentum was high, and rounds of **** light bloomed from her body.

The ancient gods helped themselves in the battle, and she had a high fighting spirit and even more unscrupulous intentions.

Staring at the dark giant **** with both eyes, he sneered wildly: "Ancient God! If you dare to come out, I will kill you! If you don't come out, I will take it away from Guixu!"

The dark giant **** walked out slowly, one step at a time, one step at a time, and the dark magic flame combined with the scarlet blood wheel eyes, like a demon **** who destroyed the world came to the world.

However, such a terrifying aura still can't raise any fighting spirit in the world.

"That's God's Nirvana Realm!"

"He can't beat it!"

They focused on the ancient gods, with despair in their eyes.

"Little Ancient God, what are you going to do? A show?"

Xuemei sneered, that extremely beautiful face was a bit more hostile, but it was still Huang Youyao.

The sentient beings pursed their lips and clenched their fists, then vented their strength helplessly.

However, more desperate is yet to come.

"I'll come in before the ancient disk is opened!"

"Blood Plum God King, we will help you!"

"The ancient gods help out, we just need to be careful of the hidden inheritance killers in the world. Next, we will destroy the ancient gods, take back the ruin ring and the six reincarnations, and end this war!"

Three more **** kings came to the world, and their terrifying aura made all living beings tremble and unable to move.

"The defense still failed..."

Chu Mo leaned against the wall in a daze.

Nangong Yuning looked at the ancient **** with a pale face, and murmured: "I haven't resurrected you yet... everything is over..."

"it's not finished yet!"

The dark giant **** said in a deep voice, and it spread throughout the world.

In his mind, he replied to the system: "I want to use Jieshen Fist!"

"Ding! Does the host use Jieshen Fist?"


"Ding! The host got the World God Fist!"

"Ding! The ancient **** who has obtained the divine essence, if he casts the World God Fist under the God Realm, there is a chance to destroy half of the world with one punch!"

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