God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 852: Punch a kid (2)

In an instant, all the creatures in the world and the gods looked at him.

"We can't wait until the Lord of the Six Realms is born!"

"Can't beat them!"

Most of the living beings in the world were shocked by the terrifying power of the ancient gods, and their fighting spirit was wiped out. The eyes they looked at the dark giant gods were full of helplessness, doubt and despair.

"This ancient **** is quite funny!"

"Dare to challenge the God King before the bloodline is awakened, are you stupid?"

"They're all country bumpkins, they've never seen the horrors of my God Realm!"

"Who dares to be arrogant when the spirit of the ancient **** is in charge?"

There is sarcasm and teasing in the eyes of the gods, looking at the six realms is like looking at domestic animals raised in captivity.

There are gods, there are **** kings, and the six realms simply cannot compete.

The ancient **** still dared to stand up, no one thought he was very brave.

"An idiot."

Xuemei stepped on the blood light and said what all the gods wanted to say.

"You take away the Ring of Return to the Ruins! I'll deal with the ancient gods!"

Stepping out in one step, stepping out of the endless sea of ​​blood, there is also a blood plum sword in his hand, blooming the power of the divine nirvana.

"Aren't you going to let me die?"

The blood plum is high above the sky, her pretty face is high above the sky, and her eyes are even more playful.

It's just an ancient god, she really didn't pay attention to it.

Ye Que walked over on the demonic soil, stared at Xuemei's face, and said flatly, "You are not qualified to use this face!"

Xuemei was taken aback for a moment, then shrewdness flashed in her eyes, and she said with a playful smile: "It seems that she is your friend?"

boom! !

Ye Que stepped forward with one step, the demon flames were soaring, the scarlet eyes wanted to see through the blood plum, the ancient god's eyes locked on the blood plum, the power of the giant **** slowly flowed, and the void writhed.

"Looks like it's a sore point, let alone, it's very useful. From now on, I'll be her! I'll use this face to play with thousands of men, what can you do to me?"

She giggled and sneered, wanting to make fun of the ancient god.

"Xuemei, don't talk nonsense with an ant, kill him!"

"The important thing is to find the six reincarnations from his body!"

"His bloodline has just awakened, and he hasn't shown his divine power yet, let's go!"

The three great **** kings dragged Guixu Jie, glanced at the ancient god, and there was indifference in their eyes.

This is a kind of coldness from above, and the ancient gods are nothing more than that in front of them.

"None of you want to leave!"

Ye Que's right hand formed a fist, inside which was brewing the power of Jieshen fist.

"That's true! Little Ancient God, bring out the Six Paths of Reincarnation! I won't tease you anymore!"

Bloodline glanced at the opponent's right fist, giggled playfully, "Are you trying to resist me?"


The Blood Plum Excalibur was aimed at the ancient god, and a terrifying murderous intent swept across it.

"Just this sword, break your hand! Slight punishment!"

She giggled and slashed with a sword, causing everyone to exclaim in shock, it was too late to stop.

However, the next scene shocked everyone, including God.

With a bang, the ancient **** stretched out his right hand and held the Blood Plum Excalibur in his hand. Not to mention that he was not injured at all, but the excalibur cracked and cracked when he pinched it.


Xuemei was stunned.

"Dare to kill my wife! Dare to concentrate! Who gave you the courage?"

Ye Que launched the Jieshen Fist, and with a bang, the Xuemei Divine Sword was crushed. However, the momentum remained undiminished, and the punch went straight to Huanglong, hitting Xuemei's face.

Only then did Xuemei regain her senses, and in horror, she retreated with a bang, and cast multiple layers of secret techniques. The thunder, lightning and starry sky intertwined in front of her, with terrifying power that made the world tremble.

Of course, even such a strong force cannot be resisted.

boom! boom! boom!

That punch completely wiped out her supernatural powers!

"What's this!"

There is a life and death crisis in Xuemei's heart.

"Things that kill you!"

Ye Que's punch was invincible and shocked everyone.

Even if the ancient **** has opened his bloodline, his strength is only Shenxu, why can the **** Nirvana who can kill retreat?


The power of one punch shook the world and the starry sky.

The playfulness in the eyes of the gods has frozen, and the look of playfulness has stiffened, even the ancient gods are also stunned.

As for the sentient beings in the world, they were also shocked.

"I'm here to help you!"

The three great **** kings used their magical powers to resist together, but it was still useless.

Any supernatural power has no effect in front of Jieshenquan.

boom! boom! boom!

All supernatural powers collapsed!


The three **** kings, including Xuemei, were very decisive, turned around and fled to other realms.

"Where can you escape to? Come when you want, leave when you want, have you asked me?"

The giant dark spirit strode up to keep up, and the power of Jieshen Fist suddenly reached its peak, hitting Xuemei directly.

Xuemei's face was pale, trembling in the sky, begging for mercy, begging for mercy in front of the gods and the world.

"Don't kill me! I'll give her back to you!"

"Go to the underworld! I am waiting for you there!"

Ye Que pierced Xuemei's body with a punch, and his Jieshen fist was so powerful that it instantly shattered the body of the **** king.

A king of gods, was seconded!

Not only that, but the power of Jieshen Fist is still there.

boom! !

The last aftermath of the Jieshen Fist landed on the ancient plate, which trembled slightly before continuing to rotate.

However, everyone's focus is not here.

And in the ancient gods.

The world was dumbfounded, but the gods were shocked.

The ancient gods were also confused.

God King is gone?

Many people still can't believe this scene.

That is the overlord of the God Realm, an existence that the Six Realms cannot resist.

But soon, they believed it all.

Because, the remaining three **** kings were frightened and ran away, completely impacting their visual senses.

All beings in the world are even more stimulated and their scalps are numb.

This is the king of gods!

Scared away by the ancient god's punch! It's incredible!

"Hahahaha! My big brother is amazing!"

When Jin Duande roared, the world boiled and all sentient beings cheered.

"Ancient God! Ancient God! Ancient God!"

All living beings shouted to the ancient gods, their voices were high and stirring, containing a kind of fighting spirit, resounding throughout the world, and even reaching the starry sky.

Those taunting gods who were watching the play were stunned by the impact of these voices, their faces were distorted, and a sense of humiliation and shock filled their bodies.

This time, they were speechless.

One by one looked at the world and cheered, but could not refute.

"Ancient God! Ancient God!"

The strong men in the world cheered, their fighting spirit returned again, their blood boiled with enthusiasm, and when they looked at the gods, there was fighting intent in their eyes.

Some guys are so hotheaded that they even want to kill the ancient gods.

boom! !

The dark giant spirit cast a spell, tens of thousands of meters high in an instant, standing on the ground, scanning the gods in the starry sky, staring at the ancient gods, and said coldly: "God, what is it? The world is my territory, get out!"

Turn around and kill the **** king who fled to another world.

Everyone suffocated.

"It's so **** domineering!"

"Love love love."

"I seem to be able to kill a hundred ancient gods!"

The fighting spirit has returned one by one, and hope is reborn because of the ancient gods.

starry sky.

The power of the ancient gods is still reflected from the God Realm, continuously condensing into golden figures.

He stared at the ancient **** below, remained silent for a long time, and finally opened his mouth, which contained majesty and profoundness: "It seems that my God Realm has underestimated you!"

Sighing lightly, he raised his head as if wanting to go back through the ages, and said leisurely, "The real body has come!"

boom! !

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