God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 850: Divine Retribution (6)

boom! !

The Ancient God Realm resounded like a mighty Tianwei angry.

And God is indeed angry.

Because of the wrath of the ancient gods, the ancient gods felt the same, and were furious.

The dark giant god, with blood-wheeled eyes and strange scarlet eyes, broke all kinds of illusions of the Xingshan God King.


The spells performed by the Xingshan God King were all copied by his blood wheel eyes, and the God King couldn't beat them at all.

"The revenge of killing your wife is so painful, I will make your death unsatisfactory!"

Ye Que used his hard fists to grab the Xingshan God King and beat him to death. Every punch made the earth sink, and every punch could cause a tsunami.

In the end, King Xingshan was completely unable to resist.

How to fight this.

He was suppressed at the third level of the God Ruins Realm, and the ancient **** was promoted to the fifth level of the God Ruins Realm.

There is a gap in strength, not to mention that the whole world is helping the ancient gods.

And the blood-wheel eyes of the ancient **** were too terrifying, breaking all his illusions, and being able to copy the methods he used, they were completely restrained.


The dark flames burned his body, causing the Xingshan God King to scream in pain.

A majestic king of gods, one of the overlords of the **** realm, who exists in the realm of divine nirvana, never thought that one day, he would be in the lower realm and be beaten by a Daoyuan realm.

boom! boom! boom!

The sky turned into a giant fist, punching to the flesh, hitting the ground from the highest altitude.


The earth turned into a giant palm, and it was a slap to the Xingshan God King, knocking him into the ground, and he couldn't get it out.

call out!

The wind, rain, thunder and lightning turned into divine arrows, and a kebab came, nailing the King Xingshan to the ground.

"Ah! Don't kill me!"

He finally begged for mercy, but secretly broke out with divine power and wanted to resist.

"You still dare to resist?"

The seven fist-sized dark golden stars around Ye Que rushed into the ground, beating up the Xingshan God King.

boom! boom! boom!

Every blow smashed the bones of the king of gods.

"Blood plum killed it, it's none of my business!"

He screamed, not daring to resist anymore.

"So you can say hello now?" Ye Que grinned grimly, "The king of Xingshan, right? Just now you condense the stars to crush me to death! This time I will let you try my forbidden technique." !"

The dark giant **** slowly soared into the sky, overlooking the **** king deep underground.

Chaos intercepts the heavenly path in a hazy way, concealing the figure and highlighting the mystery.

The ancient **** eyes on the forehead can see through the **** king.

Press down with both hands: "Zai Yunshan!"

One of the six forbidden techniques of Chaos Jietian Dao: Zizai Yunshan.

Rumble! !

Above the sky, there are countless mountains, one after another smashing towards the Xingshan God King.

And in the process of smashing down, every mountain is continuously condensed and compressed. Although it is only half a meter high, its weight is comparable to that of a mountain.

boom! !

boom! !

Xingshan God King was smashed to the brink of death, his whole body convulsed.

When Zizai Yunshan stopped, Xingshan God King was completely changed, and his vitality was almost wiped out.

"You'd better die!"

Ye Que is holding a golden stick, intending to bury the **** king.

"Wait...wait...I can give you...a treasure..."

"No need, you are dead, everything on your body is naturally mine!"

"Wow...you...wife...I...I can revive...she...she is in the underworld...I...I can help you revive..."

Xingshan Shenwang's desire to survive is very strong, and he is holding on to seek a chance.

Of course, this will only make him more desperate.

Ye Que said with a blank expression: "I have notified Shidian Yan Luo to retrieve her soul! I don't need your help! Of course, this does not mean that you can blaspheme!"

"No...no...Blood Plum...disguise your wife's appearance...for...in order to seek realism...can draw three souls to condense...disguise face..."

King Xingshan told the last way to survive.

Ye Que's face suddenly darkened.

"She draws three souls to condense and disguise her face?"

Ye Que's face twitched, it was angry and ferocious.

Condensing the Three Souls is a torture more painful than death.

There are similar punishments in the eighteen levels of hell.

It is the soul grinding hell, where the soul is crushed bit by bit in the stone mill, and suffers the pain of crushing.

For You Yao now, I am afraid that the pain is worse than death.

"The Blood Plum God King!!"

He clenched his fists tightly, and the violent force turned the mountains into powder, and the sea water was evaporating.

"Don't kill me...I...I'll help you out..."

Xingshan Shenwang murmured, holding on to that breath in a daze.

There was murderous intent in Ye Que's eyes, and he said coldly: "You'd better say it now! Otherwise, if you enter the underworld, I will let you go to the eighteenth floor of hell, life would be better than death!"

He is clear.

Even if a **** from the God Realm dies in the Six Realms, his soul will enter the Underworld.


The Xingshan God King did not expect the ancient **** to be more vicious, leaving no chance.

But he didn't think about it carefully, how he wanted to treat the ancient **** before.

Self-inflicted evil, can not live.

"You'd better hurry up! When your soul lives forever and enters the eighteenth floor of hell, I will make you scream every day! Don't doubt my ability!"

The king of gods still has a B number, so let’s say it all, unlike the last one, Fenran, who was unyielding at the end of his death, and hid Que’er and Di Xiwei. it's too late.

After the God King finished speaking, Ye Que said indifferently: "Go! Go to the underworld and reincarnate with peace of mind! I will not interfere with your reincarnation!"

"Sad! Hahahaha..."

Xingshan Shenwang didn't repent until his death, and gave up his life with laughter.

The corpse was gradually incinerated by black flames.

Only the storage ring and a wisp of golden divine essence remained.

Ye Que took away the storage ring with an indifferent expression, with overwhelming hatred in his eyes, the Ancient God Realm was furious and thunderous.

"Blood plum! If I don't send you to hell, I will cut off my own hands!"

He emptied the star energy in his right arm, opened his mouth and inhaled, sucking the divine energy into his right arm.

"System prompt: The host absorbs the divine essence! You can activate the divine punishment: Jieshen Fist!"

The reminder sounded, causing the murderous intent in his eyes to soar.

Huo Di turned around, and the five great gods were pushed by the ancient gods, and they were looking at him in horror.

Ye Que didn't give a chance at all, and killed them all, so as to save the opponent from resisting and wasting the vitality in his body.

Take away the storage rings of the five great gods, absorb the gods, and the body is burned by the dark flames.

Feeling the majestic spirit in his right arm, he flew to the world passage.

The Ancient God Realm quickly absorbed the Nirvana-level formation, and gradually sucked out a channel.

"Blood plum! I will make you pay back a hundred times!!"

He devoured the treasures of the God Ruins Realm, replenished his energy and blood, maintained the form of a dark giant god, stepped out, and entered the human world.

At the same time, a terrifying aura suddenly erupted from his body.

Shengsheng broke through from the first level of Daoyuan Realm to the second level of Daoyuan Realm.


Just after advancing to the first level of Daoyuan, he immediately broke through to the second level.

There is no other reason. The Ancient God Realm absorbed the power formation of the God King level and grew rapidly, so Ye Que's realm also skyrocketed.

At this time, only half of the Divine Nirvana-level formations had been absorbed, and a large number of formations were still being absorbed by the Ancient God Realm.

This will allow the Ancient God Realm to grow rapidly in the coming time.

That is to say, Ye Que will also have a series of realm breakthroughs in the future.

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