God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 847: Shining Ancient God (Part 2)

Seven people beheaded the squad and flew under the Guixu Ring.

"Blood plum, batch after batch of troops are coming out, do you want to carry them all?"

With one eye and bald head, staring at a woman exactly like Huang Youyao, there is bloodlust in her eyes.

He couldn't bear it anymore and wanted to kill someone.

"Take away the Ring of Return to the Ruins, and naturally these troops will not be able to come out, and they may be buried because the gate of the realm is torn apart!"

Xuemei sneered, her soft and beautiful face was a little strange when she laughed.

"Then come on! You and I will work together to take away the Ruins of Return Ring! The other five Gods of Ruins Realm, help me wait for time, and don't let the ants disturb you!"

The one-eyed bald head licked his mouth and lips, jumped up, and went straight to the sky.

"Hey, You Yao, why are you here?"

Di Xiwei, exhausted and **** all over, came back from the southern celestial front in the world to rest. When passing by the forest here, she caught a glimpse of Huang Youyao here, and couldn't help being puzzled.

Shouldn't You Yao be in the World of Beasts?

As soon as Xuemei heard the voice of an outsider, she wanted to kill her to silence her, but when she turned her head and saw Di Xiwei's face, she felt jealous again.

"Can there be so many beauties born in the Six Realms?"

Xuemei spoke coldly, with murderous intent in her eyes again, she walked towards Di Xiwei step by step, intending to kill her.

Di Xiwei instantly sensed something was wrong, and said in a low voice, "Let's go!"

The soldiers behind him scattered in all directions, and she also flew away from here.

"Hmph! Can you escape?"

With one flick of her hand, she pierced Di Xiwei's chest.


Di Xiwei vomited blood, her body became unstable, and she almost fell.

"Notify the Hall of the Six Realms that someone from the God Realm has sneaked in!"

She ordered the scattered soldiers.

"If you really want to do what you want, there is no need for us to enter the Nirvana!"

The one-eyed bald man didn't want to be agitated. Seeing that Xuemei was going to torture people, he was worried that it would delay the matter if he procrastinated, so he grabbed it with his big hand, covering the sky and covering the sun, trying to crush them all to death.

"I come!"

Seeing what the one-eyed bald head was thinking, Xuemei stretched out her hand to touch Di Xiwei's head for fear of being robbed first.

"go to hell!"

she said coldly.

Boom! !

A golden stick protruded from the Guixu Ring, as if to penetrate time and space, with a bang, it stood between Di Xiwei and Xuemei.

The earth shook, and many strong men immediately surrounded the place where Xuemei was located without moving.

"Don't go!"

A startled sound came from the Returning Ruins Ring.

But it was too late.

"Since it has been discovered, let's do it!"

Xuemei stepped forward, and the soles of her feet emanated blood light, spreading in all directions like ripples.

Puff puff puff!

Where the blood light diffused, it was cut off.

The strong people around were cut in half before they even had time to react.

The rest of the God Ruins Realm made moves one after another, and with one move, a lot of people were wiped out.

Di Xiwei fled immediately when she saw this in the sky.

"Where to go!"

Xuemei raised her hand a little.

call out-

A purple-gold shining light rushed out from the Returning Ruins Ring, instantly lifting Di Xiwei up.


There was another hole in Di Xiwei's stomach.

It's dangerous, if you don't raise your body, you will almost lose your head.

"Who is it? Dare to provoke me again and again! Are you looking for death!"

Xuemei turned around abruptly, staring at Guixu Jie.

"You guys don't want to kill the ancient god?"

The ancient god, shining with purple-gold light, flew out of the Ring of Return to the Ruins.

When he saw Di Xiwei injured and Huang Youyao's face, the anger in his eyes turned into purple-gold flames, and the ancient gods were furious.

"Good opportunity! Destroy the ancient god!"

The one-eyed bald head chopped the ground with one foot, soared into the sky, and went straight to the ancient god.

The other five God Ruins Realm snorted coldly and flew towards Guixu Ring.

"Kill her first, then you!"

Xuemei was not afraid of the ancient god's wrath, a bit of teasing flashed in her eyes, and she pointed at Di Xiwei again.

No matter how far Di Xiwei ran, she couldn't compete with the Divine Nirvana.

Fortunately, Six Realms has long been prepared for this.

"God breaks in! Activate the Star Nirvana Void Flag!"

It was the representative of the Quartet who spoke.

hum! hum! hum! hum!

In all directions in the world, the gray void flag instantly appeared, and four beams of light were shot out, heading straight for Xuemei with terrifying power.

"Another ancient inheritance! How many resources do you have to afford this star-level weapon?"

Xuemei grinned, resolutely gave up killing Di Xiwei, and went straight to the ancient god.

The top priority is to exterminate the ancient gods, recapture the precepts of the ruins and the six paths of reincarnation.

"Hahaha, you dare to show up, you have never died before!"

The one-eyed bald head came first, and got close to the ancient god.

The ancient gods didn't even look at him, only looked at Xuemei, that face that was exactly the same as Huang Youyao's.

"You are dead!"

Ye Quak spit out killing intent and disappeared in an instant.

"Oh, is it so?"

Xuemei sneered, with amusement in her eyes.

A mere ancient **** of Daoyuan dares to act presumptuously in front of her?


"Enter the Ruins Ring!"

The one-eyed bald head hesitated for a moment, but still followed, but before going in, he told Xuemei: "Don't be arrogant, take the Guixu Ring away first! I will destroy the ancient gods and seize the six reincarnations!"

"We follow the Star Mountain God King!"

The five great powers in the Ruins Realm followed the one-eyed bald head into the Guixu Ring.

"You don't need to tell me, I will understand!"

Xuemei snorted coldly, killing a group of ancient gods below, and then rushed straight to Guixu Ring.

The human world was still in chaos, and the Tathagata in the World of Beasts had been notified, but seeing this group of people entering the Ancient God Realm, while the representatives breathed a sigh of relief, they felt resentful and angry again.

There was murderous intent in Bai Yechen's eyes, he stared at Xuemei's face, and said coldly: "Just use the Star Nirvana Void Banner to deal with that woman!"

Ancient God Realm.

Xingshan God King led the five great gods into the ancient **** realm.

After coming in, nothing happened, and I felt at ease.

"There is a broken world in the Ring of Return to the Ruins! Unexpectedly, the ancient gods have perfected the world! But, it is still very fragile!"

The God King of Xingshan smiled coldly, looking through the void and the world, looking for the whereabouts of the ancient god.

At the end, he played with taste again: "You are so stupid, thinking that hiding in this small world, you can win the eyes of God's Nirvana? Huh! You call it, tie your own hands and feet!"

Turning his head to look at the five great gods, he said teasingly: "The passage to this world is completely blocked! I want to look for it, the hidden ancient god!"

Cat and mouse, here we go.


All the five gods took out the formation flags and disks needed for the formation.

"Hmph! This ancient **** is a fool, entering here, isn't it like walking into a dead end!"

"This divine nirvana formation is hard to resist even the divine nirvana! Once activated, it will be difficult for the ancient gods to escape!"

"Stop talking, hurry up and do something!"

The five great powers of the God Ruins Realm assembled the formation to block the world passage.

High in the sky, Ye Que disappeared into the void, his eyes indifferently looked down at the scene below, and with a thought, he notified the army of the ancient gods to evacuate.


Batch after batch of ancient God Realm troops withdrew from the world passage.

Fortunately, the five God Ruins Realm had to arrange formations, so they didn't attack the army of the Ancient God Realm because they were afraid that the ancient gods would escape.

Ye Que sneered, his whole body shone with purple-gold light, covered by the void, but he couldn't hide the killing intent in his eyes.

"I have plenty of time! I will settle accounts with you when you block the world channel yourself!"

He grinned grimly.

boom! !

The God King of Xingshan showed great power, and his aura twisted the Ancient God Realm. If it wasn't for the fusion of the Returning Ruins Ring and the Ancient God Realm, the Ancient God Realm would have collapsed long ago in the face of such power.

"The ancient gods come out! You can't escape! Don't force me to slaughter the creatures in this world!"

He shouted coldly, with divine light in his eyes, which projected far away, trying to find out the ancient god.

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