God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 848: The world focuses on you (4)

Looking at this small world, there was sarcasm in the eyes of King Xingshan.

"Gu Yuan has the means, instead of hiding in the Six Realms, he was born in the Guixu Ring to perfect the broken world!"

He shook his head, and with a wave of his hand, a large mountain range was destroyed.

"But having said that, what's the matter with you, an ancient god? Could it be that you were cultivated by Gu Yuan? Or is it Gu Yuan's reincarnation?"

He seems to be telling a story, with one step of millions of miles, and with a wave of his hand, large areas of mountains and rivers are broken.


The incomplete Gulong Prefecture collapsed in half again.

"Come out, it's pointless! The door is blocked, you can't get out!"

With his hands behind his back, he looked down at the sky and the earth, and sighed softly, feeling quite helpless.

Ye Que hid in the void, suppressed his murderous intent, and glanced at the passage to the world.

It took a lot of effort to open the channel. After all, it needs to be opened for a long time, and it is difficult to open it if it is closed at will, so I can only let these idiots block it with a formation.

"To prevent them from escaping, wait a little longer."

He took a deep breath, looking at the king of Xingshan as if looking at a clown.

"Speak so awesomely, but in the end, I can't even sense where I am. If I don't punch out your **** later, Jin Duande won't take my surname!"

Ye Que swallowed a large amount of treasures in secret, his blood boiled, and he adjusted his state to the peak.

When the Ancient God Realm suppresses him, he will open the blood of the Ancient God, and this God King will accept it.

"You don't know how scary my God Realm is, do you?"

The king of Xingshan raised his foot, as if he wanted to shatter the sky.


Half of the sky collapsed and rebuilt, and the creatures below trembled in fright, looking for places to hide.

The **** king sneered: "There are thirty-one **** kings like me! Destroying the six realms is easy! Destroying this realm is even more so!"

He ascended to the sky step by step, overlooking this world.

A beam of light shot out from his eyes, falling towards the half-destroyed Gulong Prefecture.


Gulongzhou shattered and sank into the sea piece by piece.

Ye Que's face was gloomy.

Thanks to the fact that there are no living beings in Gulongzhou, otherwise he would have made a move.

Turning his head to look at the world channel.

The Five Great Gods Market was about to block the passage. Seeing them like that, they were vigilant around them, as if they were afraid that he would escape.

Of course, Ye Que had already figured out how to collect the corpses for them.

"The ancient gods have been wiped out a long time ago! You are not spared either. The God Realm does not allow ancient gods to live. Once found, they will be killed! Fortunately, you met me. Come out, and I will give you a good time!"

King Xingshan stretched out his hand and pinched it slightly.

In the sky above Xuanwu Prefecture, a terrifying giant hand crushed the sky, causing all beings to tremble.

But the ancient god, still did not move.

You've made it this far, so the ancient **** hasn't come out yet?

The king of Xingshan smiled at the corner of his mouth, overlooking Xuanwu Prefecture with one eye, and sneered cruelly: "This world should be created by you and Gu Yuan, right? Do you have the heart to destroy this world?"


The giant hand wants to crush Xuanwu Prefecture.

"Or, would you rather destroy the world than come out? If so, I admire your selfishness very much!"

He sighed lightly, quite invincible.

"Old God of Dao Origin Realm, you can't survive! Next, watch this small world be destroyed!"

Xingshan Shenwang put one hand behind his back, and pressed the other hand into the void.


The giant hand is pressing on Xuanwu Prefecture!

But at that moment, the world moved sideways, and his giant hand pressed into the boundless sea!

The God King of Xingshan raised his brows, but his heart was turned upside down.

World sideways?

Even the world lord can't do it, right?


"Unless the power of the world master has already merged with the world's source! The world master is the world source, and the world source is the world master!"

His body trembled slightly, he was a little scared, and he also regretted entering the world recklessly.

Because, once the world master and the world source merge into one.

That means that the whole world can be controlled by the world lord, and it can also suppress the strength of outsiders.

Such as him will also be suppressed.

Take a deep breath.

The face of King Xingshan didn't change much, and there was still a playful look in his eyes, but he was panicked inside.

"Damn it! How could such a thing happen!"

The fusion of the world master and the world source, this kind of thing falls into the history of the gods, and there has never been one, it can only appear in theory.

Because it is too unrealistic.

You must know that the source of the world contains the power of a world, and no living being is qualified to merge with it.

Even if they merge, the result is just that they can't live without leaving their own lives for Jieyuan to absorb.

Unless the boundary source of a world disappears, it happens that the boundary master participated in the birth of the new boundary source.


Impossible if you think about it.

Who is qualified to compete against Jieyuan?

Even the creator gods are not qualified for this.

"No! This is a new world! And it's still very weak! If there are strong people coming in, this kind of situation will really happen!"

Just like him, he can easily destroy this world.

Of course, if the power of one world converges, he will not be able to bear it.

"This world is not good for me! The ancient **** may be the master of the world! Leave here first!"

On his face, he was very disdainful, shaking his head and sighing: "Interesting, but the ancient **** of Daoyuan realm can display such supernatural powers! Heh!"

Then he turned around and flew to the world passage.

whoosh whoosh—

The five great powers of the God Ruins Realm flew over, and they all knelt on one knee to report, with great joy on their faces.

"Xingshan God King, we have blocked the world passage!"

"This formation is the impact of the God King, and it can't be broken in a short time! Don't worry, the God King, the ancient **** will die!"

"Next, it's time for me to close the door and beat the dog!"

"An ancient **** of the Daoyuan realm dares to provoke the king of gods, and he will not survive today!"

"God King, what's wrong with you?"

The five great masters of the Ruins of the Gods sneered, thinking about destroying this world, and even more about **** the ancient gods.

But there was also a smart boy who asked with concern when he saw the face of the King of Xingshan turned dark.

Xingshan Shenwang just wanted to breathe out the fragrance, but he couldn't open his mouth.

The world master of this world has merged with the source of the world, making this world different from other worlds, and entering it is tantamount to being suppressed.

His face was blackened into charcoal, these five idiots, can't they block it later?

This time it's not me waiting to close the door and beat the dog, but the other party is going to block them.

After taking a breath, he calmed down.

"No problem! Go find the ancient god!"

He opened his mouth in a low voice, pretending that nothing happened, and revealed his god-king appearance, and then sneered at the surroundings, but in fact, he panicked inside, accumulated strength in his hands, and tore into the void.

He wants to tear a hole in this world.

"This world is fused with the Ruins of Returning Ring, unless there is someone stronger than the Ruins of Returning Ring, no one will be able to tear it apart!"

Ye Que walked over with a blank face, carrying a golden stick, and kindly explained his doubts.

The Xingshan God King shook his body, pulled away a million miles in an instant, with a cold expression, and said arrogantly: "Hmph! Ancient God of the Daoyuan Realm, you have finally appeared! This seat, I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

He turned his head while speaking, showing a ferocious and domineering aura.

In a moment of thought, Ye Que came to the God King of Xingshan Mountain and looked at him expressionlessly.

Without saying a word, he just stared at the King Xingshan.

The Xingshan God King was taken aback by the look, but he wanted not to show his secrets, so he put his hands behind his back and snorted coldly: "Are you looking for death? Dare to come here?"

"Stop pretending! Tired! Recognize the reality!"

Ye Que sighed softly, if he was given a cigarette right now, he would be able to escape his loneliness.


Before the King Xingshan frowned, Ye Que waved his hand.


The light of the Ancient God Realm was extinguished.

The world fell into darkness.


Snap your fingers.

Six beams of light radiated in front of Ye Que.

In front of him, the first ray of light illuminated the Xingshan God King, and the remaining five ray of light illuminated the five gods captured by the Ancient God Realm.

The world, focus on you.

Oh huh~

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