God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 846: Shining Ancient God (Part 1)

World of beasts.

The ten demon gods all led the army, divided the ten fronts, and fought with the army of the gods in the starry sky.

Their current goal is to prevent the army of the gods from attacking the star nirvana formation and prevent the formation from being destroyed.

"Delay time! Delay until the birth of the Lord of the Six Realms!"

Jin Duande snatched the chariot of the God Realm, fought alone, played dirty tricks, and used all kinds of shameless tricks.


He spit out a mouthful of blood, and one of his eyes was poked blind. This guy is usually terrified to death, but this time he was terrified, but he fought hard.


A transcendence from the God Realm struck.

He held three sabers against the bombardment.


A stream of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

This is caused by adding injury to injury and forcing a fight.

"How dare a toad provoke me? Although you and I are both detached, there is no comparison between you and me!"

God Realm Chaotuo smiled coldly, with playfulness in his eyes, bleeding light with one hand, and went straight to Jin Duande's head.

Jin Duande didn't suffer from this disadvantage, a mouthful of phlegm smeared on the opponent's face, the opponent was out of breath and felt sick, the finger was crooked and pierced through Jin Duande's shoulder.

Uncle Jin was in pain, cursing and spitting out another mouthful of phlegm: "I'm CNMB! Lord Xin, save me!"

With a thought in his mind, the various series in the storage ring flew out and slammed on the opponent's face.

"I am coming!"

The earth dog stepped on the detached corpse of the gods and activated the ancestor accelerator.

On the battlefield, he is like a fish in water with civilian clothes.

Every time he encountered danger, the commoner would take him far away with a flash. Although it was very expensive, it was very practical and saved him many times.

Not only that, the commoner can also allow him to stand in the starry sky with his body in a state of detachment, greatly enhancing his mobility.

"Golden son hold on!"

The two often quarrel, wishing each other would die first, but at the moment of life and death, they are the two who have the most tacit understanding.

Chi Chi Chi Chi!

The corpse under his feet was ignited and accelerated instantly.

This is a battlefield, and there are many corpses. He deliberately chose corpses from the God Realm.

This can not only break the enemy's mentality, but also accelerate in the flames of war, making him a dog like the wind.

"I click! I click! Accelerate!"

Two or three feet flickered and moved, avoiding multiple attacks, and accelerated straight to Jin Duande.

"Kill him!"

Many transcendent fellows in the God Realm were ignited and accelerated, each one burning with anger.

It has to be said that Tugou's ancestor accelerator is indeed a way to pull hatred.

It didn't take long before more than a dozen detachments from the God Realm were attracted.

"That's too late!"

Jin Duande retreated in the chariot, the God Realm Transcendence was too fierce, his whole body was covered with blood, especially the wound on his chest, where the bones were faintly visible.

It was so painful and terribly painful, seeing that the other party was about to attack, he was in a hurry: "Die to me! He~tui!"

He started spitting again, but there was really no phlegm in the back, and he spit again.

The God Realm Transcendence was so disgusted that he lost his mind, the phlegm and saliva all over his face was more disgusting than eating shit.

His mentality collapsed, and he slashed over with a knife, just to chop the toad into pieces.

"Go! Kill the toad!"

He also called someone.

boom! boom! boom!

The starry sky was shaking, and the surrounding gods rushed to support, trying to split the toad in half.

Uncle Jin's face was pale, his pupils shrunk, and he felt countless murderous intentions coming, and he cursed, "Don't blame me for using the trump card."


God Realm Chaotao has a ferocious face, with only anger in his eyes.

"You wait for me!"

Uncle Jin threw out the various mirrors in the storage ring and activated them.

In an instant, the starry sky was full of yelling and popping sounds, filled with scorching heat.

On the sad battlefield, the atmosphere was suddenly distorted by him, and the nosebleed picture in the mirror continued to spread in the starry sky.

Those warriors from the God Realm glanced at them, and their murderous intent instantly floated away.

The sound of crackling can be heard endlessly, which is really exciting.

"Damn it! Is this the legendary lure technique?"

The earth dog was also stunned.

Not to mention, it really works.

Many detachments from the God Realm were affected, and their speed was also slowed down.

Uncle Jin was not in the mood to appreciate it, and cursed: "Kill this bastard!"

"You unfilial son, I don't say that the gods are detached!"

The earth dog slapped Uncle Jin cursingly, but he didn't stay idle, he controlled the shovel with his mind, and shoveled at the detached God Realm.

Two against one, the effect is obvious.

The God Realm Transcendence, whose face was full of saliva and phlegm, was also beaten awake at this time.

But Uncle Jin didn't allow it, and spit out the saliva again. It happened that the supernatural being was beaten and yelled, and the saliva entered his mouth.

"Wow! Cough cough... hiccup~ I will kill you!"

The God Realm was detached and lost his mind, so he chopped down on Jin Duande.

"Losing your cool is easy to deal with! Go!"

The earth dog and Jin Duande used all kinds of tricks.

The housekeeping skills such as flirtatious legs, millennium kill, button-eye beads, etc., were all performed supernormally, and he was surprised to kill the transcendent before the opponent's support arrived.

"Take away the chariot, let's go!"

The two guys are familiar with this kind of thing, killing people, turning around and running away, and then opening another battlefield to continue the routine.

"Kill them!"

A group of gods came back to their senses and went straight to Jin Duande and Tugou.

Due to the great influence, even the source of the God Realm was attracted.

Jin Duande and the earth dog had to run for their lives.

boom! boom!

The **** battle has never stopped, and the two have never made a comeback!

The situation in which the Four Realms were suppressed and beaten has not changed.

In the underworld, under the blessing of Yama of the Ten Temples, the army of Yin and Ming gained immortality, and flocked desperately to the army of the God Realm.

That didn't look like a battle with an army at all, it was more like committing suicide.

Tragic and decisive.

But the effect is obvious.

The number of people used in life temporarily blocked the army of the gods.

This is to fill that endless hole with one's life.

The same is true of the Shura world.

This group of Shura creatures who hate the other five realms are open-minded and forthright. They are all battle madmen. Facing the army of the God Realm, they did not back down and chose to trade their lives for their lives.

"Hahaha! Refreshing!"

"Don't let them get close to the star nirvana formation, our formation cannot withstand too much consumption!"

"Drag! Drag until the Lord of the Six Realms is born!"

Many Shura fought endlessly, even if they couldn't beat them, they still fought hard. In the end, they beat the God Realm army into fear, and then fought back angrily.

As a result, corpses fell down one after another.

It is full of tragedy, but the Shuras are still fighting to the death, using the way of Shura to protect the six realms.

This is even more so in the human world.

Blood mist filled the sky.

Up to this moment in the battle, the creatures from the four worlds have not flinched, either voluntarily, or recruited, and have resisted the attack of the God Realm.

And the ultimate goal of all this is to delay time! Wait for the Lord of the Six Realms to be born!

Sentient beings, I don't know how the master of the six realms was born.

But they know very well that the Lord of the Six Realms is hope.

It was this hope that made them persist until this moment.

Only the upper echelons of the Four Realms knew the truth and were worried.

"The Ten Thousand Beast Halberd hasn't been found yet! Hey! Send another team to look for it!"

"I'm even more worried about whether the girl next to the ancient **** can become the lord of the world."

In the Hall of Six Realms, Bai Yechen, as the representative of the army of the ancient gods, heard the words of the representatives of the other four realms, and there was worry in his eyes.

"The most basic requirement for becoming the Lord of the Human World is to be willing to contribute to the human race! And that girl, according to the ancient god, hates people..."

He sighed in a low voice and didn't say the whole thing, and he was under great pressure alone.


Boom! !

The world is shaking!

Bai Yechen raised his head instantly and said, "What's going on?"

"It came from the Ruins Ring!"

The Deputy Hall Master of the Human King Hall pointed at Guixu Ring and exclaimed.

Everyone looked.

In the dark passage of Guixu Ring, there is a flash of purple and gold light shining on the world.

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