God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 845: Into the source (1)

"Ding! One of the eight avatars of the ancient god, the Heavenly Feather Phoenix Beast is dead! The ancient god's quasi-nine-star power has been reduced to quasi-eight-star power!"

"Ding! One of the eight avatars of the ancient god, the Heavenly Feather Phoenix Beast is dead! The ancient god's quasi-nine-star power has been reduced to quasi-eight-star power!"

The sudden system notification sound stunned Ye Que, who had just evolved.


"You Yao."

In Ye Que's eyes, there was a delicate girl in a long red dress, and his mind was a little dazed.

Gradually, the surrounding temperature dropped.

In the depths of Ye Tiandian in the Ancient God Realm, it became silent, cold and dark.

Suddenly, a wisp of purple lightning flickered in the darkness, like a purple snake dancing wildly, illuminating the darkness in an instant, and sinking into the darkness in an instant.

chi chi chi—

The number of purple thunderbolts increased, flickering between light and dark, illuminating a terrifying giant tortoise below.

Crack Star Shine Turtle.

The tortoise shell is still a crack in the starry sky, the galaxy is bright, dark and deep, but between the cracks, there are wisps of purple-gold mysterious light from the starry sky.

The head was raised slightly, covered with purple electricity, like an unknown beast in the cloud.

The purple-golden eyes are a fusion of purple thunder and ancient god's eyes, looking at the sky and the earth through a haze, which contains the vastness and fear of the starry sky.

The ferocious animal feet made of purple thunder lifted up in the darkness, as if they wanted to stamp out everything in front of them.

boom! !

Taking one step forward, the star-cracking tortoise flickered in the darkness, and in the next moment it appeared above the sky of the ancient gods.



The Ancient God Realm seemed to feel the anger of a certain existence.

In an instant, lightning and thunder crisscrossed the sky and earth, and violent storms poured down.

The sky was instantly extinguished.

The giant tortoise, tens of thousands of meters high, roared upwards.

call out!

The origin of the forest contains all kinds of things, which is the essence of Wansen.

It drifts from the depths of Ye Tiandian, and sometimes turns into an ancient deep forest, full of vicissitudes and mystery;

Roar! !

The giant tortoise roared, and the source of the forest entered its mouth.

In an instant, the giant tortoise was surrounded by everything, as if traveling through eternity and stepping into a certain ancient era, all creatures in the world trembled.

"Ding! The host has absorbed the essence of the forest, Jietiandao has absorbed the essence of the forest, and will soon evolve into a chaotic Jietiandao!"

Roar! !

There was another roar.

The source of fire turned into a bird of the essence of fire, waving the wings of burning the world, as if dating back to this era from the ancient world, carrying terrible destructive power.

With a bang, the bird of the fire source jumped into the giant tortoise, as if it was about to burn the giant tortoise, and finally slowly entered the giant tortoise's body.

"Ding! The host has absorbed the source of fire, Jie Tian Dao has absorbed the source of fire, and is about to advance to Chaos Jie Tian Dao!"

"Ding! This source activates the ancient god's bloodline awakening task: burn yourself in the flames, obtain the immortal body of Nirvana, and awaken the power of the ancient god's Nirvana!"

"Ding! The host is being burned by flames! It is about to reach the awakening condition!"

"Ding! The level of the flame is too low to wake up the blood of the ancient god!"

Roar! !

The giant tortoise didn't seem to care, and under the rage, the source of the mountain and the source of yin flew out one after another.

One is as heavy as a thousand jun, containing all the power of a mountain, and it crunches the sky of the ancient gods.

A pure darkness, containing the power of the sun, in which the world is evolving and destroying.

They entered the body of the giant tortoise one after another.

boom! boom!

Amidst the loud noise, the strength of the giant tortoise is frighteningly improving.

"Ding! The host has absorbed the source of the mountain and the source of the yin, Jie Tiandao has absorbed the source of the yin and thunder of Fenglin Volcano! Complete the advanced conditions!"

"Ding! The host activates the Dao to advance: Chaos Jietiandao (absorbing the source of Fenglin Volcano Yin Thunder, Jietiandao will advance to Chaos Jietiandao, one step into the source of Dao

"Ding! Jietiandao is advancing to Chaos Jietiandao!"

"Ding! Advanced progress: 10%...15%..."

"Ding! Advancement progress is 15%, and one of the six forbidden techniques of Chaos Jietian Dao is activated: haunted by evil spirits!"

"Ding! Advanced progress: 15%...20%..."

"Ding! Advancement progress is 20%, and the second of the six forbidden techniques of Chaos Jietian Dao is activated: Thunder's Other Shore!"

"Ding! Advanced progress: 20%...25%..."

"Ding! Advancement progress is 25%, and the third of the six forbidden techniques to open the Chaos Jietian Dao: Zizai Yunshan!"

"Ding! Advanced progress..."

"Ding! The host is about to break through to the first level of Daoyuan Realm!"

"Ding! Cultivation method: The ancient gods cut the sky, the first volume (the original true solution lost by the ancient gods) is about to be completed!"

"Ding! The second volume of the ancient **** Jietiandao is being distributed! Please accept the host!"

In the thunder and lightning, the tortoise was completely berserk, and its strength continued to break through! The forbidden technique is also constantly being mastered!

His strength is undergoing an unprecedented transformation!

On the ground below, the army of the ancient gods is entering the world one by one. They are ready to fight for the future.

This is another catastrophe for the Ancient God Realm. Although they didn't face it directly, their lips were dead and their teeth were cold. When the Six Realms were destroyed, the Ancient God Realm would also be destroyed.

Therefore, the calamity of the Six Realms is also the calamity of the Ancient God Realm.

rumble! rumble!

Groups of ancient God Realm armies, like those who resisted God in those days, have made up their minds and resolutely entered the world.

The leaders of all parties in the world gathered and handed over power to the army of the ancient gods in batches. They were divided into four terrifying forces like a black tide.

One part of the Shura world, one part of the underworld, one part of the beast world, and one part of the human world.

The flames of war ignited once again.

Facing the army of the Seven Realms, the army of the God Realm no longer despised and ridiculed them before, and they were a little more dignified.

Six realms are not enough, add another realm.

This is not only a backup support force for the resistance of the Six Realms, but also reflects the determination of the Six Realms to resist the God Realm.

And the Six Realms, for freedom, for the future of the Six Realms, and for the next time they can control their own destiny in the Star Demon catastrophe.

The Six Realms hold high the banner of freedom, no matter how strong the God Realm is, why should we be afraid of a battle!


The starry space chariots sailed to the sky. Although the equipment was outdated, they were full of fighting spirit and fiery ambition, which had spread to the bodies of the gods.

Blood and fire are staged in the starry sky.

Life and death are constantly created in the starry sky.

There are not many strong ones, so the numbers come together!

Although the equipment is old, we are determined to repair it!

"Kill! Those who dare to resist will be killed!"

God King Bai Yu was furious, his white hair danced wildly like a demon, and there was murderous intent in his eyes.

The actions of the Six Realms have completely angered him.

rumble! rumble!

A large number of God Realm troops swept away, killing the sky and darkness, blood spilling across the starry sky.

Many God Ruin Realms and God Nirvana Realms wiped out the ants around them, and once again attacked the formation.

If the momentum is broken, the six realms will perish.

Their mission is what matters.

Behind the gods, the huge void teleportation array is still continuously transporting the army of the gods.

The war between the world and the world is intertwined in the blood rage, and it is getting more and more intense.

In this chaotic world, the seven-person beheading squad took advantage of the chaos and came from the Shura world to the human world through the internal passages of the four worlds.

The female power of Nirvana with the face of Huang Youyao looked at the sky in the center of the world.

The Guixu Ring, which has grown to a height of one million meters, hangs high in the air, and is opening a channel to transport the army of the ancient gods.

The female university student frowned and said in a low voice, "I finally understand the reason why the three ancient spirits didn't take action directly!"

"Yes! There are quite a lot of cards in the Six Realms! I guess, in addition to the Star Nirvana Formation, the Six Realms also have ancient inheritances that can compete with the ancient gods and kill the God Nirvana Realm! Everyone, don't be careless! "

Another one-eyed bald man in the Nirvana realm looked solemnly at Guixu Jie, and the contempt in his heart had been put away quite a bit.

"Of course, don't overestimate the Six Realms. A bunch of stinky fish and rotten shrimps hold some ancient inheritances, and they can't make much waves! Let's go! Take the Ring of Return, and wait for the ancient gods to show up, and then win the Six Realms Reincarnation!"

"Then, kill all the Dao sources in the Four Realms!"

The two great gods in Nirvana kept laughing coldly, and they led the five masters in Ruins of Gods straight to Guixu Jie.

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