God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 842: The Importance of the Lord of the Six Realms (1)

Delin Volcanic Yin Origin, that is, the source of Taoism.

However, Ye Que still has one most critical problem.

The life level of the turtle form is only the top life level, and it can only be cultivated to the second step of the Yin-Yang three-step realm.

If you want to enter Daoyuan, you have to raise your life level.

"Senior, I need Dao Source Realm treasures that can improve my life level!"

Ye Que was quite stressed.

Daoyuanjing treasures, how precious.

Not to mention the treasures in Daoyuan Realm that can improve the life level.

Moreover, in the current war between the Six Realms and the God Realm, the precious level of these treasures will reach priceless.

Patriarch Chongshan froze for a moment, and opened his mouth.

boom! boom! boom!

Above the sky, roars echoed everywhere.

Some blood sprinkled the sky, and some people fell.

"The source of Dao in the human world, five; the source of Asura Dao, eight; the source of the underworld, seven; the source of ten thousand beasts, six; the only God Ruins Realm, Tathagata."

Patriarch Chongshan still opened his mouth, staring at Ye Que, as if he wanted to tell him something.

Raising his head, looking at the defensive battle above, he said in a deep voice: "The source of the gods, I guess, there are about five hundred."

The air froze suddenly.

"Shenxu Realm, there are about one hundred and nine people."

"God Nirvana, there are about thirty people."

"There are three ancient gods."

Patriarch Chongshan was right.

That's probably the amount of high-end combat power in the God Realm that Ye Que learned from Gu Ziqing.

"It's almost crushing the Six Realms! In this case, every Daoyuan treasure is the last foundation of the Six Realms! It is a great medicine that can help Daoyuan heal!"

Patriarch Chongshan sighed, "We can give you one, but after you use it up, is it worth the value?"

The words were cruel and direct.

But in the face of the enemy, they must do so.

"I'm sorry! When I enter Daoyuan, I can turn the tide of the battle!"

Patriarch Chongshan was telling him the importance of Daoyuan treasures.

If you use it, you must be worthy of that value.

"Okay! What type do you need?"

Patriarch Chongshan lowered his voice.

"Speed ​​type! After eating, it will help increase your speed!"

Ye Que is under pressure, but he has the confidence to compete in Daoyuan Realm.

Patriarch Chongshan turned to get the treasure.

"Senior, since the gap between the Six Realms and the God Realm is so big, why do you have to..."

Before the question was finished, above the sky, in the starry sky, there was a golden light shining in the world.

Zhuo Yao's golden light dyed the starry sky with a layer of gold.

That is the light of the God Realm, and it is also the wrath of God.

For the six realms to hold high the flag of freedom, this is a provocation to the God Realm, and it is even more trampling on the dignity of the God Realm.

boom! !

Above the six realms, in the void teleportation array, there are constantly army of gods pouring out.

Among them, a round of Yaoyang flew out, attracting the attention of all creatures.

"This seat, Bai Yu, represents the God Realm in this battle, and gives the Six Realms one last chance! Give up resistance, hand over the Six Realms of Reincarnation and the Return to the Ruins, and let the Six Realms accept the rule of the God Realm again! Otherwise, the Six Realms will be bloodbathed!"

Yaoyang restrained himself, showing a white-haired **** king.

The sound rumbled through the starry sky and spread into the six realms.

However, his words did not make any waves at all.

The Six Realms are still resisting, killing back and forth.

"Okay! Very good! The Star Nirvana formation needs to be composed of six realms. Now, you haven't finished setting up the formations for the Broken Immortal Realm and Evil Ghost Realm!"

God King Baiyu turned around and shouted coldly: "Put the focus on the Broken Immortal Realm and Evil Ghost Realm, occupy the two realms as a base, and then slowly erode the four realms!"

All the generals of the God Realm who conquered the Six Realms took orders.

Not long after, the army of the God Realm split into two groups, heading straight for the Broken Immortal Realm and the Evil Ghost Realm.

The Six Realms reacted immediately.

The flames of war became more intense.

Ye Que opened the eyes of the ancient gods. Looking at this scene, he couldn't help thinking of the enslavement of the ancient gods by the lord of the sky, and also of the massacres that the demon sage led the demon army to extinguish the resistance of the ancient gods.


Ye Que interrupted before Patriarch Chongshan explained, "Senior, there is no need to say more, I understand."

The Ancient God Realm has been resisting God for 90 million years, even if it is an almost invincible existence.

Wouldn't it be the same if it were the Six Realms?

The God Realm uses the Six Realms as a shield to resist the star demon's attack.

In the end, 90% of the Six Realms were destroyed, and trillions of lives were lost, which was even worse than that in the Ancient God Realm.

Who can forget this painful history, this humiliating history?

Finally, the six paths of reincarnation fell into the six realms.

How could the Six Realms not seize the opportunity to escape the control of the God Realm?

"Go to the Palace of the Six Realms, the representatives of the Four Realms will wait for you for a long time, and I will go get the Daoyuan Treasure!"

Patriarch Chongshan signaled Ye Que to enter the hall.

It turns out that this is the Hall of the Six Realms and the headquarters of the Six Realms.

Ye Que entered the hall.

It was found that there were characters from each of the four worlds waiting, and they all introduced themselves.

King Qin Guang of the First Hall of the Underworld, the Lord of the Holy Mountain in the Asura Realm, the Deputy Palace Master of the Demon Heaven Palace in the Ten Thousand Beasts Realm, and the Deputy Palace Master of the Human King Hall in the Human World.

As for the fairy world, it has been destroyed long ago, and there is nothing to represent, not to mention the evil ghost world, which is the place of exile in the underworld.

The four people present are not Daoyuan.

But they are all big figures on one side, and they need to be manipulated to strategize.

As for the rest of the stronger ones, they should be used wisely against the army of the God Realm.

The division of labor is clear.

"Ancient God, the situation is critical now, and we need your strength."

People from all directions stood up to greet them.

"Tell me about the current situation and the way you need to deal with the God Realm!"

Ye Que paused, and then said: "It's impossible for us to spend forever, there should be a solution, right?"

"Yes! The Lord of the Six Realms is born, the reincarnation of the six realms returns to the Six Realms, and the starry space between the God Realm and the Six Realms will be completely cut off! They want to send troops again, it is impossible!"

The deputy head of the Hall of Human Kings revealed the key point.

The lord of the human world is the Lord of the Hall of Human Kings, but before the Hall Master is born, the Hall of Human Kings is managed by the Deputy Hall Master.

Ye Que could understand.

The meaning of this sentence is very clear, in terms of a certain planet—

The six realms of reincarnation return to the Six Realms, and the Lord of the Six Realms is born, then the radar signal between the God Realm and the Six Realms will be completely cut off.

At that time, if the God Realm wants to find the Six Realms, it will be as if they can't find it in the dark, and the transmission channel will be broken, let alone send troops.

"When the Lord of the Six Realms is born, the attack on the God Realm will end. It seems that the birth of the Lord of the Six Realms is very important!"

Ye Que's palms were sweating, and he had already realized that the success or failure of the girl's evolution in the human world was related to the life and death of the six realms.

"Ancient God, the Asura Sword and the fragments of the fairy world are ready! Although the Beast God Halberd is lost, we have sent a team to look for it!"

"Just wait for the person next to you to become the World Master!"

People from all directions stared at Ye Que.

Ye Que was silent for a moment, then nodded heavily: "She is inheriting the world lord of the human world, wait a minute."

The four breathed a sigh of relief, with smiles on their faces.

"Then, we just need to delay the time!"

The Deputy Palace Master of Yaotian Palace said solemnly.

"It really takes time!"

Ye Que was the one under the greatest pressure.

Because of the girl's evolution in the human world, she has fallen into a quagmire.

But time still has to be delayed.

"I'm here this time to tell you that my Ancient God Realm will also send troops! To ease the pressure on the Six Realms!"

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