God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 843: The ancient gods sent troops (2)

The front of the sky in the east of the world.

"Go to the Star Chariot!"

Nangong Yuning turned into a female commander, with many bloodstains on her body, adding a heroic appearance, pointing her sword at the starry sky.


Thousands of starry space chariots were pulled out, and a large number of supernatural beings flew in, led by the digital yin and yang three-step realm, into the starry sky.

In the starry sky, many strong men from the God Realm looked at this scene with a sneer.

"What age is it, and you still use this kind of outdated equipment! Hahahaha!"

"The starry space chariot tens of millions of years ago is a Daoyuan starry sky weapon. It is driven by ten transcendents, and then led by two to three Yinyang. It consumes a lot of Yinyang-level resources and can exert Daoyuan combat power!"

"Hey, you know a lot about thousands of years of history, this chariot is so rusty, I thought it was a circus show! Hahaha!"

Powerhouses of all realms in the God Realm, each with a chariot, are protected by protective shields to prevent them from being crushed by the power of the starry sky in the starry sky.

After all, in the starry sky, only those of Yin-Yang level and above can survive physically.

But compared with the Six Realms, their equipment is much better.

All of them wear top-level armor, hold various advanced weapons, and have a lot of resources to use at will.

"Not only are their equipment outdated, they even have less than two hundred Transcendents! There are only a dozen Yin-Yangs! This is the total number gathered in the entire world!"

"I really don't know why they dare to provoke the God Realm!"

"A group of pigs raised in captivity dare to challenge their masters. I admire their courage!"

Looking down at the gang of country bumpkins from the Six Realms, driving an antique chariot, there is no pressure in their hearts, only ridicule.

"Don't talk nonsense, form an array and kill them!"

Daoyuan of the God Realm led the team to fight out.

"Let's see who kills more!"

"Hahahaha, bet on the extreme weapons!"

The yin and yang, detachment, and life and death realms in the rear rushed out with Daoyuan.

Their small team can withstand ten starry space chariots.

And their kind of squad, there are hundreds of them, scattered all over the sky in the world, and they are ready to kill.

The human warrior's face was ashen, and he gritted his teeth.

Being ridiculed by the God Realm, they had nothing to say.

But there is no one who is not angry, and no one is not desperate to kill the enemy.

Just because behind them is the world.

Once they are broken, the world is gone.

boom! Rumble!

The flames of war are everywhere, and blood is spilled on the starry sky.

Blood and anger, ridicule and playfulness are all staged.

The northern sky front in the human world, the western sky front, and the southern sky front.

It is also the flames of war, and the blood is spilled on the battlefield.

Countless starry space chariots are driven by powerful people from all realms in the human world, and they compete with many powerful people in the **** world.

The number of strong men on the other side is more than ten times that of theirs.

"Don't back down, just defend!"

The commanders were carrying their wounds and saw the chariots collapse one by one, and many comrades in arms fell one by one. There was grief and anger in their eyes, but they still supported the army to kill the enemy.

"Hahahaha! What kind of **** is this!"


"This girl looks pretty good, why don't you take her away?"

Squads from the God Realm shattered the starry space chariot, raised their butcher knives, and killed any lucky survivors.

At the same time, they all pointed and pointed, with only ridicule and excitement in their eyes.

"Don't think about it!"

The strong woman had an arm broken, looked at her comrades in arms, felt sad, and knew she couldn't survive, so she committed suicide with a sword.

The comrades on the other starry space chariots had anger in their eyes.

In the past, in the human world, how many star demon attacks have been blocked for the God Realm.

In the end, they are still enslaved to this day.

Now the world only wants to be free, but they have to suffer from their massacre.

When they were slaughtered, they also suffered their merciless mockery and teasing.

The strong men in the world were filled with grief and anger.

"If it wasn't for us, you would have survived until now?"

A yin and yang from Nanling in the human world, angrily killed the detached God Realm next to him.

The God Realm transcended driving a chariot and sneered: "Doesn't it be natural for a dog to guard the house? If you want to kill me, what are you?"

With a thought, the chariot erupted with divine light, and instantly avoided the killing of Yin Yang.


The yin and yang of the God Realm took action and killed the yin and yang in the Nanling area of ​​the human world. His eyes were indifferent: "The yin and yang of the human world are not qualified to move my detachment from the God Realm!"



All kinds of magical powers are intertwined, covering the starry sky chariot.

Daoyuan of the God Realm even entered alone, seven in and seven out, winning the cheers of the God Realm army.

On the other hand, in the whole world, the flames of war are raging, people are constantly falling down, and people are constantly fighting head-on.

In the face of the endless army of the gods, the human world lasted for half a month, and the number of people was exhausted, and finally weakened.

"Hmph! This is just the combat power of the source of my God Realm. The combat power of Shenxu and God's Nirvana will make you even more desperate!"

Daoyuan of the God Realm sneered.

Look around.

Shen Xu and Shen Nirvana attacked the human formation without stopping for a moment.

Their main task is to break the formation, and ants in the world dare not approach at all, so they can only let them attack.

For half a month, the Star Nirvana Formation in the world has been dimmed, and a large number of corpses and blood have piled up on it.

"Deal with a bunch of livestock, that's all!"

The army of the gods surrounded the four major battle lines in the world, sneering aloofly.

In the distance, God King Bai Yu looked at the situation on the battlefield of the Four Realms, and saw that all walks of life were gradually retreating, and they were about to resist the attack with momentum, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"So many people have died, in the end, they still have to die! In my heart, do you regret it?"

He opened his mouth majestically and spread it throughout the four worlds.

No response.

"It's useless to regret! All the armies of the God Realm, attack the Star Nirvana Formation of the Four Realms!"

"Occupy the army of the fairy world and the evil ghost world, tear the gates of the world! Break into the other four worlds!"

Divine King Bai Yu ordered.


The army presses in, like a round of dark clouds, wanting to capture the world.

Also at this time.

In the center of the human world, there was a rumbling sound.

All the army of the gods looked at it, and their expressions changed slightly.

But it is an ancient god, wearing the holy clothes of the sky, with nine star patterns flowing on his forehead, stepping out with one step, shining in the world.

The faces of the gods changed slightly, and there was a hint of fear in their eyes.

"Ancient God!"

Divine King Bai Yu's face was gloomy.

boom! !

There was a loud noise in the world, resounding everywhere in the world, and even reached the starry sky.

All living beings were shocked.

After a closer look, the loud noise actually came from the body of the ancient god.

"Open the gate!!"

The ancient **** spoke in a deep voice, as if the might of Heaven had descended into the world.


After half a month of preparing for the assembly of the army, he finally opened the Ring of Return to the Ruins.

The Ring of Return to the Ruins soared into the sky, suspended in the sky, and tore apart a space channel that was thousands of miles long.

"What are these ants doing?"

"I won't have to take out any old equipment..."

The gods of the God Realm mocked in their eyes, spoke only three words, and still looked down on the Six Realms.

But before he finished speaking, he was stopped by a shout.

drink! !

The sound is uniform, and it comes from the huge space channel.

"The army of the ancient gods, go out!"

The ancient **** holds a golden stick and points to the sky.



The army of a world is shrouded by the power of various yin and yang levels in the world, and is not affected by the world's sources. It is like a black tide, pouring into the world.

That scene was so shocking.

Countless strong men emerged to add combat power to the world, and the army of the gods was shocked.

Ye Que was hanging high in the sky, watching batch after batch of ancient God Realm troops sending out, he said in a deep voice: "Our high-end combat power is not enough, so let's make up the numbers! All of them will be on starry sky chariots. If transcendence is not enough, then ten times a hundred times more Go up to the Realm of Life and Death!"

"The internal channel of the Four Realms has been opened! The army heading to the Shura Realm, the Ten Thousand Beast Realm and the Underworld, set off as soon as possible!"

In order to wait for the birth of the Lord of the Six Realms, he contacted and made preparations with all parties in the Four Realms, and finally sent troops from the Ancient God Realm before the combat power of the Four Realms was completely weakened.

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