God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 841: Six Realms VS God Realm (4)

Ye Que showed no mercy to Gu Ziqing at all.

Severe torture, not a single one was missed.

Gu Ziqing couldn't bear the explosive hammer, and told a lot of information.

Ye Que learned a lot of information about the God Realm, and sent him to the west with the last knife.

After sorting out his thoughts, there was more solemnity in his eyes.

In the God Realm, there are actually three ancient gods.

The three gods are opening a large void channel, throwing the army of the gods into the six realms.

Now, it's time for the flames of war.

However, this is not the most critical moment for the Six Realms.

"After the delivery of the battlefield is completed, the three ancient gods have time to spare, and they must do it themselves. That is the scariest thing!"

Ye Que's face was ugly.

If the Six Realms couldn't stop him, both the Ancient God Realm and him would have to finish.

"Six Realms, Six Realms! Do you have a trump card, otherwise how dare you resist the God Realm?"

He hoped that the Six Realms would have treasures to deal with the ancient gods. After all, the inheritance of the Six Realms in the past was not weaker than that of the God Realm. Although a lot was lost, there was still some left, right?

Shaking his head, in a single thought, the world was restored to its original state.

"System, I'm going to the evolutionary land of the Unsullied Spirit!"

Ye Que said lightly.


He disappeared slowly and came to the Ancient God Realm many years ago.

This is not traveling through the past, but the world of memories created when the girl evolved.

When he came here, he went to visit the girl.

The autumn wind was bleak, and Ye Que's eyes became more complicated.

This memory world is blessed with illusion by him, and the girl can imagine all the good things here.

Everything she wants can be achieved here.

In the beautiful land, the girl fantasizes that her parents are alive, can live with herself, and also fantasizes that she can be with Ye Que, Di Xiwei, Huang Youyao and other brothers and sisters forever.

She fantasizes that the world doesn't have any bad guys, so there won't be any bad guys.

She imagined being married by Ye Que's brother, and she became Ye Que's wife.

Laughing is her frequent expression.

But these are fake after all.

She realized it in her subconscious, but she didn't want to face it.

So, she still sinks.

Choose to deceive yourself.

Just like many people who always make excuses for themselves in a comfortable environment, they sink into the environment they want.

And the girl's sinking will be more thorough.

Because, this is a world where you can get what you want.

"Sinking means that you will never be able to evolve! Only when you wake up can you evolve successfully... But in this state of a girl, I guess [unnamed novel www.wmxs.info] has no hope for the rest of my life."

He couldn't remind the girl that all this was just a dream.

The girl knows it's a lie, but she is willing to sink, if she wakes up, it will make the girl collapse.

After all, people want to live in the world they think. Once people are forced to wake up and face the cruel world, there is a high probability of collapse.

And once it collapses, the human world will definitely fail to evolve, and I'm afraid there will be no chance to evolve in the future.

Ye Que sighed silently, feeling a lot of pressure in his heart.

It is too difficult to wake up.

What's more, such a simple and innocent girl who has suffered a huge trauma.

The more naive, the more obsessed.

The more traumatized I was, the less I wanted to wake up.

If the Unsullied Spirit perishes forever, the human world will never evolve.

The Immortal Realm, Asura Realm, and Ten Thousand Beast Realm will also be affected, and no realm master will ever be born.

This is almost fatal to the event that the Six Realms are out of the control of the God Realm.

After hesitating, Ye Que still left.

He can't control all this.

I just hope that the girl can wake up by herself and recognize the truth.

But after a while.

Ye Que turned back again, with a hint of cruelty in his eyes.

"Girl, don't blame me for provoking you, I can only gamble! The Six Realms need you, you must wake up!"

He quietly came to Donghuang, the illusory human world. This is Ye Tiandian and Xue's house, which is the beauty imagined by the girl.

Came to Xue's house, walked to the girl's boudoir, put a palm-sized potential array light curtain in front of the door and window, and covered it with a leaf.

"Girl, it's not your fault, but we need you, please."

He looked at this peaceful world complicatedly.

If possible, he also wants to sink.

Shaking his head, he left quietly.

Return to the Ancient God Realm, and enter the Eastern Wilderness North of the Human World through the Psychic Power Channel.

As soon as he came out, he heard a rumbling sound in the sky.

Looking up, the pupils shrank slightly.

The endless army of the gods, armed with various equipment and displaying various magical powers, constantly attacked the void formation.

At this time, the power supply of the human potential formation was at its maximum, and it was tens of thousands of times stronger than when it was against Gu Ziqing.

"The consumption is too great! It won't last long!"

Ye Que was worried.

The power formation covering the entire human world has already been operating at full capacity, and the consumption is terrible, and the resources of the human world may not be able to last for a hundred days.

The only advantage is.

The God Realm is not invincible.

Among them are Emperor Wu, Emperor Wu, Saint, Life and Death Realm, Transcendence Realm, and even Yin Yang Three Step Realm and Daoyuan Realm.

These are the main force of the God Realm army.

It was seen from a distance that the strong men in the world had been mobilized by the guardians of the six realms, and there were strong men of all realms flying out everywhere.

They entered the war machine prepared by the guardians of the six realms, rushed out of the void formation, and fought against the army of the gods.

Faced with this sudden attack, everyone was shocked, but most of them chose to fight because of the safety of the world, and took protecting the world as their duty.

This is a way to protect the void formation and extend the defense capability.

"Still can't beat it!"

Ye Que frowned.

For warriors of the same realm, the God Realm crushes the Human Realm.

"The Underworld, the Asura Realm, and the Ten Thousand Beast Realm should be in the same situation. No, the Asura Realm should be better! The fighting power of the Asuras is generally very strong!"

However, being able to last for a hundred days is still the limit.

The gate of the realm was torn apart without moving a single thread.

"It can't be torn! It seems that the four realms are tightly entwined by the huge star nirvana formation, and even the gates of the realms cannot be opened."

While Ye Que hesitated, there was thought in his eyes.

This situation is very bad.

Suddenly, there was a cold look in his eyes.

"I took it for granted. In less than a hundred days, the Six Realms will be destroyed! The ancient gods will definitely attack! It's just a matter of time! No way! I need to open the Ancient God Realm and let the Ancient God Realm participate in the battle!"

The Seven Realms have some hope for the God Realm.

With this in mind, he went straight to the center of the four worlds.

A huge palace has been built there, suspended in the sky.

Around the palace, there are a large number of domain gates, powerful people from all sides, intelligence personnel, running back and forth.

As soon as he passed, there was not much movement.

The main reason is that everyone has a task and is under heavy pressure. Even if they recognize him as the ancient god, they just nodded respectfully.

Ye Que also didn't want to cause a big commotion, delaying other people's tasks, what to do if something happened?

There is no room for trifling in world-to-world wars.

But he still alarmed someone.

It's Chu Mo, the two bastards.

This guy just came back from the outside, holding a ring that has collected various resources, and wants to hand it over to the human headquarters.

"Fuck! You're finally back! Is the grandson dead?"

Chu Mo dragged him to the human palace, chattering endlessly.

Ye Que couldn't stand his way, but luckily someone persuaded Chu Mo to leave.

"Hurry up! When will you become Daoyuan?"

One of the five origins of the world, the ancestor Chongshan asked.

At the end, he said: "Don't think about the three steps of Yin and Yang, it's coming step by step! This matter can't be delayed!"

"Lin Huohan Yinyuan! As long as I get them, I will immediately enter the Daoyuan!"

Advanced Dao: Chaos Jietiandao (absorbing the source of Fenglin Volcano Yin Thunder, Jietiandao will advance to Chaos Jietiandao, one step into the source of Dao)

Ye Que didn't forget this task, he had already absorbed the wind and thunder before, and it was Lin Huoyin who left him.

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