God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 819: The Crashed Old Man (Part 1)

The old man looked at his own statue hanging in the air, especially the line of writing under the statue, coupled with a sunny smile, was undoubtedly mentally retarded.

Thinking about it, his heart felt cold, and a feeling of madness filled his brain, and he almost exploded on the spot.

"Demon Angel, they must have destroyed the formation of the competition venue."

Using his statue to restore the potential array, these guys did it on purpose, it was purely disgusting to him, he would not let it go.

"Then what?"

Ye Que pricked up his ears, pretending to listen carefully.


Jin Duande leaned closer, the puzzled look on his face made the old man so angry.

"go on."

The earth dog stretched out its paw and poked it, signaling the old man to continue his performance.

The old man's face was livid, and he didn't refute, just waiting for the demon angel's reply.

However, the demon angel is also helpless.

What evidence can you come up with if you say someone sabotaged it?

Knowing that they did it, what can you do?

Besides, competition is the most important thing. Didn't they get a statue and restore the formation?

It is also impossible for him to take down the statue.

"Focus on the competition!"

The demon angel's face is really dark, he has nothing to do with Ye Que and others, especially the old man.


Ye Que moved closer, and stretched out his hand to signal the old man to continue.

The old man flew into the arena with a sullen face, afraid that he would explode if he couldn't help it.

Di Xiwei and the others snickered, and the anger in their hearts gradually dissipated.

It's still her husband who protects her shortcomings, so she has a hand in messing with people.

The big monsters burst out laughing.

"Dinning operation!"

"It's so beautiful! The statue of the old man is hanging in the air, poof, it's funny to think about it!"

"Especially that line of writing, an old man who is born with a disabled intelligence, doesn't care about the teasing of fate, and bravely faces his life! Hahaha!"

"Xiu'er, Ye Que is a Xiu'er!"

The big monsters were full of laughter.

"Game start!"

The old man had a gloomy face, almost scolding every word.

When he saw Que'er coming in, he immediately yelled: "Stand still, wait a moment before you can compete for the black ball! Your punishment is not over yet!"

Ye Que stood on the sidelines and stared at the old man coldly.

"What? You want to threaten me with your eyes? Don't forget who you and I are. I'm the referee. You'd better not disturb the competition! Otherwise, Fen Tiandu will be disqualified!"

There was mischief in the old man's eyes.

This time he didn't bother to hide it, he just wanted to target Ye Que and Fen Ruyi.


A stone fell from the statue and hit the old man's head hard, causing him to scream out in pain.

When he got up, his head was covered in blood, and there was a cloud of anger in his heart. He pointed at Ye Que and said, "Assault on the referee? Fen Tiandu is disqualified!"

Ye Que didn't even frown, seeing that the old man's heart was trembling. In the end, Ye Que turned to look at the demon angel: "Demon angel, the referee wants to disqualify Fen Tiandu from the competition, please give me a reason?"

The big monsters laughed and said, "Yes, give me a reason."

The old man was taken aback, and said with a gloomy face, "Is that enough reason to attack the referee?"

"Are you ashamed?"

The demon angel couldn't bear it anymore, and when his eyes glanced at Ye Que, he was a little bit more murderous, but he still endured it and accused the old man.

The old man's face changed slightly, and he wanted to speak, but the demon angel reprimanded him first: "The one who attacked you was a statue, not someone from Fentiandu! Don't use public power for private use!"

"Statues are also where they placed..."

The old man wanted to refute, but seeing the cold eyes of the demon angel, he stopped talking again.

"keep going."

Ye Que was very provocative.

"You, Fen Tian, ​​are doomed! No matter what the price is, I will let you be eliminated!"

The old man was very arrogant and threatened face to face.

Ye Que glanced at the demon angel, seeing that he was expressionless and unmoved at all, he knew what he was doing, and there was a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

"Are you scared? It's too late!"

The old man thought that Ye Que was afraid, and left a look of revenge, so he continued to enter the competition.

However, just as he passed by, another stone fell down.

The old man became smarter, and immediately used his magical powers to resist.

call out!

The statue shot a black light, which was hard to guard against, and pierced his calf.

"No! Demon Angel, it's better to take down the statue immediately!"

The old man was in so much pain that he prayed to the demon angel.

The demon angel looked at Ye Que and said indifferently, "Don't use the statue to attack people!"

There was coldness in Ye Que's eyes, as if he could see through the other party's mind, he said lightly: "This is the problem of the statue itself, if the demon angel is not satisfied, we can remove it! But the delay of the game is on your shoulders!"

The demon angel was silent for a while, then turned to the old man and said, "Be careful!"

Ye Que smiled coldly.

Now he finally knew why the old man wanted to target him and Fen Ruyi.

All because of the demon angel.

And this demon angel may no longer be the original one.

His ancient eyes see through everything.

In the body of the demon angel, there is a monster.

This monster, who used to have six pairs of eyes, almost killed Di Xiwei back then.

"In the belief of the ancient gods, these monsters are raging in the dark. They want to kill all the ancient gods who are walking forward. I will find a chance to catch him and ask him! He should be seriously injured and seized the demon angel. It is not difficult to catch!"

Ye Que set his sights on the demon angel, wanting to know the history of the ancient gods from him.

Of course, although the old man was ordered, he was willing to be ordered, and he would not let it go.


Every time the old man takes two steps, he will be sanctioned by the statue, either with a hole in his head or multiple injuries on his body.

Leng made it difficult for him to move, it was even more uncomfortable than Fen Ruyi.

He glared at Ye Que with a dark face.


Ye Que cast a puzzled look, indicating what the old man wanted to say.

The old man is so angry!

Simply stand still on the playing field.

"Hey, my poor little baby, just standing on the playing field like this can't compete for the black ball."

Ye Que leaned against the momentum and sighed lightly.

It's okay not to say this, but once you talk about the statue, you will zoom in.

When the old man heard this, a little joy appeared on his face, and it suddenly turned green.

Because the statue zoomed in.

A round of sword rain rumbled down, trying to poke him into a hedgehog.

The old man was only super three, and Ye Que didn't dare to put the power in the statue too strong, but he had reached super four, so he could deal with the old man.

So, this guy is out of luck.


A round of murderous intent brought him, scaring him so much that he ran away.

"Hey, my poor little one is so restricted! That old man is so cruel!"

He shook his head and sighed again.

These words are like a switch, every time he utters the words, the old man will be enveloped by the statue's unrivaled murderous intent.

All the demons watched with horror, this girl is also a ruthless person, blatantly messing with the old man, but the demon angel has nothing to do.

"Ye Que, you're bullying too much!"

The old man was covered in blood, and he didn't have the energy to care about the other contestants, so he flew towards Ye Que with his sword in hand.

Ye Que didn't look at him, but looked at Que'er who was in the power and sighed: "Hey, why did my Que'er suffer such a crime?"

Oh shit.

As soon as the words fell, the statue shot a round of black light, which turned into a long arrow, trying to pierce the old man.

The old man was startled, and fled away.


Ye Que didn't stop talking, and let out another long sigh.

The old man was clever, and when he heard Ye Que speak, he almost reflexively made a defensive posture, his face went crazy, and he almost exploded on the spot.

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