God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 820: Hey, my bird (Part 2)

The big monsters are laughing, Ye Que is too beautiful.

Those emperors and daughters did not dare to provoke Ye Que at all, and stayed far away, for fear that this senior would mess with them.

Que'er's face was flushed red, her heart was so warm that it almost melted her body.

With such a big brother protecting her, what is the grievance she suffered?

In this world, apart from competing for certain things, the most important thing is the person who has always loved her.


Ye Que sighed again.

The old man's face turned green, and he started running reflexively.


A magical power struck, and almost wiped out the old man's crotch.

The old man gasped and looked around his whole body. His clothes were full of holes. When the wind blew, his whole body felt cool.

Unbeknownst to him, the wounds were one after another, and the blood couldn't stop flowing.

It's too awful.

"Hey~ my bird! You are so pitiful!"

Ye Que looked up to the sky and sighed, the wailing was so thick that no one could help but laugh.

The old man's face was completely darkened, and before he had time to retaliate, he ran away, and as expected, another magical power fell to the ground.

"Hey~ my bird..."

With this move again, the old man was horrified, escaped the attack without any risk, and was completely scared.

He blushed aggrievedly, and sternly yelled at Ye Que: "Don't be ahem, Fen Ruyi's punishment will be cancelled!"

Fen Ruyi's eyes lit up.

Di Xiwei and the others laughed.

Ye Que was too powerful, he forced the old man to remove the punishment.

However, he is not satisfied with this.

"Hey~ My Que'er is weak and can't be provoked, why are you yelling at her?"

Ye Que was so **** ruthless, he still had a hand in the whole person, so he found a reason to teach the old man a lesson.


A large cloud of sword rain fell, covering the old man again.

The old man was about to explode with anger, but he was exhausted and couldn't resist a few times.

After dodging this attack, he took a deep breath, forced himself to calm down, and showed a smile uglier than crying: "Fen Ruyi, let's continue the game."

Que'er turned her head and smiled slightly at Ye Que.

Ye Que smiled and said, "Go ahead."

Now he is satisfied.

Seeing this, the old man snorted subconsciously.

"Hey~ my bird..."

Ye Que sighed again when he heard the cold snort, as if he couldn't hold the sand in his eyes.


A ray of blue divine light turned into a wind blade, cutting off half of the old man's hair, making his head look like a Mediterranean Sea.


The old man was frightened, and suppressed it just after getting angry.

The demons almost fell down laughing, Xiu.

This old man is so awesome, it's not because Ye Que made him submissive.

the other side.

Emperor Jiao spent a lot of effort and finally got the black ball, when he suddenly saw Fen Ruyi flying towards him, his hand trembled subconsciously, and the scene of Ye Que and other seniors beating him appeared in his eyes.

Those seniors were all shameless ruffians, dignified at the third step of yin and yang, they just pushed him to the ground and beat him violently, shamelessly.

He also kept threatening him, and if he dared to touch my bird, he would do whatever he wanted.

He is afraid.


Emperor Jiao hesitated and smiled flatteringly.

Fen Ruyi rolled his eyes, and the little girl was very clever, and snorted, "My elder brother Ye Que said, give me the black ball, and the grievances between the two of us will be wiped out!"


The emperor Jiao was dumbfounded, he looked around, but no emperor or daughter dared to approach.

Not because he was afraid of him, but because he was afraid of Fen Ruyi.

There was a rogue elder behind Fen Ruyi, how could they dare to **** it.

"Give me!"

Fen Ruyi stretched out his hand.

Emperor Jiao hesitated.


A long sigh came from a distance, Emperor Jiao was so frightened that he immediately threw the black ball to Fen Ruyi, turned around and ran away.

He was deeply impressed by the long sigh, every time it appeared, the statue would definitely sweep out with murderous intent.

He was afraid that the statue would also target him, so he was so frightened that he handed the black ball to Fen Ruyi.

Then, the old man suffered.

"Stop it!"

The old man was lying on the ground, holding his waist and lamenting, and everyone was about to cry.

"It's retribution!"

"The wicked need to be grinded by the wicked!"

The big monsters laughed until they hiccupped.

Fen Ruyi took the black ball and flew to the edge of the game, but no one came to grab it, mainly because no one dared to grab it.

There is an elder in the back of the house, and he is a shameless bastard, whoever offends his little fairy, that old man will be punished.

This time, even the old man didn't dare to provoke Fen Ruyi, he didn't even dare to look at him, for fear that Ye Que would let out a long sigh and beat him to death.

off the field.

The demon angel had a sullen face, stared at Ye Que coldly, and said in a low voice, "You're lucky!"

The accident in the first competition was gone.

Half a day later, after fierce competition, five black **** were robbed.

They were Fen Ruyi from Fen Tiandu, Jiao Tianzi from Golden Flood Dragon Capital, Ant Goddess from Giant Nest Heaven Capital, Scorpion Emperor from Poisonous Scorpion Heaven Capital, and Li Tianzi from Horned Lizard Heaven Capital to win and advance to the second competition.

The rest of the emperors and daughters had bitter faces, very helpless.

The first game is over.

After a short day's rest, the second race began.

"The second competition, Zhengtu! Fly 86 million miles north from Yaotian Palace, the top two will advance to the third competition!"

The demon angel got up and coldly glanced at the five contestants who have advanced.

In the end, he squinted at Ye Que, and said indifferently: "The referee is injured and cannot participate in the second competition, so I will personally judge this competition!"

The monsters didn't respond.

They have long seen that the referee and the demon angel are probably in the same group.

Otherwise, if the referee messes around, how can the demon angel remain indifferent?

But falling into Ye Que's ears was different.

This monster might want to attack Que'er.

"Seriously injured, don't hide and heal your injuries. Since I found you, it is impossible to save your life!"

Ye Que was ready to intercept and kill the Demon Angel in the competition.

Boom! !

The bell is ringing!

The five contestants soared into the sky and headed straight for the far north.

Many big monsters hurriedly followed.

Before Ye Que left, the ancient **** looked at Yaotian Palace.

"Huh? Dead?"

He saw that the referee who was healing in Yaotian Palace died unexpectedly.

After pondering carefully, you will know who did it.

"This demon angel is really vicious! But it's also within my expectation!"

He originally wanted to kill the old man, but since the demon angel killed him first, there was no need to bother.

Holding a stick and stepping on the avenue, he flew into the sky, but after a while he caught up with the team.

The ancient god's eyes looked through the clouds, looking for the whereabouts of the demon angel.

"Are you looking for me?"

The cold voice of the demon angel came from behind.

The killing intent in Ye Que's heart soared, and he knew who was behind without even thinking about it.

He turned around abruptly, and blasted away with the power of the Dao with his stick.

"It seems that you have already discovered me! I am also very interested in you, I seem to have seen you somewhere!"

The demon angel grinned, and waved his hands to condense a different space, trying to intercept and kill Ye Que.

It seems that he is very confident and ready to strike first.

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