God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 818: Mentally retarded people also have spring (Part 5)


The master of the Jiao Palace was furious, and looked at Ye Que suddenly, the one who was gnashing his teeth was so angry that he was like an old man.

Ye Que pointed at the sun and said, "The wind is very noisy today, and the moon is very round!"

"Go! Go and see what's going on. If I catch who did it, I will bear the consequences!"

Palace Master Jiao's face darkened, and he didn't make random accusations, and went outside with his subordinates.

As soon as they passed by, another golden dragon ran over from inside, and hurriedly said: "It's not good! The Emperor Jiao has been kidnapped!"


Palace Master Jiao was so angry that he burst into anger.

This Nima, when he was in the Yaotian Palace, the chariot outside was dismantled and the dragon was beheaded. When he was outside, the Emperor Jiao was kidnapped.

This is someone playing them!

"Ye Que! You must have done it, don't go too far!"

He didn't want to bear it any longer, and wanted to trouble Ye Que. The second step of coercion turned into three Dao swords, which were quite powerful.

The subordinates looked bad, ready for the First World War.

Unexpectedly, they were stunned as soon as they entered.

But seeing Emperor Jiao standing beside Ye Que, nothing happened.

But a closer look reveals something is wrong.

Jiao Tianzi is a talented person, with footprints all over his body, his nose is blue and his face is swollen and weeping, not only his face is red with palm marks, but his crotch is also wet.

"What did you do to my son?"

Palace Master Jiao shouted angrily, stepped on Daowei and went up to meet him.

"Father, don't worry, it's all a misunderstanding!"

Emperor Jiao looked at Ye Que in fear, and wiped away his tears to stop his father.

Palace Master Jiao was taken aback.

Ye Que smiled with a golden stick: "What are you doing? I saved your son, you know?"


Palace Master Jiao frowned tightly.

"Just now a group of people beat him up, and I saved him! Don't you think so!"

As Ye Que said, he stretched out his hand and pinched Jiao Tianzi's cheek, with such strength that he wanted to tear off the skin.

Jiao Tianzi didn't dare to say anything, and cried, "Yes! Uncle Ye is so kind."

All the monsters almost burst out laughing, even the big monsters of the Golden Dragon Sky Capital were also laughing, it was time to teach this lawless Emperor Dragon a lesson.

But Palace Master Jiao doesn't think so.

That was his heart and soul.

He stared at Ye Que and said, "Come here, son, with your father's support, tell me who bullied you! Don't hide it!"

Jiao Tianzi limped towards his father, hesitant when he heard this, and turned to look at Ye Que.

Uncle Ye smiled brightly, and behind him Uncle Jin Duande, Uncle Gu Cardinal, Uncle Qi Wangshu, and Uncle Tugou all waved to him and smiled kindly.

Emperor Jiao trembled and cried, "It is true that they saved me. A group of our enemies are taking revenge on us. I was almost killed. They saved me."

Palace Master Jiao still didn't believe it, but his son said so, he couldn't bother Ye Que anymore, so he snorted coldly at Ye Que with a gloomy face, and then took the people away.

The big monsters around almost laughed.

The rulers of the other capitals turned black, and the sons and daughters of the capitals looked at Ye Que in fear, thinking that they should not provoke Fen Ruyi.

These guys are too dark.

He didn't even care about his seniority, and he just beat and threatened Jiao Tianzi by grabbing him, so that he was too frightened to sue him.

These seniors are a group of shameless villains who cannot be offended.

"Fight with strength! Don't provoke Fen Ruyi! She has her own referee to deal with!"

"Fen Tiandu and those monsters can't be messed with, they are all shameless guys!"

Many rulers are also admonishing their sons and daughters.

"Father, why did the referee target Fen Ruyi?"

There are also goddesses who feel that it is unfair and dislike the old man.

"I don't know about waiting, but it's a good thing for you! Prepare for battle!"

The rulers really didn't know why the old man wanted to target Fen Ruyi.

Maybe this is the old man's hobby. After all, as a referee, it is rare to decide the fate of an emperor and daughter.

When resting, Fen Ruyi was surrounded by many sisters and brothers, who took care of her wounds in every possible way.

People like Ye Que are dishonest.

He took Jin Duande, Qi Wangshu and others to the rest area of ​​other rulers, wielding knives and sticks, playing with great power.

From time to time, the sky would be smashed and the ground would be torn apart, still yelling: "Fen Ruyi is my baby, whoever hurts a hair of her, I will kill him!"

"Fen Ruyi is my niece, if you dare to provoke her, the knife in my hand is no joke."

Jin Duande pulled out three 100-meter long knives from his crotch, and the crotch of all the demons trembled.

If these guys don't do anything else, they just go to show off their power and threaten them openly and secretly.

The rulers are not afraid of powerful enemies, they are afraid of this kind of shameless guy.

They were worried that something might happen to their sons and daughters, so they walked out one after another, greeted them with smiles, and vowed that they would not target Fen Ruyi.

Well, Ye Que finally finished the job with satisfaction.

The monsters couldn't breathe from laughing, this Ye Que was too showy, he never stopped performing solo from the very beginning.

Everyone hiccups after eating melon.

At the same time, there are also some demons, even the sons and daughters of heaven envy Fen Ruyi.

Take a look at the treatment of others.

Some people take care, some take revenge, and some take care.

But this scene, the old man was very displeased.

He looked at Fen Ruyi coldly, thinking in his heart that no matter what moves he used, he must get this woman down.

To be able to eliminate a celestial girl from the demon capital, I feel that I have face when I think about it. Whoever sees him in the future will have to bow his head and call him "Master?"

Just as he was thinking about it, a voice interrupted him.

"Demon Angel, I think this is too time-consuming. I have also dabbled in the potential array, and I have some methods for repairing the potential array!"

"I saw the potential formation of the playing field. Although it is very complicated, I just have a way to fix it!"

Ye Que walked not far from the old man, and spoke to the demon angel from afar.

As soon as the sound was made, all the monsters were moved by the news, and they went to look at it one after another, thinking that this guy was going to show off again.

"Only you can repair the potential array?"

The old man sneered.

Ye Que didn't look at him, but stared at the demon angel. Seeing this, the old man was so angry that his face was gloomy, and he sneered in a low voice: "Shut up on the sidelines later, I have the final say on everything on the field!"

Ye Que ignored it again, the old man sneered, thinking that his threat worked, and the other party dared not provoke him.

Also at this moment, the demon angel frowned, but thinking that it would be best if the game proceeded as soon as possible, he nodded and said, "You are allowed to repair it!"

As soon as these words came out, Ye Que waved his hand: "Repair the potential array!"

"Brothers, get on the guy!"

Ye Que glanced at the old man, and took a drink full of breath, which made the old man tremble with fright.

"Hmph! You're done!"

As soon as the old man finished speaking, he saw his statue being moved over by Jin Duande and his gang.

He was shocked and said angrily, "What are you doing?"

"We found that there is a gap where the potential array is broken, and the potential array made by the statue can be repaired! What's the matter? Are you dissatisfied?"

Jin Duande stared back at the old man.

"Then why use mine!"

The old man gritted his teeth.

"I like it!"

With one wave of Jin Duande's hand, the statue flew high into the sky, instantly connecting with the formation of the competition field.

The momentum of the playing field immediately recovered.

The demons were alarmed.

"As soon as they came out, the momentum was restored. Could it be that they destroyed it?"

"Don't say a few words, even if they did it, we have to support it! Who told the old man to be hated too much!"

"Hey, look at the statue, I laughed so hard!"

A demon pointed at the statue and laughed.

All the monsters went to see it.

The statue is exactly the same as the old man, but the movements are different, and it looks a bit sunny.

Looking at the statue with one hand behind its back, the other hand clenched in a fist hanging over its waist, with a bright smile on its face, all the monsters felt sick, but they quickly discovered the point.

There is a line of writing on the statue.

as follows-

"This is a simple story about an old man born with a disabled intelligence, who doesn't care about the tricks of fate, and bravely faces his life!"

There is a big demon laughing.

This is to disgust people in public.

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