God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 817: Do things (4th more)

The old man ignored Ye Que at all.

Looking at Ye Que indifferently, he turned around and rang the bell to announce the start of the game.

But Que'er really couldn't move, and could only act after a while.

She anxiously watched the others scramble for the black ball, feeling helpless and uncomfortable.

Emperor Jiao sneered: "Let you pretend!"

After saying that, he was still angry, and intentionally performed a supernatural power, pretending to accidentally fall on Que'er.

Que'er helplessly blocked it with supernatural powers.


The bell rang again.

This means another foul has been committed.

"Who told you to move? Get a second warning! You will be punished for another half a quarter! If you commit the third offense again, you will be eliminated directly!"

The old man pointed at Que'er and said.

Emperor Jiao was taken aback for a moment, and then there was a bit of amusement in his eyes.


This time, even the demons saw some clues.

But everyone didn't speak. Anyway, one less competitor is good for their respective players.

The big monsters in Fentiandu quit, and started arguing one after another.

"Really shameless, what happened to Yaotian Palace?"

"Someone attacked her, so she can't move, can she? She can only resist, right?"

"Old man, you have the guts not to leave the Demon Heaven Palace for the rest of your life, or I will kill you with one knife!"

One by one scolded the referee there.

The old man said with a cold face: "Whoever is making noise and affecting the competition will be directly disqualified from the competition for that day!"

I have to say, let you call and shout, but the power is in my hands, if you dare to mess around, I will kill you.

And that's true.

When the old man threw out a word, the big monsters in Fentiandu really didn't dare to speak, and they all glared at each other, hoping that the demon angels would stand up.

However, the demon angel closed his eyes on the sidelines and turned a deaf ear.

Seeing this, the old man raised his mouth slightly.

It was a condescending smile.

Turning his head, looking at the silent Ye Que, the corner of his mouth smiled even wider.

Satisfied, he is very satisfied.


The bell rang again.

The game started again.

And Ye Que, who was silent, also opened the ancient god's eyes, and took a deep look at the old man.

He has no relationship with Yao Tiangong, nor has he offended any demons, why does this old man target Fen Ruyi?

"Brother, this old man is too hated, I have a trick to get him!"

Jin Duande came up to him with a malicious expression on his face.

These guys engage in this kind of strategy, they are the top leaders.

Ye Que nodded silently: "Don't give the other party a chance!"

With the eyes of the gods in the middle ages, you can spy on the old man's every move.

After spying for a long time, for some reason, this old man gave him a very familiar feeling.


Que'er didn't dare to move, and had to wait for two and a half quarters, that is, a quarter of an hour. If converted to someone's concept of time, it would be fifteen minutes.

A full fifteen minutes.

When the time is up, the game must be over.

However, the old man didn't care about these at all.

The competition was fierce. Jiao Tianzi scrambled for the black ball. He almost succeeded and made mistakes many times. He couldn't help becoming angry from embarrassment.

"Get out of my way!"

He hit Que'er with a supernatural power, without any disguise, and hit Que'er in front of all the monsters and the old man.

All the demons exclaimed, but immediately suppressed their voices.

The old man saw it too, but it was Que'er he was looking at, and he stared hard at it.

Once it moves, immediately eliminate it.

Que'er took a deep breath, hesitated for a while, really gave up resisting, and let the supernatural power strike.

She has judged that if she resists with her body, she can bear it once.

"Huh! Not once, come a second time!"

Jiao Tianzi even concentrated his supernatural power for the second time, and he had no choice but to make a move if he wanted to force Que'er.

This made many demons look unhappy.

Even the great monster of the Golden Flood Heaven Capital still finds the Flood Emperor disliked.

Engage in these shameless methods and defeat the monster.


Que'er was hit by supernatural powers and fell to the ground with injuries, with blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth.

But before she could think about it, the second magical power struck.

"Fight back!"

Ye Que pulled out the golden stick, which was dismantled and built by several Dao soldiers. It was an upgraded version of the black stick, a half-dao soldier weapon.


Dowe spread out.

He hit the old man with a stick.

People don't talk too much harshly, so they just swing with a stick.

The demon angel, who turned a deaf ear, has made some noise this time, and wants to intercept it.

"Staff off the field don't meddle in their own business!"

The Golden Flood Mansion Lord appeared instantly, and the second step of coercion enveloped Ye Que. He intercepted Ye Que to avoid the escalation of the conflict.

In any case, the situation is in his favor, and he will not let people mess around.

There was a fierce light in Ye Que's eyes, and he wanted to take a second step.

But the sudden change disrupted the attention of all the demons.


The ground trembled.

The field of 100,000 miles cracked, and the formation protecting the field also collapsed, and then one after another smoke bombs were thrown into the field, causing a lot of smoke to rise.

Que'er was clever, and took the opportunity to dodge his magical powers.

Ye Que was taken aback for a moment, then looked up at the sky, and there were a few **** who just slipped away.

"Go away!"

He put away the golden stick and looked coldly at Palace Master Jiao.

"Ants! Don't provoke me!"

Palace Master Jiao didn't want to make a move, so as not to affect the battle of Yaotian.

"Do you want to be a VIP?"

Ye Que asked him a question.

Palace Master Jiao gave him a disdainful look, the weak are not qualified to talk to him, so he turned and left.

He didn't have time to see who did it, but the other big monsters saw it, but the referee was too troublesome and made everyone angry, so they all shut up and pretended not to see it.

The old man was furious and shouted angrily, "Who did it?"

No one answered him.

Even the great demons of the Golden Flood Sky Capital did not open their mouths.

Although we belong to the Golden Flood Heaven Capital, monsters are different from monsters. They are still sensible and did not help the evildoers.

Ever since, the old man was embarrassed.

Fly into the air and question all the monsters outside: "Who did it?"

Everyone ignored him, whistling one by one, gloating at his misfortune.

There is also a big demon who is disgusting, pointing at the sun and saying: "Today's moon is so round."

The old man was so angry that his seven orifices were filled with smoke, he pointed at the big demons and said, "Good! Good! Good!"

The threat was clear.

"Good Jill, don't BB, hurry up and start the game, don't delay the battle of Yaotian!"

Cardinal Gu let out a dry growl while hiding among the monsters, and then slipped away after speaking.

"Fool, hurry up! I still have to go to your house to attend the funeral, don't waste my time!"

The earth dog howled and ran away.

All the monsters laughed happily.

The old man's face turned green, and he said angrily, "Who said that you have the ability to stand up?"

"Can you stop wasting time?"

Qi Wangshu stood up, with a look of dissatisfaction, and questioned the old man.

The demons also followed suit.

This is not taking the old man seriously at all.

The old man was so angry that his body trembled, he gritted his teeth and said, "Okay! Very good! The competition starts now!"

"Wait a moment!"

Di Xiwei stood up, Ye Que was a little surprised.

"What else is it called?"

The old man glared at Di Xiwei angrily.

"I have learned about the battle of Yaotian before. When the momentum of the venue is broken, the game cannot be played! This is the rule of Yaotian Palace for many years!"

Di Xiwei glanced at the embarrassed Que'er on the field, and opened her mouth to delay Que'er's time.

The old man frowned and turned to look at the demon angel.

The demon angel nodded and said: "There is such a rule! The competition is temporarily terminated, and it will be fine when the potential array is repaired!"

As soon as he made the announcement, something happened not far away.

"It's not good, the nine dragons of the Golden Flood Heaven Capital were chopped off, and the chariot was also dismantled!"

A golden dragon hurried over.

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