God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 813: Fantastic wind with lightning (5th update)

A few days later, the battle of the sky demon began.

The ten capitals of the demon heavens in the world of beasts, the rulers of each capital took the emperor or goddess to the center of the world - the demon heaven palace.

Each one is full of imitation.

"Look, it's Lei Niu Tiandu's spaceship, look at the battle, there are hundreds of spaceships behind it!"

"Look over there, nine dragons are pulling the chariot! The one in the front is the ruler of the Golden Flood Dragon Capital, so dazzling! Next to him is the emperor!"

"It's time for the top ten demon heavens to fight for the limelight!"

"All the heavens will not show weakness, and light up the most domineering and flamboyant flying treasures, so as to increase their prestige!"

The big monsters watched from a distance, eating melons with great relish.

This day is extraordinary, and every day will not admit defeat. On the way to the Yaotian Palace, I have to boost my morale.

"This year's Yuntiandu and Fentian are both no good."

"That's right, Fentiandu is occupied by a monster turtle, and the ruler of Yuntiandu has disappeared inexplicably. It's a pity that they are all top-ranked Tiandu."

There are also some heavens, which the big monsters think is a pity.

However, they were wrong.

The day before the battle of Yaotian started, Que'er and others boarded a spaceship, and only halfway through the flight, they were ridiculed by the emperor of the Golden Dragon Heaven Capital and many golden dragons.

"It's really embarrassing for Fentiandu to let the goddess rule Fentiandu, even Fentian can't do it! What can a brat know!"

That day, the emperor's face turned red when Que'er said it, and tears were about to come out.

How could Ye Que bear it?

With a wave of his hand: "Stop the ship! Brothers, work! Make our spaceship the most dazzling, most gorgeous, most domineering, and most invincible treasure in the world!"

In order to protect the self-esteem of our little Queer, Ye Que gave an order, and all the avatars started to work, even the local dogs came.

Goods like Jin Duande, Qi Wangshu, Tugou, and Cardinal Gu.

It's definitely useless to let them talk about their strength.

But if you want them to engage in art, it's a first-class one.

"The spaceship must run fast first!"

The earth dog took out several gorgeous flying treasures from the storage ring.

He dug these out from various cemeteries. As for the ancestral accelerator, he didn't dare to take it out for fear of being beaten with a sap.

"Install these all on the spaceship!"

It teamed up with a number of second-hand goods to build a spaceship.

Jin Duande is more awesome. He wants to install a huge potential array light curtain on the spacecraft and play the movie in a loop.

As soon as this proposal came out, it won the support of Cardinal Gu, Qi Wangshu and others, but was kicked away by Ye Que's jio.

If you really want to do this, you will be famous if you are famous, but it will also be rotten.

In short, these guys are the top leaders in art, even Ye Que was very interested and joined in.

In less than half a day, these guys finished transforming the spaceship.

That is called a gorgeous.

The spaceship was painted with a layer of colorful paint, which was obtained by Jin Duande from a certain grave. After absorbing the essence of heaven and earth, it immediately flickered.

The colorful light flickered like a big light bulb in the dark with poor contact, not to mention how dazzling it was.

In terms of brilliant ability, the flickering of the spaceship can be seen from hundreds of thousands of miles away.

At the bottom of the spaceship, 1,300 gun barrels are installed at the tail and connected to the potential array. As long as the essence of heaven and earth is added and the potential array operates, the 1,300 gun barrels will generate a huge thrust.

In terms of flying speed, it can reach 30,000 miles per second, reaching the peak of detachment.

In addition, many Dao soldiers were installed on the left and right sides of the spaceship, releasing endless power of the Dao.

This is quite awesome, two-thirds of the whole world is covered by Daowei, and the demon who doesn't know it thinks that a big enemy has invaded.

In terms of domineering ability, no one in the Six Realms is invincible.

"Beautiful, domineering, and practical! This is my background in Fen Tiandu!"

Ye Que laughed with his hips on his hips, as aggressive as he wanted.

In the end, he didn't forget Que'er.

"Come here, baby!"

He beckoned, and the blushing girl flew over.

She always felt embarrassed, mainly because the spaceship was too coquettish and not suitable for little fairies.

"You are the ruler of our Fentiandu! How can you be despised by some small fish and shrimp?"

Ye Que snorted coldly, the power of Jietian Dao turned into golden armor, and directly equipped Que'er.

The dark golden stick was stuffed into Que'er's hand.

"This is like the ruler of my Fentiandu! It's a Valkyrie!"

Ye Que rubbed his chin and smiled.

But he felt that something was wrong, his eyes turned to everyone, and suddenly fell to Di Xiwei.

"Xiwei, lend me your wings and give her a pair!"

Que'er waved her hand bitterly: "Brother Ye Que doesn't need it, I have it! I have it!"

"No! You are too immature! Xiwei, get on the wings of the celestial maiden!"

Ye Que waved his hand, and Di Xiwei supported her forehead and shook her head, but she didn't refuse. The dark power in her body embraced Que'er, and a pair of dark wings appeared behind Que'er, spreading their wings for a hundred meters.

The girl's body, wearing a sky-cutting armor, holding a half-armed golden stick, and paired with 100-meter dark wings, looks like the final Valkyrie walking out of the doomsday.

Everyone exclaimed.

This temperament is gone.

People who don't know, thought that the most powerful Daoyuan Realm came.

"Brother, according to your request, I fixed it!"

Jin Duande wiped off the sweat from his forehead, and handed Ye Que a black object in the shape of a trumpet.

After Ye Que took it, he looked around and said, "Is the front, back, left, and right of the spaceship installed?"

"It's installed, brother, what's the use of the big boxes installed in front, back, left, and right?"

Jin Duande was curious, and everyone also wanted to know the reason.

Ye Que coughed, took out the array plate to activate the potential array, and then pointed at the horn in his hand and said, "Hey!"

Immediately, from the big boxes around the spaceship, there was a booming sound of "Hello!" Hello! Hello! Hello…

That voice was like a rumbling thunder, reverberating between heaven and earth.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

This time, they know what it is.

This is the potential array of amplification.


Ye Que smiled expressionlessly into the loudspeaker.

what! what! what! ha…

That incomparably coquettish laughter could be heard by the demon tens of thousands of miles away.

"Awesome! My elder brother is amazing!"

Jin Duande was shocked.

"This operation is worthy of being the master of Ye Tiandian!"

"This reminds me of the solo performance at the Holy King Monument!"

Cardinal Gu and Qi Wang were amazed.

"Tugou, turn on the booster! Go to the center of the world—the Demon Heaven Palace!"

Ye Que yelled into the loudspeaker, his voice echoing between heaven and earth.


Without further ado, Xinye threw a large amount of heaven and earth essence into the formation, and the formation provided energy, and the 1,300 gun barrels under the spaceship erupted into flames.

Boom! !

At a terrifying speed, the spaceship tore through the air and headed straight for the center of the world.

at the same time.

The brilliant colorful light, flashing and extinguishing, almost blinded the world.

And Daowei on the spaceship is rumbling and crushing any corner of the world.

Fen Tiandu's spaceship is awesome, with lightning, this is the rhythm that wants to overthrow the whole world.

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