God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 812: The Battle of the Demon Sky (Part 4)

Bai Yuyan collapsed, if she could kill her, why would you come out?

But it's about life, so he doesn't care so much.

The awesome energy just now is gone, and he panicked: "I am willing to go to the battlefield outside the boundary to protect the starry sky of the Six Realms! I will never come back! Senior save me!"

The old man in plain clothes didn't even look at him. He stared at Ye Que and said, "You have weakened the fighting power of the Ten Thousand Beast Realm. If the Ten Thousand Beast Realm is in trouble in the future, you should do your best."

That's what he came for.


Ye Que agreed without hesitation.

Que'er belongs to the Fentian Huoque Clan and is the ruler of Fentiandu. If something happens to the Ten Thousand Beast Realm, Que'er will also be affected, so he will naturally take action.

This kind of favor still has to be taken.

The old man in plain clothes nodded, turned and left: "The millstone is all broken, disaster is not far away, let's get ready."

"Senior, what is your identity?"

Ye Que's Taoist soldiers blocked Bai Yuyan, feeling suspicious.

"You will know later."

The old man in plain clothes left without saying a word.

Ye Que looked depressed, so it's better not to ask.

Turning her head, she looked at Bai Yuyan and said, "Where were you so awesome just now? Do you want revenge?"

Holding the black stick tightly, he knocked on it with a bang.

Bai Yuyan screamed and begged for mercy.

Ye Que was relentless: "Hand over the treasure! Let you die happily!"

Of course, Bai Yuyan just refused to pay, he would rather die than pay.

That severe beating was indispensable.

In the end, Bai Yuyan was beaten out with resentment: "Even if I die, I won't let you go!"

He's going to blow himself up.

Ye Que knocked him into the air with a stick, then exited the realm of inconsistency, and sneered, "See you later!"


Bai Yuyan's self-destruction shattered the realm of infinity, but also ended her own life.

Seeing Bai Yuyan's soul flying into the underworld, Ye Que searched for treasures with peace of mind.

The entire Tiandu Mansion in Yuntiandu was searched by three floors inside and three floors outside.

A day later, he walked out contentedly with the baby in his arms.

"Sure enough, there are soul-condensing yang trees, and even soul-condensing yin trees!"

She happily put away the baby, and turned into the **** of the underworld to enter the underworld.

It didn't take long to find Bai Yuyan.

This guy is being judged in the palace of the wheel-turning king, and it is miserable to cry.

When Ye Que sees an acquaintance, he should not say hello: "Hi!"

When the fellow saw the fellow, he shot him in the back.

When he saw Bai Yuyan, he had no choice but to take good care of him.

The scene at that time was extremely embarrassing.

Bai Yuyan was stunned, and after entering the eighteenth floor of hell, she realized how good the choice Ye Que gave him was.

"Crush my soul! I don't want to go to hell! I'll give you all the treasures!"

He begged Ye Que.

However, Ye Que found the treasure by himself, so how could he bother with Bai Yuyan.

Seeing Bai Yuyan being sent to hell, he stopped by to see him off, and then went to other hells.

Seeing Yan Junzi and other bosses swimming in the magma, he didn't want to disturb him, fearing complaints from VIP customers, so he turned and left.

After walking through multiple layers of hell, I came to the last layer of **** and saw the fire of karma.

Legend has it that this is a flame that can burn anything.

Ye Que could feel the feeling that his body was about to be roasted from a long distance away, and his face couldn't help changing slightly.

Innate karma is right, even if he reaches the second step, he can hardly bear the fire of karma.

If the Tathagata said that he could bear the second step, he must have overestimated him.

"Try slowly when you become stronger."

Shaking his head and leaving.

Return to the World of Beasts and ask Di Xiwei to arrange for Que'er to prepare for the Battle of the Demon Heaven. After all, it's only a few days away.

After some instructions, Ye Que went to the southern part of the Eastern Desolation of the Human Realm, entered the Abyss of Jedi, and met the Yin-Yang Three-step Realm.

"This is the condensed soul you need, and the karma between you and her is over."

Ye Que's arrival shocked and pleasantly surprised the female senior.

It's been a while since we saw each other, and this master has raised his strength to the third step of yin and yang?

"Thank you Brother Ye, my name is Nangong Yuning."

When the realm has reached the Yin-Yang Three-Step Realm, the two parties naturally have the qualifications to talk on an equal footing.

"Hey, come to Ye Tiandian more often if you have nothing to do in the future. It's not good to be lonely. I, Ye Tiandian, are very lively. You want to read novels, drink, chat with me, play with you, and fight with you!"

When it came to the end, Ye Que felt a little embarrassed.

Because he found out, what the **** is this?

How did the majestic Ye Tiandian become a place of entertainment?

I enjoyed it before, but I didn't think much about it, but now I taste it carefully, hey, it really is such a thing.

Nangong Yuning covered her mouth and smiled, but she also knew that he was the head of the three evils of the Eastern Desolation, and she even remembered the words that the three evils of the Eastern Desolation should not be insulted.

Such a funny person, um, thinking about it carefully, it's not surprising that he can say these words.

Ye Que left, walked around Ye Tiandian, stabilized his heart, and then divided part of the Daoyuan power in his body to Xuanwu, Guixu, Huang Yuling and others.

This is the power left in his body by the ancestor Wuheng, and it is a supreme opportunity for transcendence and life and death.

Look at Que'er, just after absorbing a little bit, he broke through to the third level of detachment.

"Don't absorb it indiscriminately. Those in the life and death realm should be diluted by 100 parts, and absorbed one by one. Don't **** it up!"

After leaving a word, Ye Que ran to Zhenmo Buddhist Sect, Rashomon and other places to return the Yin-Yang Taoist soldiers one by one, thanked them and went straight to the Ancient God Realm.

In the Ancient God Realm, many avatars are still practicing, except Jin Duande and Gu Cardinal.

These two guys were restless, hiding in the corner watching movies, nosebleeds came one after another.

Ye Que kicked his feet into the air, and said with a dark face, "Are you promising?" Finally, he coughed again, "Bring it, let me test what it is, it is so attractive!"

I took away a few mirrors, thinking that when I discuss projects with Di Xiwei and Huang Youyao in the future, I can take them out and create more new poses.

Well, ahem, crooked.

Ye Que pretended to be serious, and scattered a large amount of the power of Wuheng Patriarch, and distributed it to the clones, allowing them to absorb and cultivate.

In the end, he wanted to leave, but after thinking about it, he took the avatars and went straight to the World of Beasts.

"During the battle of Yaotian, Fentiandu didn't have enough manpower, so they all went to help."

Anyway, the power of the ancestor Wuheng was given to them, and they will all become stronger in a short time. Ye Que will not waste manpower in vain.

When Jin Duande heard that he was going to cross the border, his eyes lit up, and he immediately fished out the mirror video from his crotch.

The name of the golden director resounds in the world.

Then the next goal is the sea of ​​stars.

He wants to sell films across borders, develop in multiple directions, conduct cross-border transactions, and become the number one film seller in the six worlds.

Ye Que opened the gate of the realm, took the avatar to the world of beasts, and went straight to Fen Tiandu, everyone felt fresh.

On the first day in Fentiandu, Huang Youyao took Di Xiwei to go shopping.

One is gentle and virtuous, and the other is cold, but they just get along well.

Seeing that Que'er was practicing, Di Xiwei agreed.

"I also need to go!"

Die Tinghan bounced up and down, her two ponytails dangling.

The three daughters went to Tiandu City and became a beautiful scenery in the city.

Ye Que sat cross-legged in the secret room, dismantling the dilapidated bow and the Taoist soldiers of Bai Yuyan and others.

He wants to upgrade the black stick from the extreme domain weapon to the yin and yang level.

To build a Taoist soldier, what is needed is not time, but the amount of power such as Taoism and perception.

Maybe it will take a hundred years to build a polar weapon.

However, it may take one day or a thousand years to build Dao soldiers, depending on the level of mastery of the Dao that the builder has reached.

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