God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 814: Hello! Hello! Hello! (Part 1)

The center of the world, Yaotian Palace, was once the palace of the master of the world of beasts.

Ninety thousand years ago, the six realms of reincarnation collapsed, the lords of the six realms fell, and the Demon Heavenly Palace was empty for ninety thousand years.

Today, the millstone is shattered, and the rulers of the Yin-Yang three-step realm have stepped out one after another, starting a new round of battle for the world master.

The Ten Capitals of the Demon Heaven, the ten ruling powers in the Ten Thousand Beast Realm, each of which highly concentrates the world's resources.

Different from the pattern of other worlds, they are like the ten emperors of the world of beasts, enjoying the supreme glory.

And the strength of the rulers is naturally extraordinary.

For every Yaotian, the minimum strength of its ruler must reach the first step of the Yin-Yang Three-Step Realm.

As the emperor and daughter of Yao Tiandu, enjoying world-class resources, her strength is naturally not comparable to that of geniuses in other worlds, and all of them have reached transcendence.

At this time, around the Yaotian Palace, many big monsters from the world of beasts gathered.

They have the ability to open domain gates and come here from far away places.

Those who are unable to come can only squat at home and watch the live broadcast in the light curtain of the potential array.

At this moment, the Yaotian Palace located on the plateau is illuminated by the scorching sun, and the white mist blends with the golden sun, presenting a different kind of beauty.

It's a pity that the beauty of the scenery is not beautiful, and it's a little squishy.

What can big monsters do together?

Bragging, fighting, regional black...

In short, all kinds of miscellaneous things are gathered together.

Thanks to the patrolling by the strong guards guarding the Yaotian Palace, otherwise it would have been a mess.

However, regardless of the chaos or the quiet ones, when they saw the first giant spaceship departing from the space passage, they all fell silent.

Many big monsters raised their heads one after another, looking at the spaceship excitedly.

It is rare to see the rulers of the ten capitals of Yaotian gathered together.

Everyone was excited.

"Hahahaha! It's Lei Niu Tiandu's spaceship, followed by more than a hundred small spaceships!"

"Not bad! Although I, Lei Niutian, ranks seventh, but in terms of cohesion, I rank first!"

"Yeah! Hahaha, look at our spaceship, there are so many small spaceships behind it!"

The big monsters from Lei Niu Tiandu stood up and laughed enthusiastically. The humming sound made other big monsters' ears hurt, but they couldn't refute, and their faces turned black for a while.

But the big monsters of Lei Niu Tiandu ignored them, laughed loudly, and kept showing off how good Lei Niu Tiandu was, how awesome it was.

The other big demons in Yaotiandu kept their faces dark and silent, and the atmosphere became two extremes.

One side is lively, the other side is stiff.

Fortunately, the appearance of the second Yaotiandu spaceship broke the atmosphere.

Nine dragons pulled the chariot and flew out from another space passage. The huge black chariot looked low-key and luxurious, and set off the golden dragons on the chariot like the proud sons of heaven.

Under the scorching sun, it dazzled all the monsters.


The great demons of the Golden Flood Heaven Capital laughed and opened their mouths excitedly.

"Golden Jiaotian Capital, which is ranked third in Yaotian Capital, has reached the top of the world's combat power in terms of strength. It has a second-step powerhouse and a first-step powerhouse! Hahahaha!"

"My Golden Flood Flood Heaven Capital has the same high cohesion, but the reason why I am not in the same heart at ordinary times is why?"


There is a big demon who deliberately agrees.

"That's because our individual abilities are strong! The strong are all independent! However, once there is a big event in our Golden Flood Heaven, I will not turn a blind eye!"

"Hahahaha! That's right! Look at our spaceship, it's so domineering!"

The big monsters of the Golden Flood Dragon Heavenly Capital faintly satirized the former Lei Niu Heavenly Capital.

Immediately, the voices of the big monsters from Lei Niu Tiandu's side became weaker, but they were not to be outdone, and they were also ironic.

The rest of the big demons in Yaotiandu held their breath and remained silent.

Let you guys be awesome, and our demon sky will come over in a spaceship later, and I won't be able to kill you.

However, [Baitang Bookstore www.lvshuw.com] there are still some big monsters hiding in the corner, silently watching other people's spaceships coming in, with only envy in their eyes.

"Hey, our Fentian ranks sixth, but now we haven't even come to the spaceship, so we should have given up."

"I don't care who the ruler is, as long as I don't mess up Fen Tian, ​​but now I feel even more uncomfortable. Didn't we Fen Tian participate in the battle of Yaotian?"

"Then Fen Ruyi belongs to the Fentian Huoque Clan, so he is qualified to participate!"

"Hey, maybe that giant tortoise doesn't want to bother with it! It's uncomfortable!"

Everyone shook their heads and sighed.

However, it was useless for them to hide in the corner, other big monsters from Yaotiandu came over, all of them sneered and taunted, and they spoke extremely ugly words, which made the big monsters from Fentiandu want to fight.

They were all suffocating, and the big monsters of the Golden Flood Dragon Heavenly Capital saw this and deliberately fanned the flames beside them.

"It doesn't matter if you Fen Tian come or not, anyway, you don't have the ability to compete for the first place in the Yaotian battle!"

"Hey hey hey, this year's Fentian is afraid that even the spacecraft won't be able to come."

"Look at the spaceship of my Golden Flood Dragon Capital, it represents my Golden Flood Flood Heaven Capital! Fen Tiandu can't even compare to it after ten thousand years of development!"

The big demons of the Golden Flood Heaven Capital became so excited that they couldn't hold it back.

Helplessly, the big monsters in Fentiandu didn't know how to respond, and all of them turned red.

At this moment, another spaceship entered the Demon Heaven Palace in the sky.

Every time at this time, there will be a wave.

The big demons of Fentiandu felt ashamed and regretted coming to Yaotian Palace.

Because there are more big demons in Yaotiandu, they are also teasing them.

Spaceships followed one another, either the spaceship of this Yaotiandu or the spaceship of that Yaotiandu.

Each one is extremely domineering, revealing the characteristics of their own Yaotiandu, which is quite competitive.

Even Yuntiandu's spaceship also came, and everyone was surprised.

The ruler disappeared, could it be that he is back?

When everyone took a closer look, they were even more surprised.

It was actually the Son of Heaven from Yuntiandu who came by himself. He was quite majestic, and attracted the attention of all the demons, who applauded repeatedly. Even the great demons from other Tiandu were cheering, admiring the courage of the Son of Heaven.

Without the leadership of the Yin-Yang Three-step Realm, it will be very disadvantageous, and being bullied by others can only suffer from being dumb.

But the Son of Heaven came by himself, leading the team himself, his courage is commendable, and the big monsters in other heavenly capitals also gave enough support.

This made the big monsters in Yuntiandu proud and excited.

When the big monsters in Fentiandu saw it, their faces turned green.

The demon is better than the demon, and the demon is **** off.

Even Yuntian can come here, but our Fentian didn't even make a fuss?

"Hahaha, look at Yun Tiandu, and make gestures to Fen Tiandu, I'm dying of laughter!"

"The emperor of Yuntiandu leads the team, and there is no one in Fentiandu. What a difference!"

This time, all the big monsters in Tiandu were laughing, so that it became a wave, wave after wave.

Even the monsters on the major spaceships are laughing.

Especially the emperor of the Golden Flood Heavenly Capital ridiculed him wantonly, causing the emperors and daughters of other heavenly capitals to look sideways.

"When we came, we encountered Fentiandu's spaceship, but it was a broken ship, and let the goddess be the ruler. It's ridiculous. I cried after saying a few words, hahaha!"

"If this can be a big deal, I can die laughing!"

The Golden Flood Emperor laughed so hard that tears came out, this thing is so rare, he is addicted to talking.

"I haven't come yet, I guess I told you to cry and go home to find my mother!"

The golden flood emperor glanced at the world outside, and smiled even more happily.

Faced with these ridicules, the big demons of Fentiandu went from anger at the beginning to a burst of powerlessness later, and finally they were so cold that they wanted to leave.

At this moment, there was a sound from tens of thousands of miles away.

"Hey~ hello~ hello..."

The sound was very long, with every word and sound, and the sway was very long, which attracted all the monsters in a daze.

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