God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 811: Open the door and check the water meter (Part 3)

Ye Que smiled, jumped up, and went straight to Yuntiandu.

Under the trial of King Qin Guang, the palace master revealed the information of Ninghun Yinqimu and Ninghun Yangqimu.

They are a kind of treasure that grows by itself in the world, and they contain natural Dao rhyme. If they are absorbed by the peak of transcendence, there is a chance to realize the Dao.

If it is absorbed by the Yin and Yang three-step realm, it can increase the perception of Tao.

Beyond that, they serve another purpose.

Yinqi wood and Yangqi wood blend with each other and can become the treasure of alchemy.

The legendary Resurrection Pill requires Yinqimu and Yangqimu as priming medicines.

It is a kind of elixir that can bring the dead back to life without suffering the sanctions of the six realms of reincarnation, which is very against the sky.

Although it is a yin and yang grade elixir, it is even more precious than a daoyuan elixir.

Ye Que finally understood why Concentrated Soul Yin Yang Qi Mu is a rare treasure in the Six Realms.

No wonder why the most powerful people who own this treasure hide it.

But no problem.

Now with a new lead.

"90,000 years ago, both Yinqimu and Yangqimu appeared in Yuntian. I hope I can find them now."

Ye Que didn't tear up the space channel, but shrunk to an inch.

Shrinking the ground to an inch is a secret technique of combat, and it can move hundreds of thousands of miles in an instant, leaving everyone in a daze.

This guy ran thousands of steps, each step shrinking the ground into an inch, and he ran from Fentiandu to Yuntiandu.

This is hundreds of times more terrifying than flying from Nanling to Donghuang in the human world.

"The statue's secret technique is too heaven-defying. Shrinking the ground to an inch is just one of them. It was probably awesome in life, but the statue is broken, and it may be dead!"

The Soul Armor Corpse Dissection cannot be stopped unless one party dies. Ye Que felt the Soul Armor Corpse Dissection in his body disappear, guessing that the guy inside the statue died.

But he was still a bit vigilant, and would run away if something went wrong.

Arriving at Yuntiandu, the ancient **** glanced down, and was immediately happy.

Bai Yuyan is still alive.

This guy exploded against the setting sun, remembering the lost youth during the explosion, but he didn't expect to be able to save his life.

"Hmph! Keeping you is a disaster! You have to die today!"

With one wave of Ye Que's hand, the black stick covered Jietian Avenue, and his combat power skyrocketed.

Although the black stick is an extreme weapon, he can use it easily, especially as a bat, which is very comfortable.

Tiandu Mansion in Yuntiandu.

Bai Yuyan was sitting in the secret room with **** wounds all over her body, a slight movement could tear the wounds, and the blood flowed profusely.

Every time the pain was extreme, that handsome face became extremely ferocious.

"Demon Turtle! I want you to die!!"

He swallowed the elixir and recovered from his injuries.

Boom boom boom!

There is a knock on the door.

Bai Yuyan's hairs stood on end in shock.

Outside the secret room is the corridor, and the 10,000 meters above the corridor is the ground, and there are many detached guards on the ground.

How could there be outsiders here?

He put on the dao robe woven by the avenue, wrapped the wound, and stared weakly at the door of the secret room, with special magical powers in his eyes.

"Open the door! Check the water meter!"

This time it wasn't just knocking, but shouting.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

"Open the door! Sweep Huang!"

The voice became a little more impatient.

Bai Yuyan saw through her supernatural eyes that the person outside turned out to be the monster turtle, and she immediately turned pale with fright.

Looking back on that day, he pretended to educate the other party, and even molested the other party's wife in public, and he regretted it.

Quietly got up to tear apart the space and leave, but it was not what he expected.

The outside of the secret room has been sealed off by Dao soldiers, and there is a Dao force that can suppress his way to wrap the secret room.

"It's over!"

He murmured and was afraid of being killed, so he forced himself to calm down and said, "Whatever you need, I'll give it to you!"

"Open the door first! Or, I'll smash the door and go in!"

This is not difficult for the strong, it depends on how the opponent chooses.

With a gloomy expression on her face, Bai Yuyan still walked over and opened the door.

"Say something outside."

He looked at Ye Que with fear. He was seriously injured and was unable to resist the opponent, but his tone of voice still maintained the strong style of the second step.

This is the most embarrassing tone and the most embarrassing words.

"Go in and talk! I'm here to help you!"

Ye Que pushed the door open, but the opponent couldn't stop him.

Bai Yuyan's eyes were bright at that moment, he found that the world outside the door was not blocked, and he could escape.

"I don't need your help, so don't close the door."

He gathered his strength to rush out.


Ye Que closed the door with a slap, and sneered at Bai Yuyan, "I just want to help you unilaterally. As for whether you need it or not, what does that have to do with me?"

Bai Yuyan was dumbfounded.

This shit... what kind of robber logic is this?

"If I want to help you, I can only choose to be helped by me, and I will not accept any refutation! Do you understand?"

Ye Que slammed his stick on the ground, and the secret room buzzed.

Bai Yuyan took a deep breath, lowered her head, no longer arrogant like that day: "Understood."


Before Ye Que could finish his sentence, the guy broke through the door and rushed out.

"Demon Turtle, when I recover from my injuries, I will make you pay a hundredfold..."

Before Bai Yuyan could finish the same words, she fell headfirst into a different dimension.

"You said you, you haven't escaped danger yet, and you always want to speak harshly, how many times have you taught yourself a lesson?"

Ye Que entered a different space with his hands behind his back.

The space is muddy and stiff, dim and dark.

Bai Yuyan saw through it at a glance, and punched through the different space again, but after breaking through one, there was another.

The front is an endless different space.

"What kind of secret technique is this!"

He lost his voice in horror.

"The realm of no eternity!"

Ye Que stretched out his hand to feel the power of the stars in his body.

The ancient god's body can also perform secret techniques, using the power of the stars very smoothly, as if they were all one.

"Wuheng Realm...you...you are the descendant of Wuheng Patriarch?"

With a plop, Bai Yuyan collapsed to the ground in fright.

He seemed to think that he couldn't escape the supernatural power, or was frightened by the ancestor Wuheng, so he gave up resisting.

"Who is the ancestor Wuheng?"

Ye Que remembered the statue.

This mystery was given to him by the statue.

"That is a powerful person in the Six Realms who has lived for 200,000 years. He once fought undefeated with Xi Hongchen and left many legends in the Six Realms. One of the forbidden areas in the Asura Realm is the Wuheng Patriarch who used the Wuheng Realm Created! Because of his sudden disappearance, some people think he has become a god!"

Bai Yuyan murmured, wondering if she was out of her mind, she didn't realize until she finished speaking.

He raised his head and stared at Ye Que.

Isn't he the descendant of Wuheng Patriarch?

Ye Que rubbed his chin and smiled: "I see! It seems that this is not an ordinary Daoyuan peak powerhouse! But it has nothing to do with us?"

Squatting down, staring at Bai Yuyan and saying: "Hand over the treasure on your body!"

"You can keep me alive?"

"I can let you die happily! Otherwise, I will let you go to hell!"

Bai Yuyan's massacre of the Burning Sky Huoque Clan has already caused heinous crimes, and it is inevitable to go to the eighteenth level of hell.

Ye Que let him die quickly and reincarnate as soon as possible, this is the greatest gift.

But if it fell into Bai Yuyan's ears, wouldn't that still let him die?

"You are dreaming! There are not many Yin-Yang three-step realms in the Six Realms. If you kill one, you will lose one!"

"The Yin-Yang three-step realm of the Burning Fire Sparrow Clan was killed by you, right? You killed them but no one cares about you. That's because you haven't touched the bottom line of the Six Realms yet!"

"If you continue to kill the Yin-Yang three-step realm, you will have great misfortune!"

He stared at Ye Que with hatred.

Ye Que held the black stick tightly, aimed at Bai Yuyan's head and said, "I really want to try."

Suddenly, the white-haired old man in plain clothes appeared again.

When this happened again, Ye Que's face turned dark.

"He's right. Every Yin-Yang three-step realm and Daoyuan realm has a limited combat power in the Six Realms."

The old man in plain clothes stared at Ye Que.

Bai Yuyan was taken aback for a moment, and then she was ecstatic. When she looked at Ye Que again, there was resentment and hatred in her eyes.

Ye Que pondered: "Then why the Burning Sky Fire Sparrow Clan..."

"Because your strength is worth more than the three of them combined."

The old man in plain clothes understood everything and explained indifferently.

Bai Yuyan sneered, the hatred and killing intent towards Ye Que in her eyes was not concealed.

He is ready for revenge.

He wanted to torture all the demon tortoises, including those related to them, to death.

"Demon Turtle! You can't kill me!"

Bai Yuyan laughed wildly.

"He can kill you."

Unexpectedly, the old man in plain clothes had such an attitude, which made Bai Yuyan and Ye Que stunned.

"Senior, don't you guarantee the strength of the Six Realms?"

Bai Yuyan said in shock.

"His value is comparable to Daoyuan!"

The old man in plain clothes said lightly.

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