God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 807: Supernova Shines (Part 4)

"Shut your stinky mouth!"

Di Xiwei was very angry.

What the ultimate beauty brings to her is not all beauty, but also troubles.

She opened the dark avenue, holding the Dao sword to make a move.

"Don't do it, protect the bird!"

Ye Que wants to kill this B, this is a battle to protect the dignity of a man.

The magic-suppressing beads, the evil-suppressing Rashomon, the dilapidated bow, and the tower of gods hang on the four corners of the sky, sealing off the heaven and the earth, while the Tao is intertwined into a strange light, turning into a peerless fierce light, sweeping the youth in white.

He held a black stick, and Dao covered his body.


Daowei pressed on the young man in white.

The young man in white was very playful at first, but when he saw the swarm of Taoist soldiers appearing, his face changed slightly.

"Are you sure you want to do it? The difference between the first step and the second step is one word, but there is a huge difference in strength! This seat will give you a chance to stop!"

He frowned and said, still very polite, he taught the other party not to overestimate his capabilities before hitting him.

Ye Que is a ruthless person, he didn't have many BBs, so he hit him with a stick.

There was sullen anger in the eyes of the young man in white. He put one hand behind his back, and the other hand seemed to support the sky, and said indifferently: "I will never show mercy! Since you want to find... ah!!"

Before he could finish his sentence, his hand was broken by a stick, and his whole body fell to the ground fiercely, creating a huge hole in the shape of a human being.

"What to pretend!"

Ye Que stabbed it down with a stick, and the peerless fierce lights intertwined by the four Dao soldiers also smashed into the big hole.

boom! boom! Rumble!

The earth was shattered, and Tiandu Mansion almost collapsed.

Thanks to the four Dao soldiers locking the heaven and the earth, otherwise the entire Fentian would be severely affected.


The young man in white stepped on the flying sword and flew out covered in blood.

Brushing away the messy hair, wiping the blood off the mouth, staring at Ye Que coldly and saying: "You have offended me! Good! Very good! The first step, no matter how many Taoist soldiers you have, you won't survive! I, Bai Yuyan, said it! No one can save you!"

swipe swipe—

The three white swords transformed by Dao Li were enveloped by the breeze and revolved around him.

The surrounding world has been ravaged by strong winds, and the Tiandu Mansion was blown to pieces, and countless corpses were also blown out.

Ye Que, Di Xiwei and the others suffocated for breath.

"You slaughtered all the demons in Tiandu Mansion? Burning Sky Huoque, were you exterminated?"

Ye Que drank coldly, his murderous intent was overwhelming, and he burst into rage.

Those were Que'er's fellow clansmen, even if the Palace Master and the others were wrong, it would not affect other members.

This person is insane.

"So what? Fentiandu's yin and yang three-step state aura is gone, so he must be dead. I control Fentiandu, so naturally I have to clean up people! But it has nothing to do with you. If you angered me, then accept the punishment." !"

With her hands behind her back, like a sword fairy in the wind, with a thought, the three swords brutally killed Ye Que, her inner power was so powerful that it forcibly shook off the killing intent of the four Dao soldiers.

"The second step is also divided into strengths and weaknesses. If you hang like this, you should be very strong, right?"

With a thought in his mind, Ye Que used the Unlimited Sword System, one of the three forbidden techniques of Jietian Dao.

Sword against sword.

The first step against the second step.

Boom! !

With Ye Que at the center, the sky and the earth became a piece of gold.

This is the space transformed by Jietian Dao.

Bai Yuyan entered the space where Dao power evolved, she didn't panic, and she didn't think about breaking through the space.

He looked at this with his hands behind his back, and looked at that, as if he was looking at what kind of space for the evolution of the broken avenue.

In the end, he wanted to control the three white swords and carry the strong wind to kill Ye Que.

This is to go thousands of miles away to the enemy's leader.

"One carelessness, I can understand, the second carelessness, you say you are not dead, who is to blame?"

Ye Que hung high in the air, spit out a word, and the golden space erupted with the power of cutting heaven.

Jietian Dao can suppress all Dao.

Although he has the power of the great way in the first step, he is born with the ability to suppress, instantly equal to the power of the opponent's great way, and can even faintly overwhelm him.

With a bang, Bai Yuyan's three swords lost the gust of wind in an instant, and fell in chaos in the air.


Bai Yuyan was suppressed and lost her voice in shock.

"Keep your mouth shut!"

Ye Que didn't bring any melee fighters, so he opened his mouth from a long distance away.

In an instant, numerous swords appeared in the golden world.

Big and small, short and long, there are all kinds of swords. In an instant, the world was covered by swords.

Bai Yuyan suffocated for breath, quickly retracted the sword, sacrificed a white light to protect the body, the power of the avenue turned into a strong wind, trying to pierce through this space.

It was only then that I thought about breaking open this space, it was too late.

How could Ye Que give him a chance.

Mantian's sword stabbed in the past, which was no less than a hedgehog trying to crush a mouse, unstoppable.

Rumble! !

Countless swords slashed past, Bai Yuyan yelled and resisted, and used all kinds of supernatural powers with all her strength.

Ye Que was not idle either, he used all the first five layers of Jietian Dao.

Interception, amputation, interment, etc., whatever comes.

His eyes were not idle, he stared at the **** Bai Yuyan who was killed, black flames covered his whole body.

The screams echoed frequently between heaven and earth.

Ye Que was very experienced, seeing that Bai Yuyan was about to fight back, he decided to use a ruthless hand to suppress the opponent.

In the battle between the masters, the outcome is either determined in a single thought, or they take the opportunity to suppress the opponent with firepower, so that the opponent cannot even make a half-stroke.

Although Bai Yuyan was strong, she was too pretentious, looked down on Ye Que, and entered the space of evolution of other people's avenues, like following her own back garden, without panic.

It's no wonder this approach doesn't kill you.

In addition, Ye Que himself is not weak. He is invincible in the first step and can barely contend in the second step. If the opponent dares to be careless, he is courting death.

The Unlimited Sword System rumbled around Bai Yuyan and bound her into a hedgehog.

Ye Que slammed his fists wildly, and Jie Tiandao turned into a fist light, adding more excitement to Bai Yuyan.

boom! Rumble!

Bai Yuyan was beaten so badly that she couldn't lift her head.

Just as the Dao Power on his body was about to explode the surrounding attacks, he was immediately suppressed by Jie Tian Dao in the fist light.


He drank heavily.

"Hold what?"

Ye Que turned around and turned into an unknown star tortoise.

"You are that turtle!"

Bai Yuyan shouted in shock.


Another large rain of swords struck, and the opponent's power of the Great Dao had a suppressive effect, crushing him very badly.

"I am your turtle ancestor!"

The huge unknown star cracking turtle shouted angrily and activated its talent.

Already suppressing Bai Yuyan, Ye Que would not use such talent attacks as counterattack and crack in the starry sky.

Because this will give the opponent a chance to fight back.

Therefore, he has to use the talent of instant lethal explosion.

"I want to activate Talent 5: Supernova Shine!"

Ye Que was a little apprehensive, and he was also experimenting to see if this trick would hurt him, and if it did, stop using it immediately.

"Ding! Talent 5: Supernova Flash (when activated, instantly compresses all the power in the body, producing explosive fusion and shining power

After the system beeps.

All the star power in his body was drained in an instant.


Ye Que almost lost his balance and fell to the ground.

However, the effect of this trick is also extremely terrifying.

After the strength of the whole body was drained, it condensed in the mouth.

The Star Splitting Tortoise opened its huge mouth, and there was a black bean the size of a thumb trembling violently, which contained an aura of destruction.

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