God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 806: Some words come at a price (Part 3)

There were two more VIP customers in Hell, and Ye Que couldn't help but smile.

This performance is OK.

"Let's go! It's time to go back, arrange the battle of Yaotian for Que'er!"

Ye Que didn't forget about it.

The winner of the Yaotian battle can enter the Yaotian Palace to obtain the Beast God Halberd.

Whoever wins the Divine Beast Halberd will be the future Lord of the World of Beasts.

The Yaotian Palace has been empty for 90,000 years.

After the millstone disappeared, the rulers of the Ten Capitals of Yaotian were ready to move.

As soon as they returned to the World of Beasts, both Ye Que and Di Xiwei were shocked.


The sky changed color, and thunderclouds gathered.

The dark wind howled the sky and the earth, faint ghosts came raging.

The pupils of the two were cloudy, and their consciousness seemed to be affected.

"It's robbery!"

Di Xiwei was very familiar with this feeling.

Entering yin and yang, you have to go through six years of calamity.

One year in one world.

Every time there is a catastrophe, there will be ghosts, demons and thunder catastrophe.

The journey in the world of human beings is over, and her calamity in the world of beasts has come.

Ye Que became the first step, and also had to face Jie.

"This calamity cannot be underestimated, find a place to cross!"

Di Xiwei and Ye Que looked at each other, and immediately flew to a remote and desolate place, each going through the tribulation.

Que'er watched nervously from the side, acting as a release.

"Ye Que, your calamity doesn't have a natural cause and effect, does it?"

Di Xiwei was a little scared.

"I told you before, the natural karma is long gone!"

Ye Que said so, but natural karma will definitely come.

But he already had a countermeasure.


Thunder bursts!

The Yuanjue Miaoming Art is running in the body, and the golden light is shining, dyeing the world with gold.

The invincible belief stabilizes the mind and resists the invasion of demons and ghosts.

The golden divine flame attached to the divine body, transforming into a divine king who honors the whole world.

Jie Tiandao turned into a golden armor, with a golden cloak fluttering, giving him the aura of an undefeated king.


Thunder Tribulation is coming!

He is a body refiner, and with Jietian Dao, he wants to forcibly shake Thunder Calamity!

"If there are no accidents, this calamity can be passed! But there will be no accidents due to natural karma, so she should come, right?"

Ye Que opened his eyes and looked forward, the ancient god's eyes and blood wheel eyes were working.

Xue Lingluo, who was born with karma, stared at him indifferently, with a karma blade in his hand.

Ye Que bathed his body in the thunder calamity, and Buddha Yin was also resisting demons and ghosts.

His eyes met Xue Lingluo's, and he smiled coldly: "Don't come here without any problems!"

Xue Lingluo jumped up indifferently, the karma blade in his hand was about to kill Ye Que.

"Hmph! Let's go!"

Ye Que clasped his hands together, sat cross-legged in the void, and uttered the six-syllable mantra.

Om Mani Pad Hum.

There are Buddhist profound meanings in the sound, as well as Buddhist teachings.

It came out from Ye Gap that if you want to open up a pure land.

The giant Buddhas all over the sky manifested from the sound, and they recited the six-syllable mantra together around him.

Xue Lingluo, who was born with the transformation of karma, jumped up, before the karma blade in his hand was cut off, he was knocked back by the six-syllable Great Ming Mantra.

Xue Lingluo was shocked, and uttered a thick voice of heaven, with brilliant heavenly power: "You can destroy me!"

"If there are no accidents, it will indeed destroy you!"

Ye Que became a living Buddha, the golden light shining in the world, surrounded by great Buddhas, this square sky became a pure land.

"You brought the dead back to life! Going against the sky and violating the six realms of reincarnation! Ye Que, the six realms of reincarnation will not let you go! You killed me, and the sanction of the six realms of reincarnation still exists!"

Xue Lingluo was slowly transformed by the six-character Daming Mantra, but the indifference and aura of heaven in her eyes became stronger and stronger with the sound of her voice, and finally pressed against Ye Que.

Ye Que didn't regret it, and said firmly: "Some people, I must save! Even if it violates the rules of the six reincarnations!"

Staring deeply at Xue Lingluo, he said lightly: "I will go to the fire of karma to wash away my sinful body. The six cycles of reincarnation and me should have an end."

"You can't take it!"

Xue Lingluo disappeared bit by bit, and her voice echoed across the world.

Ye Que remained silent and finished the tribulation.

Move the body, after the baptism of thunder, the body is stronger.

He turned his head to look at the other side of the world.

Di Xiwei has flown over.

She also mastered Yuanjue Miaoming Art, and resisted the catastrophe without any danger.

"It's all right, let's go, Hui Fen Tiandu will take over the big responsibility!"

Ye Que touched Que'er's head, tore open the space door, and went straight to Fen Tiandu's Tiandu Mansion.

As soon as he passed by, he was kicked out.

"Idlers, please leave Tiandu Mansion quickly!"

A big man with a bull's head was suspended in the air, looking down at Ye Que's group indifferently, and his mouth was like repelling flies.

There is a lofty look in those eyes, which does not allow others to resist.

Ye Que stroked his chin and looked at Tiandu Mansion, raised his eyebrows and said, "Is there another owner of Tiandu Mansion?"

"This is not the question you should ask! Get out! Don't make me say it a second time!"

The Minotaur held his hands behind his back, still indifferent, but his tone was a bit displeased.

"Then I want you to say it for the third time?"

Ye Que took out the black stick and blew, then wiped it with his sleeve.

"There are always a few rotten fish and shrimp looking for death!"

The Minotaur shook his head and punched him.

Ye Que didn't even look at him, and flew straight to Tiandu Mansion with the black stick on his shoulder.

"court death!"

The Minotaur was furious, and the force of that punch was a little bit more.

"You are not qualified to stop my elder brother Ye Que!"

Que'er blossomed with the power of transcending the triple layer, and with a wave of her hand, countless ice crystals were thrown out, and the Minotaur was repelled.

"Extraordinary? Hmph! So what, my master..."

The Minotaur was even more annoyed, and vowed to make the three of them pay the price, but before he finished speaking, Ye Que turned Tiandu Mansion upside down with a stick.

"Who is he? When Fen Tian didn't have the third step of Yin and Yang, he wanted to pretend to be the master?"

Ye Que unleashed the power of his first step, and his rumbling voice spread far away.

The Minotaur was so frightened that he immediately shut his mouth, but when he thought of something, there was mischief in his eyes.


A wave of second-step momentum came out from Tiandu Mansion, Ye Que hurriedly protected Que'er, and Di Xiwei was the first to bear the brunt.

Di Xiwei was shaken back, and Ye Que remained motionless.

"You are not a demon from Fentiandu, let alone from the Fentian Huoque clan, little brother, let me advise you, there are some things you have the guts to fight for, but you don't have the life to take them!"

A young man in white came out.

He has a handsome complexion, deep eyes, and a strong body.

Step by step, step into the void with hands behind your back.

When staring at Ye Que, there was a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, which was a kind of contempt.

"Do you understand?"

He stood in the void, looking at Ye Que, his voice was unquestionable, and his tone was educational.

At this moment, Di Xiwei, who had been shaken back, flew over and stood beside Ye Que. They were a couple, and they were also beautiful.

After the young man educated Ye Que, he turned his eyes to Di Xiwei, and said politely: "Madam is beautiful, can you tell me your name, or tell me about it in the house?"

This damn.

No matter how good Ye Que's temper was, he couldn't bear it.

"Little bastard, if you say something, you have to pay the price!"

He smashed the void with one foot and waved his hand.

The four Dao soldiers all appeared in the sky, with the eyes of the ancient gods and the eyes of the blood wheel opened in their eyes.

Jie Tiandao turned into armor, covering the whole body, and when the cloak was raised, the divine power was unrivaled.

With a thought.

The three forbidden techniques of Jietian Dao: Jietian Dao, Unlimited Sword Control, and Unlimited False Flash, are ready to go.

The Unknown Star Turtle can also be converted at any time.

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