God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 808: A Day of Nuclear Peace in the World of Beasts (Part 5)


Bai Yuyan trembled inexplicably, and when she looked at the giant turtle again, she couldn't help but gasp.

He felt the crisis of death.

The opponent has the ability to kill him.

"not good!"

He didn't dare to pretend any more, let alone educate Ye Que, and with the injury suppressed by the infinite sword system, he single-handedly showed his power.

There is a strong wind raging inside, trying to break open the golden space.


The power of Jietian Dao is suppressed from all directions. This is the power of Dao. Once it appears in the world of beasts, it can destroy countless mountains and rivers.

Puff puff!

Countless swords were inserted into Bai Yuyan's body, and her heart disappeared.

But he didn't care about it, he used power to maintain his life, and pointed to the golden space.

Boom! !

There was a gap in the space.

Bai Yuyan was both happy, afraid and regretful.

If he had known this earlier, he should have used thunder to kill the opponent.

hum! !

The void trembled, and a destructive force suppressed the whole body.


Bai Yuyan was taken aback, her eyes were bloodshot.

Overturned. The car is over.

This frightened him so that he didn't care about anything, and crazily broke the space.

Unlimited Sword System is still coming.

His bones were severed, his heart and lungs were torn, and his brain was almost destroyed.

Thanks to his brain, he covered his brain with the power of the great way, otherwise it would be cold in an instant.

Now, his vitality is too tenacious, his heart is broken and he is still alive.

Di Xiwei's heart was broken, and she could have survived, but her life was naturally fragile after being sucked out of too much power by that monster, which couldn't be compared with Bai Yuyan's situation.

"Da Luo Qingfeng Sword!"

Bai Yuyan spat out a mouthful of blood, and the power of the Great Dao turned into a white sword piercing it into the blood.

Rumble! ! Boom!

The white sword was covered with cyan patterns in an instant, and a pure Daowei knocked back the infinite sword restraint.


Taking advantage of this gap, Bai Yuyan pierced through the golden space with her sword, and killed directly.

At this time, his heart relaxed, and he turned his head and said angrily: "You are finished! You are finished, turtle monster! This seat will find you again!"

However, the timing of his harsh words was obviously wrong.

Just as he turned his head and dropped a harsh word, the black bean in the mouth of the giant turtle disappeared tremblingly.


Bai Yuyan's scalp was numb, her body was trembling, she subconsciously turned around and ran away.

"One into the blue sky!"

It was another top-level supernatural move, Bai Yuyan stepped on the Da Luo Qingfeng sword, and the sword and body burst into green light at the same time, and rushed to the sky forcibly.

At that moment, he was not blocked, and he was a little puzzled.

There are four Dao soldiers blocking the world, and he is ready to forcefully break through, why is nothing wrong?

With this question in mind, he ascended to heaven.

Ye Que put away the space where Dao power evolved, turned into the body of an ancient god, and knelt on the ground directly panting: "I'll go, it's too... too exciting!"

This stuff was almost drained.

Without taking a breath, he quickly raised his head and looked towards the sky.

He put away the Dao soldiers, there is no need to continue to block the world, he deliberately let that guy be free and unrestrained.

At this time, the sky near dusk is peaceful and beautiful.

The man who entered the blue sky, the man and the sword became one, became a touch of amorous feelings in the wind, and went straight into the sky, leaving a touch of beauty in the dark sky.

All the monsters in the world raised their heads one after another, staring at that scene with bewildered eyes.

"In the world, there is such a beautiful man!"

A female demon murmured, with obsession in her eyes.

Also at this moment, a black spot of light, after two or three flashes, collided with the man entering the blue sky, and the picture was eternal.

The man rises against the wind. The sky is picturesque.

But he quickly sensed something, and turned his head just in time to meet the violently trembling black beans.

It was a beautiful encounter.

It is also an embarrassing relative.

The man lowered his head suspiciously and wanted to run away, but Heidou chased after him tremblingly, wanting to give the man a chance to get close.

After fleeing and chasing, two rainbow colors of blue and black were drawn in the dim sky.

All the monsters in the world are crazy again, and those emotional monsters are a little bit envious.

Look at the Qinghong and Heihong who are entangled with each other, entangled with each other, and chasing each other, very much like love.

On this peaceful and beautiful day, they ran towards the distant sunset, facing the light, the wind, the remnant clouds and beautiful clouds, and gently touched each other.

At that moment, they were sublimated to the utmost, and a mushroom cloud rose slowly in the air, drawing a sentence for this beautiful scene.

Leaning against Di Xiwei, Ye Que sighed softly, "Another peaceful day in the world of beasts has passed."

The corner of Di Xiwei's mouth twitched, and she asked him with a dark face, "What kind of move is this?"

"Supernova shines!"

Ye Que stared at Mushroom Cloud and muttered, but his mind kept thinking about the scene where the supernova started to shine.

He faintly felt that this talent should not only be used in one way.

"Find a chance to try next time!"

Just as Ye Que wanted to appear in the turtle form, and was running the Star Splitting Art, there was a plop not far away, as if something fell down.

"Brother Ye Que, it's that Minotaur!"

Que'er's eyes were red, feeling a little uncomfortable.

It was not easy for her to have her family members slaughtered.

Even though she hadn't met her fellow-clan, the ties to her fellow-clan in her heart still caused her to have emotional fluctuations.

At this time, when he looked at the Minotaur again, there was anger in his eyes.

If it weren't for these guys, she wouldn't be the only one left in the Burning Sky Fire Sparrow Clan.

Ye Que looked at the corpses that were blown everywhere, the blood stained the soil red, desolate and miserable.

He glanced at Que'er, sighed softly, and dragged the black stick towards the Minotaur.

Di Xiwei looked at the Minotaur indifferently. It was she who shot down the fleeing Minotaur just now.

chi chi chi—

The black stick made sparks on the ground.

Ye Que looked down at the Minotaur indifferently, and walked over like a **** of death.

"Don't...don't kill me! Please! It's none of my business! It's what Bai Yuyan did! It's none of my business!"

The Minotaur kowtowed, his body trembling with fright, and his voice trembling.

"Who is Bai Yuyan?"

Ye Que said coldly.

"The supreme ruler of Yuntiandu! Ranked fourth in Yaotian's Ten Capitals!"

The Minotaur spoke out tremblingly.

The ten capitals of Yaotian are also divided into rankings.

Fen Tiandu ranked sixth, Yun Tiandu ranked fourth, and there was competition between them.

Ye Que asked again: "Besides him, does Yun Tiandu have Yin Yang three steps?"

"It's gone! He's the only one in the Yin-Yang three-step realm, senior, don't kill me! Let me go! It's none of my business!"

Boom boom boom!

The Minotaur kowtowed to admit his mistake.

There are only a dozen Yin-Yang three-step realms in a world, and it is impossible for every Yaotian to have Yin-Yang three-step realms clustered together.

Ye Que sneered: "The road to the enemy is narrow. According to the Palace Master, Ninghun Yangqimu has appeared in Yuntian!"

With a cold snort, he handed the black stick to Que'er.

"Come on, kill him!"

He wants Que'er to do this.

The Minotaur screamed in fright, and knocked harder, blood spattering.

"Why are you doing this!"

Que'er took the black stick and said with red eyes.

"Don't kill me! I didn't do it, Bai Yuyan did it! Don't kill me! Just be living Buddhas for a day, don't kill any more, let me go!"

The Minotaur was frightened and cried, and kowtowed to admit his mistakes.

Queer was a little soft-hearted.

Ye Que raised her chin, showing her the corpses and blood all over the floor.

"He didn't participate in it because he wasn't strong enough. Even if he doesn't have enough strength now, he's helping the evildoers! Que'er, you can't be soft-hearted! Enemies, don't let them go!"

As soon as he said this, Que'er's eyes showed firmness, and his hand holding the black stick tightened.

The Minotaur collapsed in fright: "You will be living Buddhas for a day! Just for a day, don't kill me! Turn me into a fart!"

Ye Que sneered: "I tell you, today's Buddha does not save idiots, but only VIPs! Obviously, you are not a VIP!"


The black stick approached and killed the Minotaur.

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