God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 802: Fission star method (4th update)

The monster is about to collapse.

Why are you so hard to kill?

This man somehow possessed the power of a first-order source of power, which beat him to pieces. Fortunately, he survived and dragged the man until his strength was exhausted.

Seeing that the man fell to the ground powerlessly, it was the time for him to take revenge. He never thought, before he took a bite, another demon monkey sprang out of this guy's body.

"I remember you!"

The monster cursed secretly, turned around and fled.

His strength is at the peak of Daoyuanjing.

It's a pity that when he came to the last pure land of the Six Realms through the space storm, he was seriously injured, fell to the realm, and his memory was also incomplete.

Originally swallowing the power in the statue, he has recovered to the first level of Daoyuan, and he never thought that he would be knocked down by this man again.

Now he only has the power of the second step of the Yin-Yang three-step realm.

Take a look at the power of the demon monkey's phantom, I'm a bit of a tortoise, at least it's the power of the Dao source realm.

Can't afford it.

slipped away.

However, he activated the Demon Monkey Phantom, how could the Demon Monkey Phantom let him go?

The big slap of the cattail fan slapped, and the wind shattered, let alone the monster.

The monster was beaten to pieces on the spot, and it was so painful that it almost went to heaven.


The demon monkey flew close and wanted to chop it into pieces again.

"Damn ants! Damn creatures from the six worlds!"

The monster roared with hatred in his heart, and activated the forbidden technique.

The rotting body glowed with the light of dark stars, which turned into ninety-nine beams, penetrating all parts of the world without distinction.

The demon monkey phantom slapped it twice, and extinguished all ninety-nine beams.

Desperate, the monster had no choice but to burn its own source of Dao.

boom! !

More than a thousand beams projected in all directions.

The demon monkey kicked in the air, and while shattering the void, it also shattered the light beam.

But let a beam escape.

Also at this time, the phantom of the demon monkey slowly disappeared.

The ray of dao source power given to Ye Que by the demon monkey can save his life once.

His disappearance indicated that the source of power had been exhausted.

Next, if Ye Que wanted to survive, he could only rely on himself.

As for the beam of light, it has escaped safely into the void.

When flying far away, he did not forget to send out two divine thoughts, and then chose a random direction to leave.

"I want to seize the house quickly! I can't do it in the Yin-Yang three-step realm. I'm too weak to seize the house. I can only choose to transcend the state."

call out-

He hides his hatred and hunts down people.

another place.

The Palace Master and Fen Yu who had fled back to Fen Tiandu were shocked and received divine thoughts.

They have long been subdued by monsters and become tools of monsters.

Now, the role of the tool is revealed.

"The lord has already killed Ye Que, he asked us to collect the body!"

"Di Xiwei is still alive, sir let us keep it for him to enjoy!"

The eyes of the Palace Master and Fen Yu were darkened, and before they knew it, their sanity was affected by the monster.

The two smiled coldly, got up to wipe out Ye Que, and took Di Xiwei away.

above the wasteland.

Ye Que was very weak, his eyelids were heavy, and he was fighting.

But he knew that he couldn't pass out, otherwise it would be difficult to open his eyes once he closed them.

"Enter... Enter the Ruins Ring..."

He crawled towards Di Xiwei, wanting to drag his lover into the Guixu Ring.

It's too dangerous here, there will be great powers coming at any time.

Under the moonlight, Di Xiwei's profile was pale and holy, but without a heart, her body was already icy cold.

If it weren't for the powerful yin and yang power to protect the body and maintain the weak vitality of the body, I'm afraid he would have died long ago.

Ye Que climbed step by step, blood dragging all the way.

But he used up too much power.

From the moment he stepped into the Yin-Yang Three-Step Realm, his ancient god's latent anger force forced his combat power to cross a large realm and soar to the Daoyuan Realm.

He simply can't afford it.

No, after the potential of this limit is stimulated, it will be endlessly weak, and it is difficult to even walk.

After climbing about two meters, my heart almost stopped beating.

This is a sign of death from exhaustion.

Ye Que's blurry eyes scanned the wasteland to the side, and Que'er fell unconscious on the ground covered in blood.

"Can't...can't climb anymore... let girl...girl... come out..."

He called the girl.

"Ding! The first step for the host to break through to the Yin-Yang three-step realm, and activate the power of the Ruins of Return!"

"Ding! The power of the Ring of Return to the Ruins is being activated, unable to summon the Wugou Spirit, and unable to enter and exit the Ring of Return to the Ruins!"

Ye Que almost fell into a coma.

At such a juncture, Guixujie would kill him and Di Xiwei if he did this to him.

"Transform into the form of a turtle and swallow the scriptures with the ancient gods."

Exhale gently, for fear that the fragile internal organs will be shattered with force.


An unknown star-cracking tortoise about 100 meters away appeared, and its huge body protected Di Xiwei.

It's a pity that I can't enter the Ruins of Return.

The bright, deep and proud star-cracking tortoise looks very powerful on the outside, but the ancient god's body has exhausted its strength, and the turtle form is also affected by the same.

He took a slow breath.

Run the ancient **** swallow the scriptures.

"Ding! The turtle form of the host is a new species, and it cannot be used for the ancient **** swallowing the sky!"

"Ding! The turtle form of the host is a new species, and it cannot be used for the ancient **** swallowing the sky!"

Ye Que wanted to curse.

Fortunately, the system will not sit idly by.

"Ding! The host has exhausted its source of life and potential, and the system judges that the host will die in one minute!"

"Ding! The host's life is dying, threatening the system!"

"Ding! The system activates the self-protection mechanism, and forcibly orders the host to perform survival tasks!"

"Ding! The system is rapidly generating survival missions!"

Ye Que felt dizzy when he heard this.

Even the source of life is used up.

That's right, as early as before, there wasn't much left of his origin.

The ancient gods were latently angry, and they were too capricious.

There is only one minute left in life.

He is running out of time.

This time, however, the system responded very quickly.

"Ding! The survival mission has been generated!"

"Ding! The survival mission has been activated: please use the third secret technique to start the special cultivation of the new species and save yourself!"

"Ding! Mission success reward: survival! Mission failure penalty: death!"

"Ding! The system has detected that the host's life has come to an end. In order to ensure its own safety, the system forcibly controls the host's body to perform tasks!"

"Ding! To ensure system security, the host has no right to refuse!"

"Ding! The host receives the survival mission!"

"Ding! The system controls the host's body and activates the third secret technique: Fission Starlight!"

Ye Que gave up control of his body and was managed by the system.

He could only pray that he would recover as soon as possible, and then take Di Xiwei and Que'er away.

Once entering Yin and Yang, the third secret technique is activated, and the power of returning to the ruins is activated.

Now, the system will activate the third secret technique.

"Xiwei, hold on."

While he was muttering, the shell of the unknown star cracking tortoise split.

The tortoise shell has cracks in the starry sky, like the Milky Way and darkness in the starry sky, bright and deep, giving the world a sense of awe and longing for the unknown starry sky.

Also at this time.

The tortoise shell is split into countless pieces, the bright ones are the bright Milky Way, and the dark ones are the deep starry sky.

Above the sky, in the starry sky, there is starlight falling, sprinkled on the split tortoise shell, and then entered the body.

"Ding! The unknown star-cracking tortoise is a new species, the brightest supernova in the starry sky, unable to use the power of the six realms!"

"Ding! The system is discharging the true energy of the unknown star **** turtle and the mixed power of the six realms."

"Ding! The system has been cleaned up and can absorb the power of stars!"

"Ding! The fission star method is running rapidly, absorbing the power of the stars and turning it into the power of the stars!"

"Ding! The unknown star-cracking tortoise absorbs the power of the stars, barely maintains the dry source of life, and restores the host's injuries!"

Everything is changing for the better.

At this time, the Palace Master and Fen Yu came.

"Second brother, who is this turtle?"

"My seat has made a clear investigation. Ye Que is the master of Ye Tiandian in the human world, and he is also a turtle demon! He is Ye Que! Seeing that his turtle shell is split, he should be close to death!"

"Di Xiwei is under him, hum! This **** has lost her heart and is still alive! Wait for me to deliver some origin to her, before she dies!"

"It turns out they didn't die! Drag Di Xiwei out, and I'll torture you in front of Ye Que! To vent my hatred!"

"But that lord..."

"How does he know if this **** has been played by me before!"

"That's right!"

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