God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 801: Dark Ancient God (Part 3)

"I just absorbed the power of a peak Daoyuan realm, and now there is another Yin-Yang three-step realm. The six realms are so wonderful!"

A monster shrouded in dark mist, licking its lips.

His right hand is absorbing Di Xiwei's power, which makes him enjoy it a lot.

Suddenly, he sensed something and turned his head to look down.

Inside the dark light cluster, the ant exuded black energy, as if it wanted to resist him.

"The more I resist, the more excited I am! Why don't I **** her in front of you! What do you think?"

With a wave of the monster's hand, Di Xiwei fell powerlessly onto the wasteland.

Under the moonlight, she was holy and pale.

The monster stared at the ants in the light group, twisted its neck strangely, and laughed maniacally: "I have never played with a woman from the Six Realms, she is the first!"

The insane smile gradually turned into a wicked smile.

A man came to the ruins in an instant, stared at the woman in front of him and said, "She's not dead yet, but it's okay, I'll crush her to death right away."

Turning his head slowly, savoring the struggle, despair and anger of the ants: "My idea is good..."

The words stopped abruptly.

Only because of the dark light group, it has long been shattered.

How did that ant come out?

"Kneel down!"

The monster was angry and punched away.


Ye Que caught it with one hand.

Ka Ka Ka!

The void shattered.

He didn't take a step back, his whole body exuded black energy, and the golden light on his body was covered, like a demon **** walking out of the supreme demonic soil.

Raise your eyes.

The star patterns in the ancient god's eyes became dark star patterns, like two black holes in the endless starry sky, swallowing up the stars, light and everything.


Between the dead and cold world, dark and violent power spread around him.

Everything, the wasteland, the sky, the earth, and the broken wood have been corroded by darkness.

The light under the moonlit night was gradually swallowed up, and pure darkness engulfed the world.

No one can stop the erosion of darkness, they can only passively face this endless despair.

The monster shivered for no reason.

He originally came from darkness, but when facing this person, there was a kind of fear surging in his heart.

"The punch of this seat is only the third step of the Yin-Yang three-step realm. Since you are so arrogant, then try the power of Daoyuan!"

The monster was angry because of fear, and the six pairs of eyes contained rage.

Taking a sudden step back, stepping out of the starry sky demon soil, the darkness above his head turned into an endless star field, and he became another demon god.

"Kneel down!"

The monster roared, and a punch shook the sky, annihilated the star field, and swept Ye Que.

Ye Que's face was shrouded in black air, in the haze, only the dark ancient **** eyes were staring at the monster.

Dark runes are all over his face, setting him off as a weird demon **** in the dark.

Facing the monster's punch, he didn't retreat, and the opponent was not qualified to make the ancient dark **** retreat.

Everything is collapsing, that punch is about to strike.

Standing in the dark demonic soil, the ancient dark **** stepped out in one step, as if crossing an endless star field.

In an instant, the golden divine flame on his body turned into a black magical flame.

There is also magic soil under his feet, and a dark starry sky above his head.

All the darkness is welcoming the presence of the Dark Ancient God.

The dark breath rushed towards the monster, the monster's expression changed slightly, and the punch was a little more powerful.

Puff puff puff puff!

Without the hindrance of the dark light group, the power of the five realms entered the body of the dark ancient god.

The dark ancient **** instantly fell into yin and yang.

On the basis of the Yin-Yang three-step realm, the latent wrath of the ancient gods caused another qualitative change in the power of the dark ancient gods.

The world of beasts was instantly enveloped by his dark power.

All living beings were terrified, thinking that there was an invasion of terrible creatures.

boom! !

The loud noise spread across the sky.

The dark ancient **** smashed the monster's arm with a punch.

The violent power of darkness swept across the world.

The dark ancient **** in the demonic soil, like the indestructible demon god, did not take a step back, but the monster was blown thousands of meters away.

"Even the power of Daoyuan can compete?"

His six pairs of eyes were full of horror.

boom! !

The world trembled.

But the dark ancient **** climbed to the sky step by step, and came to the monster in an instant.

His step was like crossing the ancient road of time and space. The monster couldn't react in time, and was blown away by another punch.

Roar! !

The monster roared, and stars appeared in the six pairs of eyes, shooting out a extinction beam, shattering the void in an instant, and then rushed out from the other side of the void, attacking the back of the dark ancient god's head.

The dark ancient **** stared at the monster with the eyes of the dark ancient god, seeing everything, turned around and shattered the beam of nirvana with a knife in his hand.

The power of the Dao source in the extinction beam was crushed to ashes by his hand knife.

In the dark.

He is one step closer to the monster.

boom! boom! boom!

Severing hands and feet with knives, shattering bodies with fists.


The monster bleeds black blood and is seriously injured again.

No one can see the battle in the dark.

The darkness of the dark ancient **** annihilated everything, including light, including the eyes of supernatural powers.

No one can see into the darkness.

This is the extreme of darkness, and the extreme generates fear.

All living beings are running away in a panic like headless chickens.

Only the Dark Ancient God can spy on all living beings and feel their fear and panic.

boom! !

The dark ancient **** pierced the monster's heart with a punch, and the face covered by the darkness was still ruthless and indifferent. The black hole in the dark ancient god's eyes stared at the monster.

Once the monster's Daoyuan power was derived, it was shattered once.

When his six pairs of eyes looked at the dark ancient god, there was no anger, arrogance or rage anymore.

Only fear.


He was scared.

Something vaguely came to mind in his incomplete mind.

The man in front of him who was swept by darkness was so familiar.

He had heard it and seen it.

But he couldn't remember.

When crossing the space storm, he was not only seriously injured, but also lost a lot of memory.

boom! !

The Dark Ancient God punched again, piercing through his body.


He couldn't stop bleeding dark blood, and his vitality was being wiped out.

Facing this man who was darker than him, he was completely scared and wanted to run away.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

Under the crisis of life and death, the monster blew five pairs of eyes, and the power of darkness engulfed his whole body after the blew, sending him away forcibly, away from the dark ancient god.

The ancient dark **** crossed the endless void in one step, and was already staring at the monster.

But at that moment, all the strength in him faded away.

The darkness disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

His dark aura was falling, and the dark ancient **** eyes turned into ancient **** eyes.

The dark magic flame turned into a golden divine flame.

The dark runes and darkness on the face are also disappearing.

The demonic soil under his feet collapsed, and the wasteland land reappeared. The sky above his head lost the starry sky, and the moonlit night sky reappeared.

Ye Que's strength fell from the peak to a powerless body.


He fell to the ground almost unconscious, his head fell heavily on the stone, his eyes were stained with blood, but the light in his eyes reflected Di Xiwei's figure.

He and Di Xiwei were five meters apart.

All darkness disappears.

The monster that moved to the distance instantly understood it, and immediately roared like crazy: "I want to eat you! I want to **** your woman! How dare you mess with me! I will torture you to death!"

Like a lunatic in a hurry, he fought his way back with serious injuries.

With only one pair of eyes left, he was full of madness and violence.

"I'm going to eat your limbs, hang you for a breath, and then let you watch how I **** your woman!"

The monster dispersed the dark mist, and swallowed blood at Ye Que.

hum! !

The sound of Daoyuan resounded in Ye Que's body.

While the void was trembling, a phantom of a demon monkey flew out of Ye Que's body, standing upright, overlooking the monster.

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