God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 803: You have a good relationship with King Qin Guang? (5th update)


The Palace Master kicked the turtle shell.

The unknown star-cracking tortoise was kicked and moved several meters, with blood overflowing from its mouth.

"Ding! The fission star method has been interrupted! To ensure its own safety, the system has activated the third secret technique again!"

"Ding! The fission star method is back in operation!"

Ye Que couldn't control his body, it was controlled by the system.

He stared coldly at the palace master through the eyes of the cracked star tortoise, but he was afraid that something would happen to Di Xiwei and Que'er, so he wanted to forcefully control his body.

"Ding! The system is saving the host's life! Please wait!"

The system doesn't allow him to do that.


Ye Que took it forcibly.


The Palace Master's face was gloomy, and there was murderous intent in his eyes, he kicked but still couldn't let go of his hatred, and went up to punch and kick again.

"Aren't you very strong? Don't dare to make a move?"

"Fenran who killed me, Fentiandu! Do you know how much trouble you have caused?"

"That's the first step in my Fen Tiandu's powerhouse!"

"You ran away many times! Did you run this time?"


He fractured the left limb of the Star Splitting Turtle with one punch.

"Ants are ants! If you want to break through to the Yin-Yang three-step realm, just dream!"

He was addicted to playing, and he cut off the tail of the star cracking turtle with a hand knife, and the blood flowed all over the ground.

"I was so worried before, you are dead!"

The Palace Master was very ruthless and wanted to torture Ye Que slowly.

A piece of turtle shell was broken with one punch, and the star cracking turtle was kicked away with one kick.

Beat and scold.

How to vent hatred, how to pretend, how to come.

Ye Que competed with the system for control, and wanted to rescue Di Xiwei and Que'er as soon as possible.

Of course, the system not only ignores him, but also ignores attacks from the outside world. The first criterion is to save your life.

However, in the eyes of the Palace Master, he chose to bow his head cowardly and be beaten silently.

But such a result, in exchange for humiliation and punching and kicking again and again.

Each time, the Star Splitting Tortoise would move several tens of meters across.

Every time, the practice was interrupted, but it was restarted by the system.

Each time, the injury got better and worse.

Ye Que also fought more and more fiercely.


The palace master is addicted to beating, and he is comfortable in cursing.

"Honestly, stay in your transcendent realm! This time you failed to break through the Yin-Yang three-step realm, no, no, no, don't wait, I invite you to go to the underworld to play! That place is fun!"

The Palace Master grinned grinningly, and there was more mischief in his eyes.

He punched the cracked star tortoise's head, and kicked the star tortoise hundreds of meters away.

Also at this moment, a voice came from Fen Yu's side.

"Second brother, this **** was revived by my original power, and his heart is being reshaped, but I have sealed all the power of his body. He is no doubt like a mortal, and he can let you play!"

Fen Yu was jealous of Di Xiwei's beauty, and the hatred in his eyes never diminished.

She took out the light curtain and wanted to record all the scenes of her second brother playing Di Xiwei.

Hearing this, Ye Que frantically seized control of his body.

"Ding! The system is saving the host's life! Please wait!"

As always, the system has no emotions, and takes protecting the life of the host as the first criterion.

And outside.

The palace master laughed wildly when he heard the words, and walked to the side of the cracked star tortoise in an instant, and kicked the cracked star tortoise back.


The Star Splitting Tortoise landed not far from Di Xiwei like a pile of rotten stones.

"Ye Que! Lord Ye Tiandian! Transcendence ants! Show me!"

The Palace Master swaggered towards Di Xiwei, and at the same time waved his hand, and grabbed Que'er who was unconscious not far away.

Fen Yu slapped Di Xiwei awake with two slaps, and said with a sneer, "Wait will make you feel better!"

The Palace Master laughed, turned around and said cruelly to Ye Que: "Annoying me is the biggest wrong in your life! When I play with her, I will kill you and send you to the underworld to play!"

Fen Yu folded his hands on his chest and sneered, "The underworld is so much fun! You can play with the eighteen levels of **** there!"

"I have a very good relationship with King Qin Guang, and I will let him take special care of you!"

The Palace Master turned around again and walked towards Di Xiwei.

"Hahahaha! Ye Que, look carefully! How did I take off all her clothes with one hand!"

He sneered, stretched out his hand to pinch Di Xiwei's neck, and held it high.

Di Xiwei was weak, but there was anger and humiliation in her eyes.

However, when she looked at the Star Tortoise, the anger and humiliation in her eyes disappeared instantly, and she didn't struggle anymore.

At this moment, the bright moonlight fell on her eyes, reflecting a huge monster that was slowly approaching.

at this time.

Fen Yu held the power array light curtain and twisted his waist to record there, full of interest.

"It's a pity that I'm a woman, otherwise I can play with her!"

She was full of resentment, wishing to kill Di Xiwei.

"Get out of the way!"

The Palace Master smiled playfully, and when Fen Yu backed away, he held up Di Xiwei and turned around, teasingly said: "Ye Que, look after me! I will let you go to **** without regret!"

Turning around slowly, there was madness, complacency, and excitement on his face.

Fen Yu also pointed the potential light curtain at the giant tortoise.

"This scene is really exciting!"

Fen Yu sneered as he looked at the potential array of light curtains, and was really stimulated after he finished speaking.

She watched the giant tortoise walking slowly within the light curtain, her face stiffened instantly.

? ? ?

Even the shell of the giant tortoise is split, how come it is as good as before, and it still came over?

She looked up and saw that it was a giant turtle walking over.


Ye Que's body was covered with wounds, and there was blood in his mouth, but when the huge unknown star tortoise approached, he still couldn't hide his violent anger.

The palace master also froze at that moment, not even having time to change his arrogant and proud expression.


he asked again.

"How do you..."

Before the Palace Master could finish his sentence, Ye Que slapped him to the ground.


The strength was well controlled, and the palace master was not crushed into meat, but seriously injured.

"So fast, why are you so strong! Ah! Fen Yu save me! Kill him quickly!"

The palace master groaned in pain, and Di Xiwei in his hand fell to the ground.

"court death!"

Fen Yu spit out fire beads and released endless fire, intending to burn the giant tortoise.

"So you also know that there is **** in the underworld?"

Ye Que slapped Fen Yu again, hammering Fen Yu to the ground.

It was useless for the two of them to resist, and they were terrified.

"Aren't you dying! Let go of me!"

The Palace Master shouted angrily.

"I was healing your injuries before, you played so well, I will send you to the underworld later!"

Ye Que's animal feet rubbed against each other slightly, and the flesh of the Palace Master's body was torn apart, and blood, flesh and bone scum pierced into the soil, causing him to scream in pain.

"I heard that you have something to do with King Qin Guang? I'll take you to meet him later, and see if he will give you face!"

His other animal foot also rubbed slightly, blurring Fen Yu's tortured flesh, begging for mercy.

Ye Que didn't listen to their threats and begging for mercy, and sneered like a ghost: "To tell you the truth, I have broken through to the third step of Yin and Yang, killing the first step is like killing chickens and dogs! If you hang on like this, you will go to the underworld later. Seeing King Qin Guang, I hope you can still maintain your demeanor!"

Push your feet hard.

With two puffs, the Palace Master and Fen Yu were crushed into a pulp and died on the spot. Their souls floated out and flew to the underworld.

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