God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 2005: The golden scales are suspended in the sky

The blood pupil is the man-made brilliance of opening the sky-forced fusion.

Hearing this prompt, Ye Que was startled.

The Glory of Opening the Sky is the original ray of light left to all things in the world when the Yuanshen Realm first opened. It is the most mysterious, mysterious and precious treasure in the Yuanshen Realm.

It is also a treasure left to all living beings by the source of the gods.

Although Ye Que came from the Lower Realm, he had been in the Origin God Realm for a long time, and knew that this thing could never be man-made.

With the ebb and flow of countless ages, and the powerhouses of the source gods fighting for the front and falling, no matter how powerful they are, they are still unable to create the glory of opening the sky.

It's not that he underestimated the wild gods. Man-made Kaitian Yao is indeed too unimaginable, and it is difficult to create with only Yuanshen.

"Could it be built by the Eternal Ancestor?"

Ye Que thought about it and found it unrealistic.

First, at the Eternal Stage, Kai Tian Zhiyao is a thing outside of the body, and the Eternal Ancestor doesn't even look down on it.

Second, from ancient times to the present, it has never been heard that the Eternal Ancestor created the glory of the sky.

The most important thing is the third point, the barbarian **** is powerful, how can he have the right to contact the eternal ancestor?

He thought about it, but couldn't figure it out, so he looked at the blood pupil carefully.

There is indeed the power breath of Kaitian Zhiyao in it.

"No, there is black annihilation liquid in it, no, no, no, to be precise, it is the power of the Eternal Annihilation Beast. I have come into contact with this kind of power before."

Ye Que is now aware of two kinds of power inside, the glory of opening the sky and the power of the eternal annihilation beast.

In addition, his mind sensed that there was another kind of power inside, which was very obscure and difficult to distinguish.

In the end, he gave up thinking, buried his heart, and discussed it after meeting Shuiyuejing.

"I really didn't expect that there is still the existence of man-made Kaitian Zhiyao."

Ye Que was amazed, he couldn't believe it, and he couldn't believe it.

The old dog Man Shen, the more he came into contact with him, the more mysterious and terrifying he felt.

Suddenly, he remembered what the old woman had said at the corpse refining place.

The mysterious figure was refining an ancient corpse.

"The mysterious person should be a barbarian. He refines an ancient corpse... What is that corpse? Could it be that the man-made Kaitian Zhiyao was obtained from the corpse?"

Ye Que didn't speculate too much, maybe the man-made Kaitian Zhiyao was really created by a barbarian?

The water here is too deep.

However, if it could be artificial, he would be moved.

Go back and discuss with Shuiyuejing, if there is a way to create Kaitian Zhiyao, he will definitely learn it.

Looking at the blood pupil in front of him, Ye Que finally understood why the Mantian God could combine the Perfect Overlord Body and the Man God One Finger.

It all depends on the forced fusion of the man-made Kaitian Zhiyao.

The perfect hegemony forced fusion.

One finger of the barbarian **** can also be forcibly fused into it.

Thinking of this, Ye Que recalled his fusion of good fortune, but it was a pity that he was destroyed by the barbarian god.

"Maybe I can use blood pupils instead."

Ye Que did as soon as he thought of it, and immediately released the flame of the tinder, burning the blood pupils, and removing unknown pollutants.

During the period, the power of the eternal annihilation beast in the blood pupil was not affected, which surprised him.

The black extinguishing liquid is extracted from the power of the eternal annihilation beast, which is restrained by the fire, but the power of the eternal annihilation beast is fine, indicating that the power is very advanced.

After cleaning for a long time, he released his spiritual thoughts and swept the blood pupils to make sure there was no abnormality before refining it into his own.

Thinking that this was left by the barbarian **** to the barbarian god, he dared not be careless, and recruited the fission clone to fuse with the blood pupil.

Because it had already been refined, as soon as the blood pupil entered the fission clone's body, it immediately fused and became a part of the body.

Also at this time, a sudden change occurred.

"Ding! The host's burst Libra bloodline is being forcibly fused!"

"Ding! Libra's bloodline is merging and healing!"

"Ding! The blood is thin, the fusion failed, and there is no way to heal!"

Ye Que shuddered, and quickly looked at his data panel.

as follows-

[Opened bloodlines: latent anger, nirvana, giant god, spirit seal, nightmare, dharma body, chaos, red lotus (transformable), three phantom gods (exclusive), open sky (exclusive), scales (exclusive, destroyed) )]

Libra is indeed ruined.

But just now, after his fission clone merged with the artificial Kaitian Zhiyao, it started to heal!

Think carefully.

"My bloodline was destroyed, but it didn't disappear, it just turned into an unhealable wound, but this man-made open sky glory can help me heal the wound!"

Forced fusion!

Can fuse wounds to a healed state!

With this in mind, Ye Que glared at his fission clone. Instead of immediately recalling the clone to the main body, he used many secret methods to carefully look at the fission clone.

With the element of a barbarian, he has always been cautious.

Resisting the excitement, this guy spent two days observing and judging.

It is finally determined that there is no abnormality after the fission clone fuses with the blood pupil.

In this way, he recalled the fission clone to the main body.

The moment the avatar entered the main body, the power of the blood pupil merged into the whole body of the main body.

Suddenly, a reminder sounded.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, you have obtained the man-made sky-opening glory-forced fusion!"

"Ding! The host's burst Libra bloodline is being forcibly fused!"

"Ding! Libra's bloodline is merging and healing!"

"Ding! Libra blood fusion healing progress: 1%...2%..."

Really healing.

Outside, night.

Long Ying leaned against the pillars in the frozen corridor, with a heroic look between her brows, but because she was so beautiful, that heroic look also gave her a bit of inviolability.

"It's been two days. Could it be that this guy has already packed up his spoils and gone lazy?"

She thought about it, and felt that it was not impossible.

If it was someone else, they would never dare to cheat and play tricks in front of her.

But Ye Que is different, this guy is a cunning guy, he is probably out on the loose.

For a moment, her face turned cold, as if covered with frost.

Once this idea came out, she couldn't forget it.

As time goes on, the more I think about it, the more I feel [biquge www.biqugew.co] is a possibility.

"Did this guy run out of the Ice Empress Domain again?"

"Damn it!"

The more Long Ying thought about it, the more she felt it was true, and she became more and more angry.

It's not that she didn't think that these were all speculations, but Ye Que's impression on her was too deep, she couldn't do otherwise.

It is estimated that if she keeps thinking like this, Ye Que will deceive her, play with her, and messy thoughts will appear.

Woman, no matter how long you live, once you get serious, you will be in the game. Once you are in the game, no matter how smart you are, you will become stupid.

Another day passed.

"Well, Ye Que, you dare to sneak out of the Ice Emperor's domain and deceive my good intentions. When I report to Lord Ice Emperor, I will personally take someone to Longhuang to arrest you!"

Long Ying's face was covered with frost, and she was full of evil spirits. When she was about to trouble Ye, she heard a loud noise explode in the sky.

The sound was crisp, like the sound of a bell or a drum, with a penetrating quality.

When she looked up, she saw that the night had turned into a golden starry sky, a golden scale suspended in the sky.

"Who is reckless in the Ice Empress Domain?"

Long Ying shouted coldly, and in an instant, many Ice Emperor guards soared into the sky and surrounded the golden scale.

At this moment, buzzing sounds came from all directions and penetrated into their ears.

When they looked around, groups of sky-blue bugs appeared from nowhere, and all flew into the golden starry sky.

[Author's Digression]: And

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