God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 2004: Get the Thunder of Doom


Long Ying said, the surrounding Ice Emperor guards gave Ye Que a thumbs up, thinking that you are awesome, in order to chase you back, Lord Ice Emperor did it himself, and almost fought with the barbarian god, in the end, you Nothing happened.

Ye Que turned his head longingly, looked at Shuiyuejing, and Shuiyuejing sent a voice transmission: "I have some great tonics, you can use them for the time being. When I develop the lost ancient Zhuang. Yang treasure, give it to me as soon as possible." You send it over."

Ye Que's face darkened, and he replied, "Fuck off."

Looking at the situation in front of us, we can only go to the northern Moyuan first.

"Alright, go to the northern desert, and take a trip to the Beiyuan Rift Valley, pick the flowers of destruction, and collect the remaining 500 million points."

Thinking of this, Ye Que looked worriedly into the depths of the Ba Clan Alliance.

He saw the barbarian go to the depths of the Ba Clan Alliance with his own eyes, and knew that the Longhuang War might continue.

Although the Ba Clan Alliance suffered heavy casualties, there are still remnants of soldiers, and with the presence of the barbarians, it is really hard to tell the direction of this war.

Before leaving, he chatted with Shui Yuejing, and after parting with Jiang Wanyue, he left with Long Ying.

The demon gods didn't leave, because Ye Que asked them to stay and help.

And the demon gods are also reluctant to leave, with the reward of the military merit list, they have tasted the sweetness, so naturally they will not leave easily.

Along the way, Long Ying and Ye Que chatted a lot.

It turned out that since Ye Que left, they returned to the Ice Emperor's Domain to rebuild their homeland, and they thought they would be attacked by the three raiders, Yuanshen.

I never thought that before the closure of the mountain, a coffin flew out of Jiusang Mountain to fight the three Yuanshen in a distant place.

Soon, the three Yuanshen were seriously injured and fled, no longer daring to peek at the Ice Emperor's domain.

I don't know what Jiusang Shenshan means. After this incident, the coffin returned, and Jiusang closed the mountain, regardless of world affairs.

Ye Que immediately thought of the Jiusang God's Tomb that was related to Gu Yuexi.

Suddenly, he thought of something, looked at the Ice Emperor at the front, and said to Long Ying with a sigh: "Actually, I shouldn't go back with you, I have a special status, and once I return to the Ice Emperor's domain, all the powerhouses in the Yuanshen Realm will Come trouble me."

He glanced at the Ice Empress again, seeing that the other party didn't respond, and was still flying forward, and said: "In my opinion, I should leave you now, so as not to cause trouble to the Ice Empress Domain."

"Run again, I'll break your leg."

The Ice Emperor snorted coldly.

Ye Que fell silent.

Long Ying secretly smiled, and said via voice transmission: "In the domain of the Ice Emperor, everyone lives and dies together, we are a whole."

Ye Que glanced at Long Ying and sighed.

The Ice Emperor opened the way without using the ultra-long-distance teleportation array, and returned to the northern desert in just half a moment.

Returning to the Ice Emperor's domain, Scarface waited for a long time at the edge of the domain. Seeing the Ice Emperor flying into the deepest part, he breathed a sigh of relief, stretched out his hand and shouted: "Big brother! Big brother!"

In addition to Scarface, there are also those personal maids of the Ice Emperor, Xueya and her little sisters.

They huddled together, and when they saw Ye Que come back, their expressions were excited, and their little faces were flushed.

When they parted from Ye Que back then, they felt uncomfortable, but luckily Ye Que came back.

But when the Ice Emperor returned, they didn't dare to delay outside. Seeing Ye Que's return, they were relieved and turned back to the depths of the domain.

Under the crack in the ice layer not far away, the old toad kicked its legs, jumped onto the ice layer, yawned, and when it saw Ye Que come back, it leapt again and returned to the crack.

Seeing so many people waiting for him, Ye Que was stunned when he saw his excited expression when he came back, and his heart changed a bit.

"Brother, originally we went to look for you together, but Master Bingdi seemed to sense the danger, so he sent us back first, which made me anxious to death."

Seeing Ye Que fall to the ground, Scarface hurriedly stepped forward and smiled flatteringly.

Although it was a flattering smile, Ye Que could tell that this guy was really distracted.

"Okay, okay, I'm the Ice Emperor's bodyguard, how could I leave you guys?"

Ye Que said in a bad mood.


Ye Que leaned against the frozen corridor, looking at the moonlit night.

This is the depths of the Ice Emperor's domain, a piece of palace buildings.

The Ice Emperor is in the innermost palace, and as a bodyguard, he naturally has to guard this place, so he was arranged here.

He was bored, he let out a breath, and the white mist rose.

"What should I call you?"

There was a voice from the side, and Ye Que looked to see Long Ying, with a mocking look in his eyes: "Should I call you Ye Nantian, or Ye Changqing? Or later crazy? Ye Wangzhao?"

Ye Que smiled awkwardly: "Call me Ye Que."

"real name?"

Long Ying asked suspiciously.

Ye Kuang nodded: "Sister Long, what are you doing here?"

"Shouldn't I be here?"

Long Ying frowned, looking at Ye Que, she couldn't help but think of that indelible back view of Kai Tian in the Beiyuan Rift Valley, which she will always remember in her heart.

"You are the leader, we dare not stop you wherever you go."

Ye Que couldn't get rid of the bad mouth, Long Ying's face turned dark.

The two were quiet for a while, Long Ying said: "Okay, go back to your training place, pack up the spoils, I'll help you guard here."

Ye Que's eyes lit up: "Thank you Long Jie."

"Don't be too noisy, go back."

Long Ying waved her hand, looking impatient.

Ye Que left in a hurry, returned to the training ground, arranged the formation, and then returned to the inner world.

He glanced at the floating "Corpse Disintegration Art", hesitated for a moment, and put it into the magic jar in the center of the soul sea.

Only then did he sit down cross-legged and took out the ring that sealed the origin of Man Tianshen.

After thinking about it, he said, "It's better to be safe."

He remembered the scene when he used the ancient god's magic hand, and the barbarian **** almost took him away, so he took back the ring, absorbed the cultivation resources, and adjusted his breath.

Several hours passed, and the divine power in his body was full. Although the Eye of Casting World was injured, it was no longer serious and could be used at any time.

After the status was adjusted, he opened the storage ring.

As soon as the ring was opened, the chaotic black origin flew out from the ring, and Ye Que opened the Eye of Casting the World, fixing it in the distance.

The original power, he found that other than the Eye of Casting World, other powers could not be affected at all.

"There is the Thunder of Eternal Law and Myriad Tribulations in it, as well as the power of Opening Heaven's Glory contained in the blood pupil..."

Ye Que reviewed the power types of the barbarian gods, and immediately let the eyes of the world cast off the black source, run its own speed and eternal law, open the eyes of the mind, and explore the treasures in the source.

Immediately, he sensed that there was dark matter in the source, that is, the power of the black extinguishing liquid.

Ye Que turned his left eye into an eye of fire, just in case.

Perceived again, there is a power similar to the eternal law of speed in the origin of the barbarian god.

"Thunder of Myriad Tribulations!"

Ye Que resolutely used the ancient god's hand to take out that power.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Eternal Law—Thunder of Myriad Tribulations!"

Ye Que looked at the ball of black thunder in his hand, smiled, and then erupted the flames in the kindling seed. After purification, he summoned the fission clone and let it absorb it.

There were no accidents in the whole process, but he was cautious, and let the fission clone beside him feel the thunder of a thousand calamities by himself.

He continued to search for the treasure in the source, and found a **** eyeball.

"Huh? That blood pupil."

Ye Que always remembered the **** eyes of the Mantian God, and there used to be a finger of the Mantian God hidden in it, but what he cared most about was the aura of the glory of the sky.

The blood pupil is very mysterious, making him feel that there is the power of Kaitian Zhiyao inside, but it is vague, it doesn't seem to be like Kaitian Zhiyao.

He pulls it out of its source.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Man-made Open Sky Glory - Forced Fusion!"

Ye Que blurted out a **** sentence.

Opening the glory of the sky, can it be artificial?

"Brave God, you didn't make it, did you?"

Ye Que's face changed slightly.

[Author's digression]: Good night, see you tomorrow

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