God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 2006: Absolute fairness strikes again

"Destroy them!"

Long Ying gave the order, waved one hand, and attracted a ball of world-killing fire, which raised the temperature of the world, and when she was about to throw it out to burn the bugs, Ye Que's voice sounded.

"Don't, don't, I raised it, I raised it."

Ye Que opened the worm bag in the distance and released the star sea worm that had been sleeping for countless years. Suddenly seeing Long Ying and the rest of the guards wanting to make a move, he hurriedly stopped it.

Long Ying stopped her hands, but her face was very angry, she looked at Ye Que, asking where are you going to fool around.

Ye Que was delighted, but he didn't notice this, his attention was all on the star sea worm.

He made a move with one hand: "Fuck, awesome, come here."

The nine naives leading the sky-blue star sea worms were all as big as watermelons, with dark red texture all over their bodies. When they heard their master's voice, they turned around joyfully and went straight to Ye Que.

Among them, the trough and awesomeness, at the very front, the body is already pale golden.

The long-lost **** and bullshit.

As soon as the two goods flew over, they buzzed around Ye Quefei.


Looking at them, Ye Que sighed, and couldn't help but think of the scenes in the universe of the ancient gods.

So far, they are still in the realm of creation.

Back then, Ye Que also helped them break through to the True God Realm, but when they reached the True God Realm, the life balance of the Zerg living in groups was broken. They did not live in groups, but devoured each other.

Ye Que couldn't bear to see them killing each other, so he kept them in the realm of creation.

But, although it is the realm of creation, there are golden scales.

"Go, let's try your power."

Ye Que couldn't wait, and went straight to the golden starry sky.

Within the scope of the starry sky, it is an absolutely fair field.

He went in first, and then attracted nine fools.

As soon as the nine hanhans entered, what the **** and the awesome burst into golden light instantly, and with a low growl, the aura of the realm of creation soared instantly.

Long Ying and the others stared wide-eyed, looking at the two worms in horror, from the realm of creation, to the true god, the great true god, Yuanxu, Void Immortal, Master, and even the elementary Yuanzun.

Beings in the Source God Realm are born with the power to create a realm of dharma, but because they are suppressed by the rules of the Source God Realm, they can only create dharma like ordinary people.

In fact, no matter who it is, if they don't have the strength to create the Law Realm or above, they will be crushed by the rules the moment they enter the Source God Realm.

Even in the realm of creation, it is only a slightly stronger life in the realm of source gods.

At this moment, in their eyes, these mortal-like bugs have transformed into the first-level Yuanzun above the gods, and they are not ordinary elementary-level Yuanzun, whose strength is so fast reaching the peak of the middle-level Yuanzun up.

"Not bad, not bad, when Void Immortal, you can only upgrade five, now Yuanzun, you can also upgrade two, enough!"

Ye Que looked at the densely clustered star sea worms around him, thinking that this was inexhaustible combat power.

Fair, so **** fair!

He smiled.

It needs to be said here.

Libra: No matter how strong or weak the alien life is, once it enters the range of the golden starry sky, its strength will become exactly the same as the owner of Libra.

This is absolutely fair.


Although it is absolutely fair, there are flaws.

Since Ye Que broke through the boundary of the Real God Realm and came to another higher world, some changes occurred in the blood of Libra.

Like now, no matter how many lives enter the golden starry sky, only two can become as powerful as Ye Que.

In the final analysis, it was because Ye Que's realm was too high, and he had reached the limit of Libra's bloodline ability.


Ye Que put away the golden scales and smiled with satisfaction.

This is one of his bottom box tricks, and it cannot be released at will.

Taking the star sea worm back underground, facing Long Ying's angry face, he wondered, "Long Jie, what's wrong?"

"Where have you been these few days?"

Long Ying suppressed her surprise and anger, and asked in a deep voice.

"Collect the spoils, thanks to Long Jie for her help."

Ye Que laughed.

Long Ying fell silent, holding back for a long time before turning around and leaving with a cold face, which made Ye Que confused, and finally had no choice but to go back to the frozen corridor and continue to guard.

A few days later, a replacement guard came on duty, and Ye Que left.

He immediately went to Long Ying and applied for a trip. Long Ying was sulking for several days and didn't want to approve it at first, but she was so sulky after being coaxed by Ye Que, so she approved it.

This has to be put in the past, Longying is not allowed to eat.

Ye Que didn't think much about it, his tongue was always slippery, it was easy to say good things, and he settled the matter easily.

So, this thing left.

Flying all the way out of the Ice Emperor's domain, when he passed the crack in the ice layer on the edge, he specially greeted the old toad.

At the beginning, he cheated on this toad, and he was a little guilty, but now he can make up for a little bit.

"Be careful, you have retreated for the past few days, Ice Empress has gone out several times, and fought with many source gods."

The old toad rolled his eyes and yawned to remind Ye Que.

Ye Que's heart moved, no wonder no Yuanshen came to make trouble, it turned out that they were all blocked by the Bingdi.

"I didn't expect my face to be so big."

Ye Que smiled mischievously.

"Boy, the Ice Empress Domain is a whole, advancing and retreating together."

The old toad waved his hand, and went deep into sleep.

The Ice Empress Domain is a whole, Ye Que has heard this sentence many times.

He thought for a while, and finally returned to the Ice Emperor's domain, cast the sky, and landed directly in the vicinity of Beiyuan Rift Valley.

Nine hundred miles to the east from here, he met Shuiyuejing.

This is where the two meet.

As soon as they met, Shuiyue Jing said with a solemn expression: "Boy Ye, is the corpse disintegration technique available?"

"Talk and walk."

Ye Que went straight to the Beiyuan Rift, saw Shuiyue Jing following up, and said, "Yes, always there."

"Very good, after you understand the technique of dissolving corpses and transforming into gods, contact me again. When the time comes, we will add up, and you can use the technique of dissolving corpses and transforming bodies. If you are lucky, you will directly become the source god!"

When Shui Yuejing said this, Ye Que paused.

"That is the long-lost corpse autopsy book. Although it is only one-ninth, it is enough for you to become Yuanshen."

Shuiyue mirror chuckled.

"One ninth is enough to become Yuanshen?"

Ye Que heard the key.

Shui Yuejing nodded and gave him a tacit look.

Ye Que digested the shocking news, and said again: "Since it's an autopsy, I must bury myself. I have nine sky marks, and I have hope to enter the source god, so it's not worth autopsy."

"Who said you're going to bury your ancient divine body?"

Shui Yuejing raised her head proudly with her hands behind her back and hummed: "Your life level in turtle form is too low. When you break through to Yuanshen, it will definitely hold you back. You can bury it and dissect it to become Yuanshen level directly." Isn't the giant tortoise fragrant?"

"Master Pei is amazing."

Ye Que gave a thumbs up, and he was worried that the turtle form would hold him back, and he wanted to find a more advanced giant turtle Tuntun, but it was unrealistic.

Although there are such giant tortoises among the ten evil spirits of Yuanshen, it doesn't matter whether they can be found or not, even if they can be found, they cannot be defeated.

"Hehe, if you have something to do, Mr. Pei, if you have nothing to do, break the mirror?"

Shui Yuejing smiled disdainfully, having already seen through Ye Xiaozi's face.

Ye Que sighed: "Back then you lulled me into the Origin God Realm, and was followed by the Eternal Ancestor, making me unable to return home..."

"Ahem, let's not talk about these nonsense, I will accompany you to the Beiyuan Rift, and after you pick the flowers of destruction and exchange them for points, you can study the art of dissolving corpses and transforming spirits with peace of mind."

Shui Yuejing coughed immediately, not daring to smile disdainfully.

[Author's digression]: Good night, see you tomorrow (this is the last world, there are not many bloodlines that can be awakened, and after the bloodlines are awakened, Ye Que's path will come to an end)

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