God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 2001: 90 billion injuries per second

The barbarians chased and killed Ye Que all over the place.

Ye Que's wounded body was covered in blood, and his chest and back had wounds where the bones could be seen. It was very miserable, but after swallowing a lot of cultivation resources, the injury was finally relieved, and his aura was rapidly rising.

Without the suppression of the barbarian finger, and with the recovery of 30% of his divine power, he no longer needed to flee.

"It's your turn to run!"

Ye Que said coldly, the Eternal Law of the original battle broke out, and the whole body burst into red and angry light.

In an instant, the bleeding eye of casting the world locks on the barbarian god, and there is no need to peel it off, because it consumes too much, it only needs to restrict the barbarian god's actions.

The barbarian **** who was locked did not realize that he was restricted, because he hadn't moved yet, and he could only be aware of it by moving.

Although he would be discovered soon, the time for Ye Que to activate his supernatural power was enough before the Mantian God discovered it.

"Ninety billion supernatural powers!"

Ye Que's six arms swayed, and the dual blades and weapons temporarily disappeared, only densely packed magical powers appeared in an instant, flooding the sky and the earth, like a galaxy falling down, suspended here.

This is the magical power of Potian.

It is also a true sea of ​​supernatural powers.

Man Tianshen was stunned for a moment, his deep black pupils contracted, and he took a deep breath, feeling a chill on his back.

As a disciple of the barbarian god, he has seen the battles of the source gods and the duels of the top geniuses, and many of the special magical powers in them are even more common among them.

But he swears that he has never seen, let alone personally experienced, the move that evolves into 90 billion supernatural powers in an instant.


Man Tianshen was shocked, angry and jealous.

This lower realm ant whom he has always looked down upon has risen all the way, from being suppressed by him to being able to dissolve the finger of the barbarian god, and until now, he still has the strength to display such a terrifying sea-melting supernatural power.

Only he deserves such a genius method!

Why do you own the ancient **** in front of you?

His background, aptitude and status are enough to get rid of the opponent by a whole block, so why does he not have such a monstrous means, but the opponent can have it?

If he knew what Ye Que went through in his life, he would know why he didn't have it, but Ye Que had it.


The thunder of myriad calamities exploded on Man Tianshen's body and turned into a sea of ​​thunder, which could arouse a thunderbolt, but it was still not enough to look at in front of the sea of ​​supernatural powers.

Of course, Man Tianshen didn't want to fight with him, to head-to-head with the other party's Huahai supernatural power, and anyone with a good mind would not do this.

He wants to use the speed of thunder to stay away from this place.

Just the next moment, his face changed.

Slowed down.

It seems that the body is restricted by something, as if stuck in a quagmire.

He looked at Ye Que suddenly, but he couldn't see it anymore, he could only see Wang Yang's magical powers, and angrily shouted: "It's you!"

But what responded to him was 90 billion magical powers.

Rumble! !

Ninety billion magical powers directly overwhelmed the Mantian God.

This scene frightened the people watching the battle.

It wasn't that they were worried about Man Tianshen, but that they were frightened by Ye Que's methods.

As soon as the barbarian's finger was resolved, 90 billion magical powers were smashed out, which is enough to show that Ye Gushen is powerful, and it is not as simple as they imagined.

Many Tianjiao, such as the Son of God in the Beginning, the Tianjiao of Yintiandu, etc., have seen Ye Que but almost ignored them, and now their bodies are tense and their faces are pale.

Looking back, they also wanted to challenge and tease this mysterious Son of God.

Looking at it now, it was because they didn't want to cause trouble at all, otherwise, they would really be slapped twice, and no one would be able to bear it.

After this battle today, if Ye Gushen can win, let alone whether he can win, no matter where he goes in the future, he will be a deterrent, and no one will dare to ignore him or look down on him.

The drama planned by the barbarian **** has made Ye Gushen.

Let this foolish person be careless, Ye, who has always been looked down upon by others, has truly become a heavyweight that no one can ignore.

The barbarian who had been watching the battle in the sea of ​​clouds in the distance had an expressionless expression on his face, until his disciple's 90 billion magical powers fell on his body, and his face became gloomy.

"Ye Que..."

He murmured in a low voice, recalling that when he went to the Realm of God, he could destroy the bloodline of Ye Que and the empress with a casual word, just like playing with ants.

But now he has repeatedly lost face, his eyes are slightly narrowed, and a monstrous killing intent is brewing in his heart.

Rumble! !

Ninety billion magical powers smashed down, drowning the barbarian gods, and the earth became a sea of ​​magical powers, as if everything was about to be destroyed.

Man Tianshen shouted loudly, the thunder of a thousand calamities triggered the thunder of heaven, condensed into an ancient thunder path, and traversed the world.

He walked out covered in blood, walking on the thunder road, his body crackled, and an ancient vision manifested from the wound, the blood was flowing back, and the injury recovered quickly.

This is the physical embodiment of a perfect overbearing body.

Even if the 90 billion magical powers fell down, he did not seriously injure him, but his aura became even more terrifying. This is a physique that gets stronger as you fight.

Ye Que saw it, no wonder Shui Yuejing said it was a physique comparable to a super ancient god.

However, the super ancient **** has become history in front of Ye Que.

His strongest are Chaozhan Ancient God and Kaitian Zhanlian, which of them is stronger and weaker, even he can't tell the difference.

After all, it was the first time he had shown the form of Kaitian Zhanlian in this battle, and he had never opened it like this before, and he would not have opened it like this without the persecution of Manshen Yizhi.

"Ye Gushen, do you dare to fight me?"

Man Tianshen shouted loudly, with every step he took there was a sky-shattering aura surging upwards.

The strongest point of the perfect hegemony lies in melee combat. The more you fight, the stronger you become, the more fierce you fight, and even the moves you make will evolve into stronger magical powers in melee.


Everyone laughed when they heard these two words.

Man Tianshen wants to perform shamelessness to the extreme.

First he took advantage of others' danger and became arrogant, and then he was suppressed and asked to make people fight him, otherwise he would not dare or be cowardly, which is really ridiculous.

"Satisfy you."

Ye Que smiled coldly.

"Hahaha, idiot!"

Man Tianshen grinned, and stepped out of thousands of thunderbolts in one step. The thunderbolts turned into soldiers, like thousands of troops and horses, with the momentum of gods, and wanted to destroy everything in the world.

He came with thousands of thunder soldiers.

Ye Que was not afraid, he used the eternal speed method, and easily dodged, but if he couldn't dodge, the magic pestle, magic chain and stick opened the way.

The two collided, smashing out hundreds of millions of divine fires, shaking the world.

Everyone was staring intently, their expressions were tense, and the next moment, they were dumbfounded.

Ninety billion supernatural powers reappear!

After Ye Que's close combat, six hands drew out a sea of ​​supernatural powers, which directly stuck to the face of Man Tianshen.

And this is just the beginning.

Who said that 90 billion supernatural powers are just a one-time big move?

In Ye's hands, it takes only an instant to perform 90 billion supernatural powers.

Since it is a moment, then the next moment can also continue to be performed.

Thus, Unlimited Firepower appeared.

"Aren't you going to fight melee?"

Man Tianshen was terrified, and as soon as he finished speaking, nine billion magical powers were smeared on his face.

"Yeah, I'm in close combat. I'm so close to you. What's wrong? Are you not satisfied?"

Ye Que continued to perform 90 billion supernatural powers, and he played this big move into a second damage output.

One second is 90 billion damage.

No matter how thick the barbarian god's blood volume is, he can't sustain the 90 billion second damage.

[Author's Digression]: And

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